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HE@0HEf@HHEHHHHUHBHEUHHH}HEALHHHH5HHHEALHHHH5HHHEHHHHHƿHHHHHHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHƿ$HHHHHHƿ%HHƿ%HHHH/build/inst-osmo-trx/include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127internalexternalgpsdoDummy bursts (C0 only)Empty burstsGMSK Normal Bursts with random payload8-PSK Normal Bursts with random payloadAccess Bursts with random payloaddummyzerorandom-nb-gmskrandom-nb-8pskrandom-abSend a Dummy Burst on C0 (TRX0) and empty burst on other channelsSend an empty burst (default)Send a GMSK modulated Normal Burst with random bits (spectrum mask testing)Send an 8-PSK modulated Normal Burst with random bits (spectrum mask testing)Send an Access Burst with random bits (Rx/Tx alignment testing)trx_vty.cg_trx_ctxAssert failed %s %s:%d %s(config-trx)# %s(config-trx-chan)# trxConfigure the TRX bind-ip A.B.C.DSet the IP address for the local bind IPv4 Address remote-ip A.B.C.DSet the IP address for the remote BTS IPv4 Address base-port <1-65535>Set the TRX Base Port TRX Base Port dev-args DESCSet the device-specific arguments to pass to the device Device-specific arguments tx-sps (1|4)Set the Tx Samples-per-Symbol Tx Samples-per-Symbol 1 Sample-per-Symbol 4 Samples-per-Symbol rx-sps (1|4)Set the Rx Samples-per-Symbol Rx Samples-per-Symbol 1 Sample-per-Symbol 4 Samples-per-Symbol clock-ref (internal|external|gpsdo)Set the Reference Clