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We can begin with test cases.moiji-mobile Emu-PCU contextFailed to create NS instance emu/pcu_emu.cppAll tests executed.A simple test that verifies that N(U) is increasing across various messages. This makes sure that no new LLE/LLME is created on the fly.gprs_attach_with_tmsiA simple test to do a GPRS attach and open a PDP context. Then goes to sleep and waits for you to ping the connection and hopefully re-produce a crash.gprs_full_attach_pdp_activationmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-pcu-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hsize >= headroomAssert failed %s %s:%d create msg.@q- b gsC*BB  .0B@emu/test_replay_gprs_attach.cppgprs_tlli_type(tlli) == TLLI_FOREIGNTLLI(0x%08x) is foreign! ph.cmd == GPRS_LLC_UIph.sapi == 1ph.seq_tx == next_wanted_nuGPRS attach with increasing N(U) done.Unsupported SACK frame emu/openbsc_clone.cmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-pcu-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hsize >= headroomAssert failed %s %s:%d create msg&q 0  4*B| :IP(!l" I[ UZ A !(interneteplusde'*#eplusinternet!ϐemu/test_pdp_activation.cppgh->msg_type == GSM48_MT_GMM_ATTACH_ACKTLVP_PRESENT(&ack_tp, GSM48_IE_GMM_ALLOC_PTMSI)New TLLI(0x%08x) based on tmsi(0x%x) PDP context is active or not...Unknown state. %d - Skipping TS %d, because not enabled alloc_algo.cpp- Skipping TS %d, because %s Skipping TS %d of TRX=%d, because it has different TSC than lower TS of TRX. In order to allow multislot, all slots must be configured with the same TSC! - Skipping TS %d, because no TFI available - Skipping TS %d, because no USF available - Skipping TS %d, because num TBFs %d > %d - Skipping TS %d, because num TBFs %d >= %d - Requested incompatible TRX %d (current is %d) DLULsinglemulti[%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): Alloc start A[%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): failed to find a usable TRX (TFI exhausted) need to reuse TSneed to use a reserved common TS[%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): failed to allocate a TS, no USF available [%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): failed to allocate a TS, no TFI available Slot Allocation (Algorithm B) for class %d Multislot class %d not applicable. - Possible DL/UL slots: (TS=0)"%s"(TS=7) No valid UL/DL slot combination found uplinkdownlinkNo %s slots available %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cSelected %s slots: (TS=0)"%s"(TS=7), %s No USF available B[%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): failed to allocate a TFI [%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): first slot unavailable [%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): first common slot unavailable [%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): using single slot at TS %d [%s] algo %s <%s> (suggested TRX: %d): using %d slots - Available DL/UL slots: (TS=0)"%s"(TS=7) Enabling algorithm B Disabling algorithm B DCSN1Concrete Syntax Notation One (CSN1)DL1IFGPRS PCU L1 interface (L1IF)DRLCMACGPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)DRLCMACDATAGPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)DRLCMACDLGPRS RLC/MAC layer Downlink (RLCMAC)DRLCMACULGPRS RLC/MAC layer Uplink (RLCMAC)DRLCMACSCHEDGPRS RLC/MAC layer Scheduling (RLCMAC)DRLCMACMEASGPRS RLC/MAC layer Measurements (RLCMAC)DMSMobile Station (MS)DTBFTemporary Block Flow (TBF)DTBFDLTemporary Block Flow (TBF) DownlinkDTBFULTemporary Block Flow (TBF) UplinkDNSGPRS Network Service Protocol (NS)DPCUGPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)DNACCNetwork Assisted Cell Change (NACC)DRIMRAN Information Management (RIM)DE1E1 line handling/opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-pcu-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/bit16gen.hn <= sizeof(r)Assert failed %s %s:%d /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-pcu-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/bit32gen.hrx_paging_csAmount of paging CS requests receivedrx_paging_psAmount of paging PS requests receivedpcu:sgsnSGSN StatisticsGot BSSGP RA Capability of size %d gprs_bssgp_pcu.cBSSGP TLLI=0x%08x Rx UL-UD missing mandatory IE BSSGP TLLI=0x%08x Rx UL-UD IE_LLC_PDU too large Failed to parse IMSI IE (rc=%d) Got downlink MS class %d/%d BSSGP invalid length of PDU_LIFETIME IE BSSGP missing mandatory PDU_LIFETIME IE BSSGP invalid length of TLLI (old) IE noneLLC [SGSN -> PCU] = TLLI: 0x%08x IMSI: %s len: %d IMSI Mobile Identity mandatory IE not found Invalid IMSI Mobile Identity TMSI IE has odd length (!= 4) Neither TMSI IE nor IMSI IE is present No IMSI PS-Paging request already pending for IMSI=%s rx BVC_S_BLOCKED 0Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (PTP) DL_UNITDATA Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (PTP) %s Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (PTP) PDU type %s not implemented Rx BSSGP BVCI=%u (PTP) PDU type %s unexpected at PTP Rx BSSGP BVCI=%u (PTP) PDU type %s unknown Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (SIGN) %s Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (SIGN) BVC_RESET_ACK Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (SIGN) BVC_UNBLOCK_ACK Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (SIGN) PDU type %s not implemented Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (SIGN) PDU type %s unexpected at SIGN Rx BSSGP BVCI=%d (SIGN) PDU type %s unknown Failed to parse BSSGP %s message. Invalid message was: %s Rx an invalid BVC-RESET %s Rx BVC-RESET for an unknown BVCI %d NSEI=%u/BVCI=%u Rejecting PDU type %s for unknown BVCI rx BVCI_SIGNALLING gprs_bssgp_rx_sign rx BVCI_PTM bssgp_tx_status rx BVCI_PTP=%u gprs_bssgp_rx_ptp Got NM-STATUS.ind, BVCI=%d, NSEI=%d Received BSSGP STATUS message for an unknown BVCI (%d), ignored Rx BVC_RESET on bvci %d NSEI=%u BVC RESET without cause?! NSEI=%u BVC PTP reset procedure failed: %d NS-NSE %d SNS configured. NS-NSE %d became available NS-NSE %d became unavailable NS: %s Unknown affecting cause %s / %d from NS NS: %s Unknown prim %d from NS NS: %s Unknown prim %s / %d from NS No bctx No bts Estimated BVC leak rate = %d (measured %d, usage %d%%) Computed BVC leak rate = %d, num_pdch = %d, cs = %s Computed MS default leak rate = %d, ms_num_pdch = %d, cs = %s Sending FLOW CONTROL BVC, Bmax = %d, R = %d, Bmax_MS = %d, R_MS = %d, avg_dly = %d Sending reset on BVCI 0 Sending reset on BVCI %d Sending unblock on BVCI %d Sending flow control info on BVCI %d Failed to create NSE pcu%uFailed to bind to %s Failed to add bind %s to the NSE for IP-SNS Failed to bind to any NS-VC Failed to add SNS endpoint %s! Failed to connect to towards SGSN %s! Removing NSVC %s Failed to connect! Failed to create BSSGP context the_pcu->bssgp.ctrs SI1 SI3 SI13TX RAN INFO RESPONSE (NACC) %s: Some SI are missing:%s%s%s gprs_bssgp_rim.cPRx RAN-INFO cell=%s type=%sBCCH num_si=%d (NSEI=%u) Rx RAN-INFO-REQ for cell %s with unknown/wrong application ID %s -- reject. (NSEI=%u) reporting cell in RIM application container %s does not match destination cell in RIM routing info %s -- rejected. (NSEI=%u) Responding to RAN INFORMATION REQUEST %s ... Rx RAN-INFO for cell %s with unknown/wrong application ID %s received -- reject. %s Rx RAN-INFO with an app error! cause: %s bp->oph.sap == SAP_BSSGP_RIMAssert failed %s %s:%d (NSEI=%u) Only GERAN supported, destination cell is not a GERAN cell -- rejected. (NSEI=%u) Destination cell %s unknown to this pcu (NSEI=%u) Erroneous RIM PDU received for cell %s -- reject. (NSEI=%u) RIM PDU not handled by this application falsemsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) TX: [PCU -> BTS] Paging Request (CCCH) MI=%s gprs_rlcmac.c2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2bTX: [PCU -> BTS] Failed to encode Paging Request Application Information Request with zero length received! app_info_msgmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) ms:dl_ctrl_msg_schedAmount of DL CTRL messages scheduledpcu:msMS Statistics+-%s: %s %s: now used by %s gprs_ms.cms_is_idle(ms)Assert failed %s %s:%d %s Release timer expired gprs_ms.c:107%s LLC receive timeout, requesting DL ACK struct GprsMsbtsCreating MS object osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, use_ref, 1) == 0gprs_ms.c:178%s Destroying MS object ms->ul_tbf == NULLms->dl_tbf == NULLgprs_ms.c:233gprs_ms.c:242%s Schedule MS release in %lu secs %s Cancel scheduled MS release mstbftbf_ms(tbf) == ms%s Attaching UL TBF: %s osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, "tbf", 1) == 0%s Attaching DL TBF: %s !ms_tbf_is_attached(ms, tbf)%s Detaching TBF: %s osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, "tbf", -1) == 0%s Clearing MS object old_ms != msosmo_use_count_get_put(&(old_ms)->use_count, __func__, 1) == 0%s Merge MS: %s osmo_use_count_get_put(&(old_ms)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0Modifying MS object, UL TLLI: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x, not yet confirmed Modifying MS object, TLLI: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x, already confirmed partly The MS object cannot fully confirm an unexpected TLLI: 0x%08x, partly confirmed Modifying MS object, TLLI: 0x%08x confirmed Expected IMSI! No valid IMSI '%s'! Modifying MS object, TLLI = 0x%08x, IMSI '%s' -> '%s' %s IMSI '%s' was already assigned to another MS object: TLLI = 0x%08x, that IMSI will be removed Modifying MS object, TLLI = 0x%08x, TA %d -> %d MS object, TLLI = 0x%08x, invalid TA %d rejected (old value %d kept) Modifying MS object, TLLI = 0x%08x, MS class %d -> %d Modifying MS object, TLLI = 0x%08x, EGPRS MS class %d -> %d %s Avoid enabling EGPRS because use of MCS is disabled: ul=%u dl=%u %s Enabled EGPRS, mode %s max_cs_dlMS (IMSI %s): High error rate %d%%, reducing CS level to %s MS (IMSI %s): Low error rate %d%%, increasing DL CS level to %s MS (IMSI %s): Low error rate %d%%, ignored (within blocking period) MS (IMSI %s): Medium error rate %d%%, ignored ms->bts != NULLmax_cs_ul cannot be derived (current UL CS: %s) Unable to update UL (M)CS because it's not set: %s Unable to update UL (M)CS %s because we don't have link quality measurements. Unable to update UL (M)CS because it's neither GPRS nor EDGE: %s %s Link quality %ddB (old %ddB) left window [%d, %d], modifying uplink CS level: %s -> %s i >= 0 && i <= 3%s MS (mode=%s) suggests transmitting DL %s, downgrade to %s in order to match TBF & scheduler requirements pdchMS(IMSI-%s:TLLI-0x%08x:TA-%u:MSCLS-%u-%u:UL:DL)!dl_tbf || tbf_state(dl_tbf_as_tbf_const(dl_tbf)) == TBF_ST_WAIT_REUSE_TFI%s Timeslot Allocation failed: trx = %d, single_slot = %d %s ul_tbf_alloc() failed %s dl_tbf_alloc() failed %s [DOWNLINK] START (PACCH) %s [DOWNLINK] START (PCH) %s appending %u bytes to DL LLC queue llc_pdu_queue%s in WAIT RELEASE state (T3192), so reuse TBF ms_merge_and_clear_msTimeout for pagingReturn to packet idle mode after Packet DL Assignment on CCCH (s)Timeout for contention resolution procedure (s)Wait Indication used in Imm Ass Reject during TBF Establishment (PACCH)[ARFCN+BSIC]->[RAC+CI] resolution timeout (ms)RIM RAN-INFO response timeout (ms)[ARFCN+BSIC]->[RAC+CI] resolution cache entry storage timeout (s)[RAC+CI]->[SI] resolution cache entry storage timeout (s)BSSGP (un)blocking procedures timer (s)BSSGP reset procedure timer (s)Delay release of UL TBF after tx Packet Access Reject (PACCH) (ms)DL TBF PACCH assignment timeout (s)Waiting after IMM.ASS confirm timer (ms)Time to keep an idle MS object alive (s)Time to keep an idle DL TBF alive (ms)gprs_pcu.c:66struct gprs_pcugprs_pcu.cpcuAssert failed %s %s:%d /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-pcu-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/bit16gen.hn <= sizeof(r)Assert failed %s %s:%d n <= sizeof(x)msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) pcu_sock_txPCU_VERSIONPCU_OML_ALERTpcu_l1_if.cppt == PCU_VERSIONpcu_l1_if.cpp:150Sending %s TXT as %s to BTS activatedeactivate%s Sending %s request (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u) FN=%u Sending data request: sapi=%d arfcn=%d cur_fn=%d block=%d data=%s (bts=%u) Tx Neighbor Address Resolution Request: %u-%u-%u-%u %s Received DATA.ind (PDTCH) on disabled TS BTS%d: %s %d Received PCU data indication that contains no data -- Revoked SI13. Received PCU data indication that contains an unsupported system information identifier (%02x,OSMO) -- ignored. Received PCU data indication: Revoked SI%s SI2 Neighbour cells in same band:Error decoding SI13 Timers incorrectly configured! T3192 >= T3193 Received PCU data indication that contains an unsupported system information identifier (%02x,RR) -- ignored. Received PCU data indication: Updated %s: %s Received PCU data indication with unexpected data length: %u -- ignored. (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u) FN=%u Rx DATA.ind: sapi=%d arfcn=%d cur_fn=%d block=%d data=%s %s FN=%u Rx DATA.ind PDTCH: BER10k = %d, BTO = %d, Q = %d (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u) FN=%u Rx DATA.ind with unsupported sapi %d Data confirm received: sapi=%d Received PCU data confirm with unsupported sapi %d %s FN=%u RX RTS.req: sapi=%d arfcn=%d cur_fn=%d block=%d (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u) FN=%u RX RTS.req with unsupported sapi %d RACH request received: sapi=%d qta=%d, ra=0x%02x, fn=%u (rfn=%u), cur_fn=%d, is_11bit=%d RACH request contains fn=%u that exceeds valid limits (0-%u) -- ignored! Received PCU rach request with unsupported sapi %d NS%u nsvci=%u invalid NS%u address: r=%s:%u<->l=NULL:%u No NSVC available to connect to the SGSN! (unspecified)osmo-bts-lc15osmo-bts-oc2gosmo-bts-octphyosmo-bts-sysmoosmo-bts-trxericsson-rbsmore than one BTS regsitered at this PCU. This PCU has only been tested with one BTS! OS#5930 Info indication received: PCU interface version number of BTS/BSC (%u) is different (%u). Please use a BTS/BSC with a compatble interface! BTS not available BTS available mcc=%03u mnc=%0*u lac=%d rac=%d cell_id=%d bsic=%d nsei=%d nse_timer=%d %d %d %d %d %d %d cell_timer=%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d repeat_time=%d repeat_count=%d bvci=%d t3142=%d t3169=%d t3191=%d t3193=%d (ms) t3195=%d n3101=%d n3103=%d n3105=%d cv_countdown=%d dl_tbf_ext=%d ul_tbf_ext=%d Use CS%d Use MCS%d (VTY forced, ignoring) initial_cs=%u%s initial_mcs=%u%s Failed to init BSSGP TRX %d hlayer1=%x Failed to open direct PHY access for PDCH. its->ma_bit_len <= sizeof(pdch->fh.ma) * 8yesnoPDCH (trx=%u, ts=%u): tsc=%u, hopping=%s BTS model: %s struct e1_ccu_conn_parse1_ccu_conn_pars(ts=%u,trx=%u) new E1 CCU communication parameters for CCU (E1-line:%u, E1-TS:%u, E1-SS:%u, rate:%ukbps) Time indication received: %d Paging request received: chan_needed=%d length=%d Paging identity too large (%u) Failed to decode Mobile Identity in Paging Request (rc=%d) Unexpected MI type %u GPRS Suspend request received: TLLI=0x%08x RAI=%s Application Information Request received: type=0x%08x len=%i Packet Application Information will not be sent, no subscribers with active TBF Previous Packet Application Information was not sent to all subscribers, overwriting with new one Sending Packet Application Information to %i subscribers with active TBF Rx Neighbor Address Resolution Confirmation for %u-%u-%u-%u: %s Rx Neighbor Address Resolution Confirmation for %u-%u-%u-%u: failed with err_code=%u Rx container(NEIGH_ADDR_CNF) message too short: %u vs exp %zu (bts=%d) Rx unexpected msg type (%u) inside container! Received message for new BTS%d Failed to create object for BTS%d! Received %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive %s size is %zu, discarding pcu_prim->u.data_indpcu_prim->u.data_cnf2pcu_prim->u.rts_reqpcu_prim->u.rach_indpcu_prim->u.info_indpcu_prim->u.e1_ccu_indpcu_prim->u.time_indpcu_prim->u.pag_reqpcu_prim->u.susp_reqpcu_prim->u.app_info_reqpcu_prim->u.containerReceived %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive container sizeis %zu, discarding Received unknown PCU msg type %d /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-pcu-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127dl-unknowndl-dummydl-ctrldl-data-gprsdl-data-egprsdl-ptcchdl-agchdl-pchul-unknownul-dummyul-ctrlul-data-gprsul-data-egprsul-rachul-ptcchUnknown / Unparseable / Erroneous Downlink BlocksDownlink Dummy BlocksDownlink Control BlocksDownlink Data Blocks (GPRS)Downlink Data Blocks (EGPRS)Downlink PTCCH BlocksDownlink AGCH BlocksDownlink PCH BlocksUplink Dummy BlocksUplink Control BlocksUplink Data Blocks (GPRS)Uplink Data Blocks (EGPRS)Uplink RACH BurstsUplink PTCCH Burstsgsmtap-remote-host [HOSTNAME]Enable GSMTAP Um logging (see also 'gsmtap-category') Remote IP address or hostname ('localhost' if omitted) localhost %% This command requires restart%sno gsmtap-remote-hostNegate a command or set its defaults Disable GSMTAP Um logging pcu_vty.c:95gsmtap-category (enable-all|disable-all)Enable/disable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP Enable all kinds of messages (all categories) Disable all kinds of messages (all categories) enable-allHIDDEN%s(config-pcu)# pcu%s flow-control-interval %d%s flow-control force-bvc-bucket-size %d%s flow-control force-bvc-leak-rate %d%s flow-control force-ms-bucket-size %d%s flow-control force-ms-leak-rate %d%s cs %d%s cs %d %d%s cs max %d%s cs max %d %d%s cs threshold %d %d%s no cs threshold%s cs downgrade-threshold %d%s no cs downgrade-threshold%s cs link-quality-ranges cs1 %d cs2 %d %d cs3 %d %d cs4 %d%s mcs link-quality-ranges mcs1 %d mcs2 %d %d mcs3 %d %d mcs4 %d %d mcs5 %d %d mcs6 %d %d mcs7 %d %d mcs8 %d %d mcs9 %d%s mcs %d%s mcs %d %d%s mcs max %d%s mcs max %d %d%s window-size %d %d%s egprs dl arq-type arq2%s queue lifetime infinite%s queue lifetime %d%s queue hysteresis %d%s queue idle-ack-delay %d%s queue codel%s no queue codel%s queue codel interval %d%s alloc-algorithm a%s alloc-algorithm b%s alloc-algorithm dynamic%s two-phase-access%s alpha %u%s gamma %d%s no dl-tbf-preemptive-retransmission%s multislot-class default %u%s/tmp/pcu_bts pcu-socket %s%s gsmtap-remote-host %s%s gsmtap-category %s%s gb-dialect ip-sns%s gb-dialect classic%s gb ip-dscp %d%s gb socket-priority %d%s timer pcuBTS specific configureegprs onlyEGPRS configuration Use EGPRS and disable plain GPRS 'egprs only' is deprecated, egprs support is controled from BTS/BSC config, this is now a no-op%sno egprsNegate a command or set its defaults EGPRS configuration 'no egprs only' is deprecated, egprs support is controled from BTS/BSC config, this is now a no-op%sflow-control-interval <1-10>Interval between sending subsequent Flow Control PDUs Interval time in seconds flow-control force-bvc-bucket-size <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC bucket size Bucket size in octets no flow-control force-bvc-bucket-sizeNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC bucket size flow-control force-bvc-leak-rate <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC leak rate Leak rate in bit/s no flow-control force-bvc-leak-rateNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC leak rate flow-control force-ms-bucket-size <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS bucket size Bucket size in octets no flow-control force-ms-bucket-sizeNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS bucket size flow-control force-ms-leak-rate <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS leak rate Leak rate in bit/s no flow-control force-ms-leak-rateNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS leak rate flow-control bucket-time <1-65534>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Set target downlink maximum queueing time (only affects the advertised bucket size) Time in centi-seconds no flow-control bucket-timeNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Set target downlink maximum queueing time (only affects the advertised bucket size) cs <1-4> [<1-4>]Coding Scheme configuration Initial CS value to be used (overrides BTS config) Use a different initial CS value for the uplinkno csNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration cs max <1-4> [<1-4>]Coding Scheme configuration Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) Maximum CS value to be used Use a different maximum CS value for the uplinkno cs maxNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) mcs <1-9> [<1-9>]Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) Initial MCS value to be used (default 1) Use a different initial MCS value for the uplinkno mcsNegate a command or set its defaults Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) mcs max <1-9> [<1-9>]Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) Maximum MCS value to be used Use a different maximum MCS value for the uplinkno mcs maxNegate a command or set its defaults Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) egprs dl arq-type (spb|arq2)EGPRS configuration downlink specific configuration ARQ options enable SPB(ARQ1) support enable ARQ2 supportarq2window-size <0-1024> [<0-256>]Window size configuration (b + N_PDCH * f) Base value (b) Factor for number of PDCH (f)queue lifetime <1-65534>Packet queue options Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN) Lifetime in centi-secondsqueue lifetime infinitePacket queue options Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN) Infinite lifetimeno queue lifetimeNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Disable lifetime limit of LLC frame (use value given by SGSN) queue hysteresis <1-65535>Packet queue options Set lifetime hysteresis of LLC frame in centi-seconds (continue discarding until lifetime-hysteresis is reached) Hysteresis in centi-secondsno queue hysteresisNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Set lifetime hysteresis of LLC frame in centi-seconds (continue discarding until lifetime-hysteresis is reached) queue codelPacket queue options Set CoDel queue management queue codel interval <1-1000>Packet queue options Set CoDel queue management Specify interval Interval in centi-secondsno queue codelNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Set CoDel queue management queue idle-ack-delay <1-65535>Packet queue options Request an ACK after the last DL LLC frame in centi-seconds Idle ACK delay in centi-secondsno queue idle-ack-delayNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Request an ACK after the last DL LLC frame in centi-seconds alloc-algorithm (a|b|dynamic)Select slot allocation algorithm to use when assigning timeslots on PACCH Single slot is assigned only Multiple slots are assigned for semi-duplex operation Dynamically select the algorithm based on the system state two-phase-accessForce two phase access when MS requests single phase access no two-phase-accessNegate a command or set its defaults Only use two phase access when requested my MS alpha (si13|<0-10>)Alpha parameter for MS power control in units of 0.1 (see TS 05.08) NOTE: Be sure to set Alpha value at System information 13 too. Use value received from BSC in System Intormation 13 (default) Force Alpha in units of 0.1 %% 'alpha <0-10>' is now deprecated: use osmo-bsc's 'gprs power-control alpha <0-10>' instead%ssi13gamma <0-62>Gamma parameter for MS power control in units of dB (see TS 05.08) Gamma in even unit of dBs show bts statisticsShow running system information BTS related functionality Statistics BTS%u:%s show bts pdchShow running system information BTS related functionality PDCH timeslots dl-tbf-idle-time <1-5000>keep an idle DL TBF alive for the time given idle time in msec%% 'dl-tbf-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2031 ' instead%sno dl-tbf-idle-timeNegate a command or set its defaults keep an idle DL TBF alive for the time given %% 'no dl-tbf-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2031 0' instead%sdl-tbf-preemptive-retransmissionretransmit blocks even before the MS had a chance to receive them (better throughput, less readable traces) (enabled by default)no dl-tbf-preemptive-retransmissionNegate a command or set its defaults retransmit blocks even before the MS had a chance to receive them (better throughput, less readable traces)multislot-class default <1-45>MultiSlot Class configuration Set assumed default MultiSlot Class if unknown during TBF allocation MultiSlot Class number to use as default (default: 12) ms-idle-time <1-7200>keep an idle MS object alive for the time given idle time in sec%% 'ms-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2030 ' instead%sno ms-idle-timeNegate a command or set its defaults keep an idle MS object alive for the time given %% 'no ms-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2030 0' instead%scs threshold <0-100> <0-100>Coding Scheme configuration set thresholds for error rate based downlink (M)CS adjustment lower limit in % upper limit in % The lower limit must be less than or equal to the upper limit.%sno cs thresholdNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration set thresholds for error rate based downlink (M)CS adjustment cs downgrade-threshold <1-10000>Coding Scheme configuration set threshold for data size based downlink (M)CS downgrade downgrade if less octets left no cs downgrade-thresholdNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration set threshold for data size based downlink (M)CS downgrade cs link-quality-ranges cs1 <0-35> cs2 <0-35> <0-35> cs3 <0-35> <0-35> cs4 <0-35>Coding Scheme configuration Set link quality ranges for each uplink CS Set quality range for CS-1 (high value only) CS-1 high (dB) Set quality range for CS-2 CS-2 low (dB) CS-2 high (dB) Set quality range for CS-3 CS-3 low (dB) CS-3 high (dB) Set quality range for CS-4 (low value only) CS-4 low (dB) mcs link-quality-ranges mcs1 <0-35> mcs2 <0-35> <0-35> mcs3 <0-35> <0-35> mcs4 <0-35> <0-35> mcs5 <0-35> <0-35> mcs6 <0-35> <0-35> mcs7 <0-35> <0-35> mcs8 <0-35> <0-35> mcs9 <0-35>Coding Scheme configuration Set link quality ranges for each uplink MCS Set quality range for MCS-1 (high value only) MCS-1 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-2 MCS-2 high (dB) MCS-2 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-3 MCS-3 high (dB) MCS-3 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-4 MCS-4 high (dB) MCS-4 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-5 MCS-5 high (dB) MCS-5 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-6 MCS-6 low (dB) MCS-6 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-7 MCS-7 low (dB) MCS-7 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-8 MCS-8 low (dB) MCS-8 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-9 (low value only) MCS-9 low (dB) pcu-socket PATHConfigure the osmo-bts PCU socket file/path name Path of the socket to connect to Changing PCU socket path at run-time has no effect%sgb-dialect (classic|ip-sns)Select which Gb interface dialect to use Classic Gb interface with NS-{RESET,BLOCK,UNBLOCK} and static configuration Modern Gb interface with IP-SNS (Sub Network Service) and dynamic configuration ip-snsgb ip-dscp <0-63>Configure Gb interface Set IP DSCP value for outbound packets IP DSCP value to use gb socket-priority <0-255>Configure Gb interface Set socket priority value for outbound packets Socket priority value to use (>6 requires CAP_NET_ADMIN)show bts-timer [TNNNN]Show running system information Show BTS controlled timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. show timer [TNNNN]Show running system information Show PCU timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. timer [TNNNN] [(<0-2147483647>|default)]Configure or show PCU timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. New timer value Set to default timer value show tbf (all|ccch|pacch)Show running system information information about TBFs All TBFs TBFs allocated via CCCH TBFs allocated via PACCH show ms allShow running system information information about MSs All TBFs show ms tlli TLLIShow running system information information about MSs Select MS by TLLI TLLI as hex Invalid TLLI.%sshow ms imsi IMSIShow running system information information about MSs Select MS by IMSI IMSI Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Ivan Kluchnikov and Andreas Eversberg Copyright (C) 2013-2022 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH License GNU GPL version 2 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. OsmoPCU1.5.1This command applies when a new TBF is beginsThis command applies when a new subscriber attachesThis command applies when the NS is reset|gsmtap-category ()GSMTAP Category no gsmtap-category (Negate a command or set its defaults GSMTAP Category NULLvalidinvalidULDL TBF: TFI=%d TLLI=0x%08x (%s) TA=%u DIR=%s IMSI=%s%s created=%lu state=%s flags=%08x [CCCH:%u, PACCH:%u] 1st_cTS=%d ctrl_TS=%d MS_CLASS=%d/%d%s TS_alloc=!%d%s TRX_ID=%d CS=%s WS=%u V(Q)=%d V(R)=%d%s TBF Statistics:%s STALLED WS=%u V(A)=%d V(S)=%d nBSN=%d%s%s%sUL TBFs%s%sDL TBFs%sMS TLLI=%08x, IMSI=%s%s State: IDLE for %lus, release in %lus%s State: ACTIVE%s Mode: %s%s MS class: %d%s EGPRS MS class: %d%s PACCH: TS%d DL LLC queue length: %zd%s DL LLC queue octets: %zd%s DL Coding Scheme: %s%s UL Coding Scheme: %s%s Timing advance (TA): %d%s RSSI: %d dBm%s Bit error rate: %d %%%s Link quality: %d dB%s Burst timing offset: %d/4 bit%s Downlink NACK rate: %d %%%s MS Rx quality: %d %%%s MS C value: %d dB%s MS SIGN variance: %d dB%s MS I level (slot %d): %d dB%s UL TBF: TFI=%d, state=%s%s DL TBF: TFI=%d, state=%s%s Current DL Throughput: %d Kbps%s Old %s TBF: TFI=%d, state=%s%s Unknown TLLI %08x.%sUnknown IMSI '%s'.%sactivedisabledBTS%u (%s)%s TRX%u%senabled TS%u: PDCH %s, %u DL TBFs, %u UL TBFs%sN/ARx=%d Tx=%d Sum Rx+Tx=%s, Tta=%s Ttb=%d, Tra=%d Trb=%d, Type=%d mslot_class.c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c0123456789msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) RX_CELL_CHG_NOTIFICATIONRX_RAC_CIRX_SICREATE_RLCMAC_MSGRX_CELL_CHG_CONTINUE_ACKTIMEOUT_CELL_CHG_CONTINUEnacc_fsm.ctbf_is_tfi_assigned(tbf)Assert failed %s %s:%d neighbour_cell_data2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2bRlcMacDownlink_t+++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Neighbour Cell Data +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Encoding of Packet Neighbour Cell Data failed (%d) ------------------------- TX : Packet Neighbour Cell Data ------------------------- nacc_fsm.c:147nacc_fsm.c:154Failed registering poll for Pkt Cell Chg Continue (%d) pkt_cell_chg_continue+++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Cell Change Continue +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Encoding of Packet Cell Change Continue failed (%d) ------------------------- TX : Packet Cell Change Continue ------------------------- nacc_fsm.c:204%s Scheduled 'Packet Cell Change Continue' polling on PACCH (FN=%d, TS=%d) nacc_fsm.c:212fi=NULL%s{%s}: TargetCell: RAT=GSM, ARFCN=%u, BSIC=%u %s{%s}: TargetCell: RAT=UTRAN, FDD-ARFCN=%u => no system information provided. %s{%s}: TargetCell: RAT=UTRAN, TDD-ARFCN=%u => no system information provided. %s{%s}: TargetCell: RAT=E-UTRAN, EARFCN=%u, CI=%u => no system information provided. %s{%s}: TargetCell: (none, invalid) %s{%s}: TargetCell: RAT=CSG-UTRAN|CSG-EUTRAN, (not supported) 0%s{%s}: No CGI-PS found in cache, resolving %u-%u-%u-%u... %s{%s}: neighbor CGI-PS %s addresses local BTS %d %s{%s}: Tx RIM RAN-INFO to request SI of %s %s{%s}: Failed transmitting RIM RAN-INFO %s PDU: %d nacc_fsm.c:695INITIALWAIT_RESOLVE_RAC_CIWAIT_REQUEST_SITX_NEIGHBOUR_DATATX_CELL_CHG_CONTINUEWAIT_CELL_CHG_CONTINUE_ACKDONENACCosmo_fsm_register(&nacc_fsm) == 0%s{%s}: Received CTRL message: type=%d %s %s: %s %s{%s}: Received CTRL message with id=%s doesn't match our expected last id=%d, ignoring -nacc_fsm.c:862struct nacc_fsm_ctxTLLI-0x%08xnacc_fsm.c:893neigh_cache: Removing entry %u-%u-%u-%u => %s neigh_cache.cneigh_cache.c:45struct neigh_cachecacheAssert failed %s %s:%d neigh_cache: Inserting new entry %u-%u-%u-%u => %s struct neigh_cache_entryitneigh_cache: Updating entry %u-%u-%u-%u => (%s -> %s) osmo_clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &it->update_ts) == 0neigh_cache.c:150neigh_cache.c:153si_cache: Removing entry %s neigh_cache.c:179struct si_cachesi_cache: Inserting new entry %s struct si_cache_entrysi_cache: Updating entry %s neigh_cache.c:281neigh_cache.c:284NULLN3101N3103N3105T3141T3191rlc:nackedRLC Nacked pcu:tbfTBF Statisticstbf.cppul_ass_fsm.fiAssert failed %s %s:%d dl_ass_fsm.fim_ctrs%s free freeing TBFDLUL********** %s-TBF ends here ********** tbf.cpp:281first_common%s Setting Control TS %s %s Changing Control TS %s -> %s n < N_MAXdirection == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBFdirection == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF%s unhandled counter %s %s %s exceeded MAX (%u) %s %s %u => %u (< MAX %u) %s attempting to stop unknown timer %s [%s] %s stopping timer %s [%s] %s %s timeout expired, freeing TBF: %s %s %s timeout expired, freeing TBF %s attempting to start unknown timer %s [%s], cur_fn=%d falseResS%s %starting timer %s [%s] with %u sec. %u microsec, cur_fn=%d %s attempting to set callback for unknown timer %s [%s], cur_fn=%d %s poll timeout for FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d), reason=%s ul_tbf%s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_UL_ACK not expected! %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_UL_ASS not expected! state is %s %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_DL_ASS not expected! state is %s %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_CELL_CHG_CONTINUE not expected! dl_tbf%s Timeout for polling PACKET DOWNLINK ACK: %s %s Poll Timeout, reason %s unhandled! (no TBF)TBF(%s:TFI-%u-%u-%d:%c:IMSI-%s:TLLI-0x%08x){%s}pdchnone%s Polling cannot be scheduled in this TS %s (control TS %s) %s FN=%u No suitable free RRBP offset found on %s! %s FN=%u Failed scheduling poll on PACCH %s |Assignment was on CCCH|Assignment was on PACCH|Uplink data was received|No uplink data received yet|Downlink ACK was received|No downlink ACK received yet|15gprs_rlcmac_tbfmsgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-pcu-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hsize >= headroomAssert failed %s %s:%d ./gprs_ms.h0gprs:uplink:cs1CS1 gprs:uplink:cs2CS2 gprs:uplink:cs3CS3 gprs:uplink:cs4CS4 egprs:uplink:mcs1MCS1 egprs:uplink:mcs2MCS2 egprs:uplink:mcs3MCS3 egprs:uplink:mcs4MCS4 egprs:uplink:mcs5MCS5 egprs:uplink:mcs6MCS6 egprs:uplink:mcs7MCS7 egprs:uplink:mcs8MCS8 egprs:uplink:mcs9MCS9 tbf:gprsData Blockstbf:egprstbf_ul.cppms != NULL%s ********** UL-TBF starts here ********** %s Allocating UL TBF struct gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfstate_fim_ul_egprs_ctrsm_ul_gprs_ctrs%s Assembling frames: (len=%d) %s Frame %d starts at offset %d, length=%d, is_complete=%d %s complete UL frame len=%d Contention resolution (UL-TBF, CCCH)Contention resolution success (UL-TBF, CCCH)%s UL DATA TFI=%d received (V(Q)=%d .. V(R)=%d) %s UL DATA TFI=%d received (V(Q)=%d .. V(R)=%d) while in RELEASING state, discarding %s Got %s RLC data block: CV=%d, BSN=%d, SPB=%d, PI=%d, E=%d, TI=%d, bitoffs=%d %s BSN %d out of window %d..%d (it's normal) %s BSN %d already received %s BSN %d storing in window (%d..%d) rdbi->data_len <= sizeof(block->block)%s data_length=%d, data=%s %s Failed to decode TLLI of %s UL DATA TFI=%d. %s TLLI is 0x%08x within UL DATA?!? %s Decoded premier TLLI=0x%08x of UL DATA TFI=%d. %s Decoded TLLI=%08x mismatch on UL DATA TFI=%d. (Ignoring due to contention resolution) %s Missing TLLI within UL DATA. %s No gaps in received block, last block: BSN=%d CV=%d %s Finished with UL TBF %s Scheduling Ack/Nack, because MS is stalled. %s Scheduling Ack/Nack, because TLLI is included. %s Scheduling Ack/Nack, because some data is missing and last block has CV==0. %s Scheduling final Ack/Nack, because all data was received and last block has CV==0. %s Scheduling Ack/Nack, because %d frames received. LLC [PCU -> SGSN] %s len=%d No bctx llc_pdu%s Second seg is received first seg is already present set the status to complete %s Second seg is received first seg is not received set the status to second seg received %s First seg is received second seg is already present set the status to complete %s First seg is received second seg is not received set the status to first seg received %s Got SPB(%d) cs(%s) data block with BSN (%d), TFI(%d). %s spb(%d) Not supported SPB for this EGPRS configuration %s Upgrading to MCS6 %s Upgrading to MCS5 %s Upgrading to MCS4 %s cs(%s) Error in Upgrading to higher MCS %s attempting to update rate counters for unsupported (M)CS %s %s setting EGPRS UL window size to %u, base(%u) slots(%u) ws_pdch(%u) !this->pdch[pdch->ts_no]%s Assigning TS=%u TFI=%d USF=%u res->usf[ts] >= 0%s Allocated: trx = %d, ul_slots = %02x, dl_slots = %02x 18gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbf./gprs_ms.h0Assert failed %s %s:%d a UNKNOWNCCCHPACCHtbf_ul_fsm.cun%s %sset ass. type %s [prev CCCH:%u, PACCH:%u] %s Attempted to set ass. type %s which is already set %s Starting timer T3168 [UL TBF Ass (PACCH)] with %u sec. %u microsec %s Starting timer X2002 [assignment (AGCH)] with %u sec. %u microsec %s The TBF has been confirmed on the PACCH, changed type from CCCH to PACCH %s Got first UL data while DL-TBF pending, killing it osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, 1) == 0%s [UPLINK] END osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0%s Releasing due to UL TBF PACCH assignment timeout NEWASSIGNFLOWFINISHEDRELEASINGUL_TBFosmo_fsm_register(&tbf_ul_fsm) == 0st_finishedmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) SCHED_ACKCREATE_RLCMAC_MSGRX_CTRL_ACKPOLL_TIMEOUTrlcmac_ul_ack2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b%s Scheduled UL Acknowledgement polling on PACCH (FN=%d, TS=%d) tbf_ul_ack_fsm.c0Assert failed %s %s:%d %s Sending Ack/Nack already scheduled, no need to re-schedule %s Timeout for polling PACKET CONTROL ACK for PACKET UPLINK ACK: %s NONESCHED_UL_ACKWAIT_ACKUL_ACK_TBFosmo_fsm_register(&tbf_ul_ack_fsm) == 0msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) SCHED_ASSSCHED_ASS_REJCREATE_RLCMAC_MSGRX_ASS_CTRL_ACKASS_POLL_TIMEOUTABORTrlcmac_ul_ass_rej2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b%s We have a schedule for uplink assignment, but there is no uplink TBF tbf_ul_ass_fsm.crlcmac_ul_ass%s start Packet Uplink Assignment (PACCH) for %s %s start Packet Uplink Assignment (PACCH) RlcMacDownlink_t+++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Uplink Assignment +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Encoding of Packet Uplink Ass failed (%d) ------------------------- TX : Packet Uplink Assignment ------------------------- %s Scheduled UL Assignment polling on PACCH (FN=%d, TS=%d) tbf_ul_ass_fsm.c:144tbf_ul_ass_fsm.c:148%s Starting timer X2000 [delay free after Packet Access Reject (PACCH)] with %lums 0Assert failed %s %s:%d %s Starting timer T3168 [PKT UL ASS PACCH] with %u sec. %u microsec %s Timeout for polling PACKET CONTROL ACK for PACKET UPLINK ASSIGNMENT: %s NONESEND_ASSSEND_ASS_REJWAIT_ACKUL_ASS_TBFosmo_fsm_register(&tbf_ul_ass_fsm) == 0msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) gprs:downlink:cs1CS1 gprs:downlink:cs2CS2 gprs:downlink:cs3CS3 gprs:downlink:cs4CS4 egprs:downlink:mcs1MCS1 egprs:downlink:mcs2MCS2 egprs:downlink:mcs3MCS3 egprs:downlink:mcs4MCS4 egprs:downlink:mcs5MCS5 egprs:downlink:mcs6MCS6 egprs:downlink:mcs7MCS7 egprs:downlink:mcs8MCS8 egprs:downlink:mcs9MCS9 tbf:gprsData Blockstbf:egprstbf_dl.cppms != NULLAssert failed %s %s:%d %s ********** DL-TBF starts here ********** %s Allocating DL TBF struct gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbf%s Couldn't allocate EGPRS DL counters tbf_dl.cpp:132%s Couldn't allocate GPRS DL counters tbf_dl.cpp:141state_fiThere is a new MS object for the same MS: (0x%08x, '%s') -> (0x%08x, '%s') osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0%s MS acked all blocks %s FIXME: Software error: There are no unacknowledged blocks, but V(A) != V(S). PLEASE FIX! %s initial_cs_dl(%s) last_mcs(%s) demanded_mcs(%s) cs_trans(%s) arq_type(%d) bsn(%d) %s Resending BSN %d %s Restarting at BSN %d, because all blocks have been transmitted. %s Restarting at BSN %d, because the window is stalled. (forced)%s Sending new block at BSN %d, CS=%s%s %s Restarting at BSN %d, because all blocks have been transmitted (FLOW). %s Sending new dummy block at BSN %d, CS=%s %s Nothing else to send, Re-transmit final block! %s downlink (V(A)==%d .. V(S)==%d) mcs_mode_restrict=%s !this->pdch[pdch->ts_no]%s Assigning TS=%u TFI=%d %s Allocated: trx = %d, ul_slots = %02x, dl_slots = %02x tbfold_tbfDL assignment (PACCH)%s Send downlink assignment on PACCH, because %s exists DL assignment (PCH)%s Send downlink assignment on PCH, no TBF exist (IMSI=%s) %s Upgrade to multislot %s No resources allocated during upgrade to multislot! %s Dequeue next LLC (len=%d) mcs_is_valid(cs)%s LLC queue completely drained and there's still %d free bytes in rlcmac data block %s Empty chunk, added LLC dummy command of size %d, drained_since=%d %s Complete DL frame, len=%d struct gprs_dl_llc_llist_item%s data block (BSN %d, %s): %s %s need_padding %d spb_status %d spb %d (BSN1 %d BSN2 %d) rlcmac_dl_datarlc.num_data_blocks <= ARRAY_SIZE(rlc.block_info)rlc.num_data_blocks > 0%s Copying %u RLC blocks, %u BSNs m_rlc.block(bsn)->next_ps >= EGPRS_PS_1m_rlc.block(bsn)->next_ps <= EGPRS_PS_3%s Copying data unit %d (BSN %d) %s Scheduling Ack/Nack polling, because it was requested explicitly (e.g. first final block sent). %s Scheduling Ack/Nack polling, because polling timed out. %s Scheduling Ack/Nack polling, because %d blocks sent. %s Scheduled DL Acknowledgement polling on PACCH (FN=%d, TS=%d) final block (DL-TBF)%s Scheduled Ack/Nack polling on FN=%d, TS=%d , padded%s msg block (BSN %d, %s%s): %s %s DL analysis, range=%d:%d, lost=%d, recv=%d, skipped=%d, bsn=%d, info='%s' %s ack: (BSN=%d)"%s"(BSN=%d) R=ACK I=NACK %s V(B): (V(A)=%d)"%s"(V(S)-1=%d) A=Acked N=Nacked U=Unacked X=Resend-Unacked I=Invalid %s downlink acknowledge tbf_dl.cpp:1092ACK/NACK received%s Final ACK received. %s Received acknowledge of all blocks, but without final ack indication (don't worry) tbf_dl.cpp:1157yesno%s Keep idle TBF open: %d/%d -> %s %s FIXME: Software error: hit invalid condition. headerType(%d) blockstatus(%d) cs(%s) PLEASE FIX! %s setting EGPRS DL window size to %u, base(%u) slots(%u) ws_pdch(%u) %s attempting to update rate counters for unsupported (M)CS %s 18gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfdl_tbf_handlex { UNKNOWNCCCHPACCHtbf_dl_fsm.c0Assert failed %s %s:%d un%s %sset ass. type %s [prev CCCH:%u, PACCH:%u] %s Attempted to set ass. type %s which is already set %s Starting timer X2001 [assignment (PACCH)] with %u sec. %u microsec ctx->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH)%s The TBF has been confirmed on the PACCH, changed type from CCCH to PACCH %s Ignoring event ASSIGN_PCUIF_CNF from BTS (CCCH was not requested on current assignment) %s Starting timer X2002 [assignment (PCH)] with %u sec. %u microsec %s Retransmit ImmAss[PktDlAss] on PCH %s Waiting %lu sec. %lu microsec (T3193 - T3192) [REUSE TFI] %s Continue flow after IMM.ASS confirm %s releasing due to PACCH assignment timeout. NEWASSIGNFLOWFINISHEDWAIT_RELEASEWAIT_REUSE_TFIRELEASINGDL_TBFosmo_fsm_register(&tbf_dl_fsm) == 0msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) SCHED_ASSCREATE_RLCMAC_MSGRX_ASS_CTRL_ACKASS_POLL_TIMEOUTABORTtbf_dl_ass_fsm.ctbf_is_control_ts(ctx->tbf, d->pdch)Assert failed %s %s:%d %s We have a schedule for downlink assignment, but there is no downlink TBF %s The old TFI is not assigned and there is no TLLI. New TBF %s rlcmac_dl_ass2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b%s start Packet Downlink Assignment (PACCH) for %s %s start Packet Downlink Assignment (PACCH) RlcMacDownlink_t+++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Downlink Assignment +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Encoding of Packet Downlink Ass failed (%d) ------------------------- TX : Packet Downlink Assignment ------------------------- %s Scheduled DL Assignment polling on PACCH (FN=%d, TS=%d) tbf_dl_ass_fsm.c:130tbf_dl_ass_fsm.c:1340%s Timeout for polling PACKET CONTROL ACK for PACKET DOWNLINK ASSIGNMENT: %s NONESEND_ASSWAIT_ACKDL_ASS_TBFosmo_fsm_register(&tbf_dl_ass_fsm) == 0%s Polling is already scheduled, so we must wait for the uplink assignment... %s Cannot assign DL TBF now, because contention resolution is not finished. Osmo-PCU contextWait Indication used in Imm Ass Reject during TBF Establishment (CCCH)Time MS waits for PACKET UPLINK ACK when establishing a UL TBFReuse of USF and TFI(s) after the MS uplink TBF assignment is invalidReuse of TFI(s) after sending (1) last RLC Data Block on TBF(s), or (2) PACKET TBF RELEASE for an MBMS radio bearerTime MS stays monitoring the PDCH after transmitting DL ACK/NACK for last DL block (FBI=1). Configured at the BSC (SI13).Reuse of TFI(s) after reception of final PACKET DOWNLINK ACK/NACK from MS for TBFReuse of TFI(s) upon no response from the MS (radio failure or cell change) for TBF/MBMS radio bearerGranularity for *:all_allocated rate counters: amount of milliseconds that one counter increment represents. See also X17, X18Rounding threshold for *:all_allocated rate counters: round up to the next counter increment after this many milliseconds. If set to half of X16 (or 0), employ the usual round() behavior: round up after half of a granularity period. If set to 1, behave like ceil(): already increment the counter immediately when all channels are allocated. If set >= X16, behave like floor(): only increment after a full X16 period of all channels being occupied. See also X16, X18Forget-sum period for *:all_allocated rate counters: after this amount of idle time, forget internally cumulated time remainders. Zero to always keep remainders. See also X16, X17.pdch:all_allocatedCumulative counter of seconds where all enabled PDCH resources were allocatedtbf:dl:allocTBF DL Allocated tbf:dl:freedTBF DL Freed tbf:dl:abortedTBF DL Aborted tbf:ul:allocTBF UL Allocated tbf:ul:freedTBF UL Freed tbf:ul:abortedTBF UL Aborted tbf:reusedTBF Reused tbf:alloc:algo-aTBF Alloc Algo A tbf:alloc:algo-bTBF Alloc Algo B tbf:alloc:failedTBF Alloc Failure (any reason)tbf:alloc:failed:no_tfiTBF Alloc Failure (TFIs exhausted)tbf:alloc:failed:no_usfTBF Alloc Failure (USFs exhausted)tbf:alloc:failed:no_slot_combiTBF Alloc Failure (No valid UL/DL slot combination found)tbf:alloc:failed:no_slot_availTBF Alloc Failure (No slot available)rlc:sentRLC Sent rlc:resentRLC Resent rlc:restartedRLC Restarted rlc:stalledRLC Stalled rlc:nackedRLC Nacked rlc:final_block_resentRLC Final Blk resent rlc:ass:timedoutRLC Assign Timeout rlc:ass:failedRLC Assign Failed rlc:ack:timedoutRLC Ack Timeout rlc:ack:failedRLC Ack Failed rlc:rel:timedoutRLC Release Timeout rlc:late-blockRLC Late Block rlc:sent-dummyRLC Sent Dummy rlc:sent-controlRLC Sent Control rlc:dl_bytesRLC DL Bytes rlc:dl_payload_bytesRLC DL Payload Bytes rlc:ul_bytesRLC UL Bytes rlc:ul_payload_bytesRLC UL Payload Bytes decode:errorsDecode Errors sba:allocatedSBA Allocated sba:freedSBA Freed sba:timedoutSBA Timeout llc:timeoutTimedout Frames llc:droppedDropped Frames llc:scheduledScheduled Frames llc:dl_bytesRLC encapsulated PDUsllc:ul_bytesfull PDUs received pch:requestsPCH requests sent pch:requests:alreadyPCH requests on subscriber already being pagedpch:requests:timeoutPCH requests timeout rach:requestsRACH requests receivedrach:requests:11bit11BIT_RACH requests receivedrach:requests:one_phaseOne phase packet access with request for single TS ULrach:requests:two_phaseSingle block packet request for two phase packet accessrach:requests:unexpectedRACH Request with unexpected content receivedspb:uplink_first_segmentFirst seg of UL SPB spb:uplink_second_segmentSecond seg of UL SPB spb:downlink_first_segmentFirst seg of DL SPB spb:downlink_second_segmentSecond seg of DL SPB immediate:assignment_ULImmediate Assign UL immediate:assignment_ul:one_phaseImmediate Assign UL (one phase packet access)immediate:assignment_ul:two_phaseImmediate Assign UL (two phase packet access)immediate:assignment_ul:contention_resolution_successFirst RLC Block (PDU) on the PDTCH from the MS receivedimmediate:assignment_rejImmediate Assign Rej immediate:assignment_DLImmediate Assign DL channel:request_descriptionChannel Request Desc pkt:ul_assignmentPacket UL Assignment pkt:access_rejectPacket Access Reject pkt:dl_assignmentPacket DL Assignment pkt:cell_chg_notificationPacket Cell Change Notificationpkt:cell_chg_continuePacket Cell Change Continuepkt:neigh_cell_dataPacket Neighbour Cell Dataul:controlUL control Block ul:assignment_poll_timeoutUL Assign Timeout ul:assignment_failedUL Assign Failed dl:assignment_timeoutDL Assign Timeout dl:assignment_failedDL Assign Failed pkt:ul_ack_nack_timeoutPUAN Poll Timeout pkt:ul_ack_nack_failedPUAN poll Failed pkt:dl_ack_nack_timeoutPDAN poll Timeout pkt:dl_ack_nack_failedPDAN poll Failed gprs:downlink_cs1CS1 downlink gprs:downlink_cs2CS2 downlink gprs:downlink_cs3CS3 downlink gprs:downlink_cs4CS4 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs1MCS1 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs2MCS2 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs3MCS3 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs4MCS4 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs5MCS5 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs6MCS6 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs7MCS7 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs8MCS8 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs9MCS9 downlink gprs:uplink_cs1CS1 Uplink gprs:uplink_cs2CS2 Uplink gprs:uplink_cs3CS3 Uplink gprs:uplink_cs4CS4 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs1MCS1 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs2MCS2 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs3MCS3 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs4MCS4 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs5MCS5 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs6MCS6 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs7MCS7 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs8MCS8 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs9MCS9 Uplink btsBTS Statisticsms.presentMS Present pdch.availablePDCH available pdch.occupiedPDCH occupied (all) pdch.occupied.gprsPDCH occupied (GPRS) pdch.occupied.egprsPDCH occupied (EGPRS)bts.cpp:246struct gprs_rlcmac_btsbts.cppbts->ratectrsAssert failed %s %s:%d bts->statgfn < GSM_TDMA_HYPERFRAMEDetected FN jump! %u -> %u (expected %u, delta %u) Late RLC block, FN delta: %d FN: %d curFN: %d %s Paging on PACCH for %s %s Unable to page on PACCH, no available TBFs %s Unable to page on PACCH, no TMSI nor IMSI in request Add RR paging: chan-needed=%d MI=%s %s uses TRX=%d TS=%d, so we mark %s uses already marked TRX=%d TS=%d %s Paging on PACCH No paging, because no TBF No TFI available (suggested TRX: %d). best_first_tfi < 32Found first unallocated TRX=%d TFI=%d Got IMM.ASS confirm, but rest octets do not start with bit sequence 'HH01' (Packet Downlink Assignment) Got IMM.ASS confirm, but TLLI is invalid! Got IMM.ASS confirm for unknown MS with TLLI=%08x %s Got IMM.ASS confirm, but MS has no DL TBF! %s Got IMM.ASS confirm rfn < RFN_MODULUSUnable to calculate full FN from RFN %u: Current FN not known! Race condition between rfn (%u) and m_cur_fn (%u) detected: rfn belongs to the previous modulus %u cycle, wrapping... Cornercase detected: wrapping crosses %u border Failed to decode EGPRS Packet Channel Request: rc=%d Rx EGPRS Packet Channel Request: %s %s is not supported, rejecting Unknown EGPRS Packet Channel Request type=0x%02x, probably a bug in CSN.1 codec RACH.ind contains no burst type, assuming TS0 11 bit Packet Channel Request is not supported (PBCCH is deprecated) RACH.ind contains unknown burst type 0x%02x (%u bit) No PDCH available. 2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2bMS requests Uplink resource on CCCH/RACH: ra=0x%02x (%d bit) Fn=%u qta=%d MS requests single block allocation (two phase packet access) MS requests single TS uplink transmission (one phase packet access) Forcing two phase access EGPRS Packet Channel Request indicates Radio Priority %u, however we ignore it No PDCH resource for single block allocation Allocated a single block at SBFn=%u TRX=%u TS=%u osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0Tx Immediate Assignment on AGCH: TRX=%u (ARFCN %u) TS=%u TA=%u TSC=%u TFI=%d USF=%d Tx Immediate Assignment Reject on AGCH (TRX=%u TS=%u RFN=%u) Rx malformed RACH.ind (PTCCH/U) (TRX=%u TS=%u RFN=%u) Rx RACH.ind (PTCCH/U) for inactive PDCH (TRX=%u TS=%u RFN=%u) Failed to map PTCCH/U sub-slot Continuous Timing Advance update for TAI %u, new TA is %u pdch%s Tx CCCH (PCH) Immediate Assignment [PktDlAss=%s] TA=%d mcs_is_valid(cs)PH-DATA-IND is updating %s: TA %u -> %u on TRX = %d PH-RA-IND is updating %s: TA %u -> %u on TRX = %d [%s] update TA = %u ignored due to unknown UL TBF on TRX = %d, TS = %d, FN = %d downgrading initial_cs_dl to %d downgrading initial_cs_ul to %d downgrading initial_mcs_dl to %d downgrading initial_mcs_ul to %d New max CS: DL=%u UL=%u New max MCS: DL=%u UL=%u bts_rcv_rachbts_pch_timer.cptmsi != GSM_RESERVED_TMSIAssert failed %s %s:%d PCH paging timer stopped for IMSI=%s bts_pch_timer.c:62PCH paging timeout for IMSI=%s struct bts_pch_timertdefPCH paging timer started for MI=%s IMSI=%s msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) NULL./gprs_ms.h0Assert failed %s %s:%d  Packet resource request: i_level[%d] = %d pdch.cppChannel quality report: i_level[%d] = %d %s MS requests UL TBF in ack message, so we provide one: %s MS requests UL TBF in ack message, but alloc failed: send PktAssRej %s Reserved TS count not zero after unreserving from all current MS in list! UL=%u DL=%u enableddisabled%s PDCH state: %s => enabled m_is_enabled == 0!this->ulc%s PDCH state: %s => disabled m_is_enabled == 1pdch.cpp:203pdch.cpp:205%s Scheduling paging pag ctrl blockpdch.cpp:240pdch.cpp:246Paging MI - %s %s TMSI paging with MI != 5 octets! %s Paging with MI > 8 octets! %s - Does not fit, so schedule next time pdch.cpp:290RlcMacDownlink_t%s +++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Paging Request +++++++++++++++++++++++++ %s Decoding of Downlink Packet Paging Request failed (%d): %s %s ------------------------- TX : Packet Paging Request ------------------------- pdch.cpp:305pdch.cpp:310struct gprs_rlcmac_paging%s Cannot encode Mobile Identity (rc=%d) pdch.cpp:326%s PACKET CONTROL ACK with unknown FN=%u TLLI=0x%08x %s PACKET CONTROL ACK with unknown TBF corresponds to %s poll->tbf_poll.poll_tbf%s FN=%u Rx Packet Control Ack (reason=%s) ul_tbf%s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_UL_ACK not expected! %s Received POLL_UL_ACK for UL TBF in unexpected state! %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_UL_ASS not expected! state is %s %s Got PKT_CTRL_ACK (UL_ASS) from %s, but UL TBF is gone (TLLI=0x%08x) %s Got PKT_CTRL_ACK confirming assignment of %s %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_DL_ASS not expected! state is %s %s Got PKT_CTRL_ACK (DL_ASS) from %s, but DL TBF is gone (TLLI=0x%08x) %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_CELL_CHG_CONTINUE not expected! %s FN=%u Error: received PACKET CONTROL ACK at no request (reason=%s) %s PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with unknown FN=%u TFI=%d (TRX %d TS %d) %s PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with wrong TFI=%d, ignoring! %s RX: [PCU <- BTS] Packet Downlink Ack/Nack %s Got GPRS DL ACK bitmap: SSN: %d, BSN %d to %d - 1 (%d blocks), "%s" %s EGPRS PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with unknown FN=%u TFI=%d (TRX %d TS %d) %s EGPRS PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with wrong TFI=%d, ignoring! %s RX: [PCU <- BTS] EGPRS Packet Downlink Ack/Nack %s EGPRS ACK/NACK: ut: %d, final: %d, bow: %d, eow: %d, ssn: %d, have_crbb: %d, urbb_len:%d, %p, %p, %d, %d, win: %d-%d, urbb: %s %s Got EGPRS DL ACK bitmap: SSN: %d, BSN %d to %d - 1 (%d blocks), "%s" %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: UL block not reserved PACKET RESOURCE REQ unknown downlink TFI=%d PACKET RESOURCE REQ unknown uplink TFI=%d msosmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, 1) == 0%s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: Received from unexpected %s vs exp %s %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: MS requests UL TBF upgrade through USF of %s %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: MS requests UL TBF throguh SBA %s Got PACKET RESOURCE REQ while TBF not finished, killing pending UL TBF %s Got PACKET RESOURCE REQ while DL-TBF pending, killing it %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: Unexpectedly received for DL TBF %s %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: Unexpectedly received, waiting for poll reason %d %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: MS requests reuse of finished UL TBF in RRBP block of final UL ACK/NACK (none)%s Change control TS %s -> %s until assignment is complete. osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0%s MS send measurement but TLLI 0x%08x is unknown %s FN=%u Rx Meas Report on RRBP POLL, this probably means a DL/CTRL ACK/NACk will need to be polled again later %s UL TBF TFI=0x%2x not found %s DL TBF TFI=0x%2x not found RlcMacUplink_t%s FN=%u +++++++++++++++++++++++++ RX : Uplink Control Block +++++++++++++++++++++++++ %s FN=%u Dropping Uplink Control Block with invalid content, decode failed: %d) %s FN=%u ------------------------- RX : Uplink Control Block ------------------------- %s FN=%u RX: [PCU <- BTS] unknown control block(%d) received pdch.cpp:960%s Dropping data block with invalid length %d: %s %s Got RLC block, coding scheme: %s, length: %d (%d)) %s Unsupported coding scheme %s %s UL data: %s %s Got %s RLC block but header parsing has failed %s Got %s RLC block: R=%d, SI=%d, TFI=%d, CPS=%d, RSB=%d, rc=%d %s UL DATA unknown TFI=%d %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s vs expected %s %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s vs expected POLL %s reason=%s %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s vs expected SBA %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s %s GPRS_RLCMAC_CONTROL_BLOCK_OPT block payload is not supported. %s Unknown RLCMAC block payload(%u). %s %s has not been detached, overwriting it %s Attaching %s, %d TBFs, USFs = %02x, TFIs = %08x. %s Detaching %s, %d TBFs, USFs = %02x, TFIs = %08x. m_num_tbfs_egprs[tbf->direction] > 0m_num_tbfs_gprs[tbf->direction] > 0m_num_reserved[dir] > 0tai < PTCCH_TAI_NUMPDCH(bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u)rcv_resource_requestrcv_measurement_reportUSFPOLLSBAUL_ASSDL_ASSUL_ACKDL_ACKCELL_CHG_CONTINUEstruct pdch_ulcpdch_ul_controller.culcAssert failed %s %s:%d %s POLL scheduled at FN %u + %u = %u %s UL block already scheduled at FN %u + %u = %u %s FN=%u Failed allocating POLL, all RRBP values are already reserved! struct pdch_ulc_node%s Reserving FN %u for type %s %s Trying to reserve already reserved FN %u pdch_ul_controller.c:2400%s Expiring FN=%u but previous FN=%u is still reserved! %s Timeout for registered USF (FN=%u): %s %s Timeout for registered POLL (FN=%u, reason=%s): %s %s Timeout for registered SBA (FN=%u, TA=%u) pdch_ul_controller.c:330 Length of IMM.ASS.Rej withoutrest octets is not multiple of 8 bits, PLEASE FIX! encoding.cppwp % 8 == 0Assert failed %s %s:%d tbf_as_dl_tbf_const(tbf) != NULL!tbf || !tbf->is_egprs_enabled()downlinkuplinksingle block allocationFailed to create IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT (%s) for %s pdch != NULL- V(N): "%s" R=Received I=Invalid rest_bits=%d uncompressed len %d and uncompressed bitmap = %s the ucmp len=%d uclen_crbb=%d num_blocks=%d crbb length %d, and the CRBB bitmap = %s EGPRS CRBB, crbb_len = %d, crbb_start_clr_code = %d , BOW, EOWEGPRS URBB, urbb len = %d, SSN = %u, ESN_CRBB = %u, desc len = %d, SNS = %d, WS = %d, V(Q) = %d, V(R) = %d%s%s Encoding Ack/Nack for %s (final=%d) Uplink Ack/Nack bit count %d, max %d, message = %s rlc->data_offs_bits[0] % 8 == 2rlc->data_offs_bits[1] % 8 == 4rlc->data_offs_bits[0] % 8 == 6rlc->data_offs_bits[0] % 8 == 1Encoding of uplink %s data blocks not yet supported. data_block_idx < rlc->num_data_blocks-- Chunk with length %d larger than space (%d) left in block: copy only remaining space, and we are done -- Chunk with length %d would exactly fit into space (%d): because this is a final block, we don't add length header, and we are done -- Chunk with length %d would exactly fit into space (%d): add length header with LI=0, to make frame extend to next block, and we are done -- Chunk with length %d is less than remaining space (%d): add length header to delimit LLC frame -- Final block, so we done. -- No space left, so we are done. -- Chunk with length %d would exactly fit into space (%d): just copy it, and we are done. The next block will have to start with an empty chunk -- Chunk with length %d is less than remaining space (%d): add length header to to delimit LLC frame -- Final block, so we are done. %s data block encoding not implemented mcs_is_valid(cs)Adding LI=127 to signal padding struct gprs_rlcmac_sbasba.c:77%s Trying to release unregistered SBA (FN=%u, TA=%u) sba.cUL DATA LI extended, but no more data decoding.cppUL DATA LI extended, but no more chunks possible UL DATA LI contains only filling bytes with extension octet: LI=%d, E=%d, count=%d UL DATA LI contains invalid extension octet: LI=%d, E=%d, count=%d UL DATA LI contains extension octet: LI=%d, E=%d, count=%d UL DATA LI possibly extended, but no more chunks possible UL DATA ignored, because M='0' and E='0'. UL DATA LI contains extension octet: LI=%d, M=%d, E=%d, count=%d No extension, but no more chunks possible UL DATA TLLI out of block border ERROR: PFI not supported, please disable in SYSTEM INFORMATION UL DATA out of block border, chunk idx: %d, offset: %u, size: %d, data_len: %u Decoding of uplink %s data blocks not yet supported. rlc->data_offs_bits[0] % 8 == 1Assert failed %s %s:%d rlc->data_offs_bits[0] % 8 == 7rlc->data_offs_bits[0] % 8 == 0rlc->data_offs_bits[1] % 8 == 2data_block_idx < rlc->num_data_blocksdata_block_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(rlc->data_offs_bits)Compress bitmap exists, CRBB LEN = %d and Starting color code = %dFailed to decode CRBB: length %d, data '%s' CRBB len: %d, decoded len: %d, cc: %d, crbb: '%s' Invalid GPRS Ack/Nack window %d:%d (length %d) msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) llc.cllc->index == 0 && llc->length == 0Assert failed %s %s:%d llist_empty(&q->pq[i].queue)llist_empty(&o->pq[i].queue)llc_pdu_queuellc_msg%s Discarding LLC PDU because lifetime limit reached, count=%u new_queue_size=%zu infoC+++Orlc.cpprlc->num_data_blocks <= ARRAY_SIZE(rlc->block_info)Assert failed %s %s:%d mcs_is_valid(cs)Invalid punct2 value for coding scheme %d: %d Invalid punct value for coding scheme %d: %d rlc_window.cppsns >= RLC_GPRS_SNSAssert failed %s %s:%d sns <= RLC_MAX_SNS(sns & (-sns)) == snsws(%d) ws >= RLC_GPRS_SNS/2ws <= RLC_MAX_SNS/2- got ack for BSN=%d rlc_window_dl.cpp- got NACK for BSN=%d - Mark BSN %u as INVALID rlc_window_ul.cpp- Mark BSN %u as MISSING - Raising V(R) to %d - Taking block %d out, raising V(Q) to %d PCU socket not connected, dropping message pcuif_sock.cLOSTclosedPCU socket has %s connection %s: recv() failed with rc=%d errno=%d Received %d bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive hdr size is %zu, discarding message type (%d) with ZERO bytes! msg == msg2Opening OsmoPCU L1 interface v%u to OsmoBTS/OsmoBSC Failed to connect to the BTS (%s). Retrying... osmo-bts PCU socket %s has been connected 1.5.1%spcu_sock_readpcu_sock_writeCoDel decided to drop packet, window = %d.%03dms, count = %d gprs_codel.cUNKNOWNCS-1CS-2CS-3CS-4MCS-1MCS-2MCS-3MCS-4MCS-5MCS-6MCS-7MCS-8MCS-9INVALIDCONTROLGPRS_DATAEGPRS_DATA_TYPE1EGPRS_DATA_TYPE2EGPRS_DATA_TYPE3coding_scheme.cht < NUM_HEADER_TYPESAssert failed %s %s:%d GPRSEGPRS_GMSK-onlyEGPRSmcs_is_edge(initial_mcs)mcs_is_edge(commanded_mcs)      egprs_compress_node7ghl7(hijklmTUVWdeRS$78'(XY+,Zfg5 45*+' (+$()*+,- RSTU$%XYZ[JK234      @@@@[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_length = %d egprs_rlc_compression.cppEncode failedCRBB bitmap = %s msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) gprs_rlcmac_sched.cppul_tbfAssert failed %s %s:%d dl_tbfSending Packet Application Information message app_info_msg_schedMS has app_info_pending flag set, but no Packet Application Information message stored in BTS! Packet Application Information successfully sent to all MS with active TBF %s FN=%u Control message to be scheduled, but no TBF %s FN=%u Scheduling control message at RTS for %s %s FN=%u Scheduling paging request message at RTS %s FN=%u Cannot downgrade EGPRS TBF with prio %d for %s %s FN=%u Scheduling data message at RTS for DL TFI=%d prio=%d mcs_mode_restrict=%s G+++++++++++++++++++++rlcmac_dl_idle%s Received RTS on disabled TS TRX=%d TS=%d FN=%d synchronization frame (every 18 frames), only CS1-4 allowed%s Received RTS for PDCH: FN=%d block_nr=%d scheduling free USF for single block allocation at FN=%d %s Received RTS for PDCH: FN=%d block_nr=%d scheduling free USF for polling at FN=%d of %s %s Received RTS for PDCH: FN=%d block_nr=%d scheduling USF=%d for %s, expect answer on UL FN=%d msgb_length(msg) > 0MCC2MCC1MNC3MCC3MNC2MNC1N32N51N26UnionTypeu.UPLINK_TFIu.DOWNLINK_TFIu.StartingTimeu.kFINAL_ACK_INDICATIONSTARTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBERRECEIVED_BLOCK_BITMAPExist_TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUETIMING_ADVANCE_VALUEExist_IndexAndtimeSlotTIMING_ADVANCE_INDEXTIMING_ADVANCE_TIMESLOT_NUMBERALPHAT_AVG_WT_AVG_TPC_MEAS_CHANN_AVG_IPbINT_MEAS_CHANNEL_LIST_AVAILExist_UPLINK_TIMING_ADVANCEUPLINK_TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEXUPLINK_TIMING_ADVANCE_TIMESLOT_NUMBERExist_DOWNLINK_TIMING_ADVANCEDOWNLINK_TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEXDOWNLINK_TIMING_ADVANCE_TIMESLOT_NUMBERC_VALUERXQUALSIGN_VARSlot[0].ExistSlot[0].I_LEVEL_TNSlot[1].ExistSlot[1].I_LEVEL_TNSlot[2].ExistSlot[2].I_LEVEL_TNSlot[3].ExistSlot[3].I_LEVEL_TNSlot[4].ExistSlot[4].I_LEVEL_TNSlot[5].ExistSlot[5].I_LEVEL_TNSlot[6].ExistSlot[6].I_LEVEL_TNSlot[7].ExistSlot[7].I_LEVEL_TNBEGINNING_OF_WINDOWEND_OF_WINDOWExist_CRBBCRBB_LENGTHCRBB_STARTING_COLOR_CODECRBBURBBDescu.Global_TFIu.TLLIu.TQIPacketPollingIDMESSAGE_TYPEPAGE_MODEIDTYPE_OF_ACKPaddingMA_BitLengthMA_BITMAPARFCN_INDEXHSNRFL_NUMBERu.MAu.ARFCN_index_listextension_lengthExtension_InfoNMOT3168T3192DRX_TIMER_MAXACCESS_BURST_TYPECONTROL_ACK_TYPEBS_CV_MAXExist_PANPAN_DECPAN_INCPAN_MAXExist_Extension_BitsExtension_BitsRACSPGC_CCCH_SUPPRIORITY_ACCESS_THRNETWORK_CONTROL_ORDERGPRS_Cell_OptionsGPRS_Power_Control_Parametersu.dummyu.ARFCNu.MAIOTSCTNSI13_PBCCH_Description_ChannelPSI1_REPEAT_PERIODPBCCH_Description0x00Global_TFIUPLINK_RELEASEDOWNLINK_RELEASETBF_RELEASE_CAUSEExist_CTRL_ACK_ExtensionCTRL_ACK_ExtensionExist_TN_RRBPTN_RRBPExist_G_RNTI_ExtensionG_RNTI_ExtensionExist_AdditionsR6AdditionsR6PayloadTypespareRTLLICTRL_ACKExist_AdditionsR5AdditionsR5Exist_PERSISTENCE_LEVELPERSISTENCE_LEVELExist_DTM_EGPRS_multislot_classDTM_EGPRS_multislot_classExist_DTM_EGPRS_HighMultislotClassDTM_EGPRS_HighMultislotClassMultislotCapabilityReductionForDL_DualCarrierDL_DualCarrierForDTMExist_HSCSD_multislot_classHSCSD_multislot_classExist_GPRS_multislot_classGPRS_multislot_classGPRS_Extended_Dynamic_Allocation_CapabilityExist_SMSMS_VALUESM_VALUEExist_ECSD_multislot_classECSD_multislot_classExist_EGPRS_multislot_classEGPRS_multislot_classEGPRS_Extended_Dynamic_Allocation_CapabilityExist_DTM_GPRS_multislot_classDTM_GPRS_multislot_classSingle_Slot_DTMDTM_EGPRS_ParamsRF_Power_CapabilityExist_A5_bitsA5_bitsES_INDPSVGCSVBSExist_Multislot_capabilityMultislot_capabilityExist_Eight_PSK_Power_CapabilityEight_PSK_Power_CapabilityCOMPACT_Interference_Measurement_CapabilityRevision_Level_IndicatorUMTS_FDD_Radio_Access_Technology_CapabilityUMTS_384_TDD_Radio_Access_Technology_CapabilityCDMA2000_Radio_Access_Technology_CapabilityUMTS_128_TDD_Radio_Access_Technology_CapabilityGERAN_Feature_Package_1Exist_Extended_DTM_multislot_classExtended_DTM_GPRS_multislot_classExtended_DTM_EGPRS_multislot_classModulation_based_multislot_class_supportExist_HighMultislotCapabilityHighMultislotCapabilityExist_GERAN_lu_ModeCapabilityGERAN_lu_ModeCapabilityGMSK_MultislotPowerProfileEightPSK_MultislotProfileMultipleTBF_CapabilityDownlinkAdvancedReceiverPerformanceExtendedRLC_MAC_ControlMessageSegmentionsCapabilityDTM_EnhancementsCapabilityExist_DTM_GPRS_HighMultislotClassDTM_GPRS_HighMultislotClassPS_HandoverCapabilityDTM_Handover_CapabilityExist_DownlinkDualCarrierCapability_r7DownlinkDualCarrierCapability_r7FlexibleTimeslotAssignmentGAN_PS_HandoverCapabilityRLC_Non_persistentModeReducedLatencyCapabilityUplinkEGPRS2DownlinkEGPRS2EUTRA_FDD_SupportEUTRA_TDD_SupportGERAN_To_EUTRAN_supportInGERAN_PTMPriorityBasedReselectionSupportAccess_Technology_TypeGMSK_Power_classEight_PSK_Power_classAdditional_access_technologiesu.Contentu.Additional_access_technologiesMS_RA_capability_value_ChoiceMS_RA_capability_valuePEAK_THROUGHPUT_CLASSRADIO_PRIORITYRLC_MODELLC_PDU_TYPERLC_OCTET_COUNTPacketResourceRequestIDExistu.MEAN_BEP_GMSKu.MEAN_BEP_8PSKI_LEVELExist_BEP_MEASUREMENTSBEP_MEASUREMENTSExist_INTERFERENCE_MEASUREMENTSINTERFERENCE_MEASUREMENTSExist_MEAN_CV_BEP_GMSKMEAN_BEP_GMSKCV_BEP_GMSKExist_MEAN_CV_BEP_8PSKMEAN_BEP_8PSKCV_BEP_8PSKRB_IDExist_RLC_BLOCK_COUNTRLC_BLOCK_COUNTExist_Iu_Mode_ChRequestDeskIU_Mode_Channel_Request_DeskPFIRLC_ModeExist_LCC_PDULCC_PDUExist_Ext_Channel_Request_descExist_GMSK_MEAN_BEPGMSK_MEAN_BEPGMSK_CV_BEPExist_8PSK_MEAN_BEPp8PSK_MEAN_BEPp8PSK_CV_BEPExist_QPSK_MEAN_BEPQPSK_MEAN_BEPQPSK_CV_BEPExist_16QAM_NSR_MEAN_BEPp16QAM_NSR_MEAN_BEPp16QAM_NSR_CV_BEPExist_32QAM_NSR_MEAN_BEPp32QAM_NSR_MEAN_BEPp32QAM_NSR_CV_BEPExist_16QAM_HSR_MEAN_BEPp16QAM_HSR_MEAN_BEPp16QAM_HSR_CV_BEPExist_32QAM_HSR_MEAN_BEPp32QAM_HSR_MEAN_BEPp32QAM_HSR_CV_BEPREPORTED_MODULATIONMEAN_BEP_TNExist_Downlink_eTFIDOWNLINK_ETFILOW_ACCESS_PRIORITY_SIGNALLINGExist_AdditionsR12AdditionsR12EARLY_TBF_ESTABLISHMENTExist_EGPRS_BEP_LinkQualityMeasurements_type2EGPRS_BEP_LinkQualityMeasurements_type2Exist_EGPRS_TimeslotLinkQualityMeasurements_type2EGPRS_TimeslotLinkQualityMeasurements_type2Exist_AdditionsR10AdditionsR10Ext_Channel_Request_descExist_AdditionsR7AdditionsR7IU_Mode_Channel_Request_Desk_RNTIExist_HFN_LSBHFN_LSbExist_EGPRS_BEP_LinkQual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EGPRS_ChannelCodingCommandRESEGMENTPRE_EMPTIVE_TRANSMISSIONPRR_RETRANSMISSION_REQUESTARAC_RETRANSMISSION_REQUESTu.PU_AckNack_EGPRS_0001 10 11 UPLINK_TFIu.PU_AckNack_GPRS_Structu.PU_AckNack_EGPRS_StructCHANGE_MARK_1Exist_CHANGE_MARK_2CHANGE_MARK_2MAIOMA_NUMBERGPRS_Mobile_AllocationLength_of_MA_Frequency_ListMA_Frequency_Listu.Indirect_encodingu.Direct_encoding_1u.Direct_encoding_2RANDOM_ACCESS_INFORMATIONFRAME_NUMBERUSF_TNSlot[0].USF_TNSlot[1].USF_TNSlot[2].USF_TNSlot[3].USF_TNSlot[4].USF_TNSlot[5].USF_TNSlot[6].USF_TNSlot[7].USF_TNExtended_Dynamic_AllocationExist_P0P0PR_MODEUSF_GRANULARITYExist_UPLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTUPLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTExist_RLC_DATA_BLOCKS_GRANTEDRLC_DATA_BLOCKS_GRANTEDExist_TBF_Starting_TimeTBF_Starting_Timeu.Timeslot_Allocationu.Timeslot_Allocation_Power_Ctrl_ParamTIMESLOT_NUMBERExist_ALPHA_and_GAMMA_TNGAMMA_TNBTS_PWR_CTRL_MODEu.Packet_Request_ReferencePacketUplinkIDTLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODINGPacket_Timing_AdvanceExist_Frequency_ParametersFrequency_Parameters00 not implementedu.Dynamic_Allocationu.Single_Block_Allocation11 not supportedBitmapLengthReducedMA_BitmapExist_MAIO_2MAIO_2Exist_ALPHA_GAMMA_TNExist_P0_BTS_PWR_CTRL_PR_MODENUMBER_OF_RADIO_BLOCKS_ALLOCATEDExist_CONTENTION_RESOLUTION_TLLICONTENTION_RESOLUTION_TLLIExist_COMPACT_ReducedMACOMPACT_ReducedMAEGPRS_CHANNEL_CODING_COMMANDEGPRS_WindowSizeAccessTechnologyTypeExist_BEP_PERIOD2BEP_PERIOD200 u.MultiBlock_Allocation11 u.PUA_EGPRS_0001 10 11 u.PUA_GPRS_Structu.PUA_EGPRS_StructMeasurement_Starting_TimeMEASUREMENT_INTERVALMEASUREMENT_BITMAPPacketDownlinkIDExist_EGPRS_ParamsLINK_QUALITY_MEASUREMENT_MODEMAC_MODECONTROL_ACKTIMESLOT_ALLOCATIONExist_P0_and_BTS_PWR_CTRL_MODEExist_DOWNLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTDOWNLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTExist_Power_Control_ParametersPower_Control_ParametersExist_Measurement_MappingMeasurement_MappingLength_of_Mobile_Identity_contentsMobile_Identityu.PTMSIu.Mobile_Identityu.TMSICHANNEL_NEEDEDExist_eMLPP_PRIORITYeMLPP_PRIORITYu.Page_req_TBFu.Page_req_RRExist_NLNNLNRepeated_Page_info0x01TIMESLOTS_AVAILABLEGlobal_Packet_Timing_Advanceu.Global_Packet_Timing_Advanceu.Power_Control_ParametersPacketPowerControlTimingAdvanceIDExist_Global_Power_Control_ParametersGlobal_Power_Control_Parametersu.GlobalTimingAndPoweru.GlobalTimingOrPower0x07Packet_Request_ReferenceTQICommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.Global_Packet_Timing_AdvanceCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.DOWNLINK_RLC_MODECommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.CONTROL_ACKCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.Exist_DOWNLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.DOWNLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.Exist_UPLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.UPLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENTCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.DOWNLINK_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATIONCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.Exist_Frequency_ParametersCommon_Timeslot_Reconfigure_Data.Frequency_Parameters1 - Fixed Allocation was removedExist_DOWNLINK_EGPRS_WindowSizeDOWNLINK_EGPRS_WindowSizeExist_UPLINK_EGPRS_WindowSizeUPLINK_EGPRS_WindowSize1 u.PTR_EGPRS_0001 10 11 u.PTR_GPRS_Structu.PTR_EGPRS_StructACC_CONTR_CLASSMAX_RETRANSSTX_INTRFL_NumberPRIORITY_CLASSHCS_THRPBCCH_LOCATIONu.SI13_LOCATIONu.lrCELL_BAR_ACCESS_2EXC_ACCSAME_RA_AS_SERVING_CELLExist_RXLEV_and_TXPWRGPRS_RXLEV_ACCESS_MINGPRS_MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCHExist_OFFSET_and_TIMEGPRS_TEMPORARY_OFFSETGPRS_PENALTY_TIMEExist_GPRS_RESELECT_OFFSETGPRS_RESELECT_OFFSETExist_HCSHCSExist_SI13_PBCCH_LocationSI13_PBCCH_LocationFREQUENCY_DIFFCell_SelectionParamsSTART_FREQUENCYCell_SelectionNR_OF_REMAINING_CELLSFREQ_DIFF_LENGTHCallBack_callback_init_Cell_Selection_Params_FREQUENCY_DIFFCell_Selection_Params_With_FreqDiffParametersPRACH_ControlRejectIDExist_WaitWAIT_INDICATIONWAIT_INDICATION_SIZERejectPacketCellChangeOrderIDExist_CellSelectionParamsCellSelectionParamsExist_Cell_SelectionNR_OF_FREQUENCIESCallBack_callback_init_Cell_Sel_Param_2_FREQUENCY_DIFFCellSelectionParamsWithFreqDiffREMOVED_FREQ_INDEXExist_REMOVED_FREQNR_OF_REMOVED_FREQRemoved_Freq_IndexAdd_FrequencyExist_NCNC_NON_DRX_PERIODNC_REPORTING_PERIOD_INC_REPORTING_PERIOD_TExist_NC_FREQUENCY_LISTNC_Frequency_listBA_INDBA_IND_3GNUMBER_CELLSREPORT_PRIORITYREPORTING_OFFSETREPORTING_THRESHOLDExist_MULTI_BAND_REPORTINGMULTI_BAND_REPORTINGExist_SERVING_BAND_REPORTINGSERVING_BAND_REPORTINGSCALE_ORDExist_OffsetThreshold900OffsetThreshold900Exist_OffsetThreshold1800OffsetThreshold1800Exist_OffsetThreshold400OffsetThreshold400Exist_OffsetThreshold1900OffsetThreshold1900Exist_OffsetThreshold850OffsetThreshold850existMultiratReportingMultiratReportingexistOffsetThresholdOffsetThresholdQsearch_PSearchPrio3GexistRepParamsFDDRepQuantFDDMultiratReportingFDDParamsTDDParamsCDMA2000REMOVED_3GCELL_INDEXCELL_DIFF_LENGTH_3GCELL_DIFF_3GN2_CountN2sN1_CountN1sComplete_ThisNot 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to encode an Uplink block: not enough bits in the output buffer (rc=%d) Failed to encode a Downlink block: not enough bits in the output buffer (rc=%d) PAYLOAD_TYPE = %u CV = %u SI = %u R = %u spare = %u PI = %u TFI = %u TI = %u BSN = %u E_1 = %u LENGTH_INDICATOR[%u] = %u M[%u] = %u E[%u] = %u TLLI = %08x PFI = %u E_2 = %u DATA[%u] = dataLen <= 20%02xRRBP = %u SP = %u USF = %u PR = %u FBI = %u dataNumOctets <= 20csnStreamDecoder (RAcap): RAcap: Got %d remaining bits unhandled by decoder at the end of bitvec csnStreamEncoder (RAcap): Failed to encode MS RA Capability IE: not enough bits in the output buffer (rc=%d) One Phase AccessShort AccessOne Phase Access (Reduced Latency MS)Two Phase AccessSignallingOne Phase Access (RLC unack mode)Dedicated Channel RequestEmergency callTwo Phase Access (by IPA capable MS)Signalling (by IPA capable MS)csnStreamDecoder (EGPRS Packet Channel Request): decode_gsm_rlcmac_uplink_dataencode_gsm_rlcmac_downlink_data%s Rx Measurement 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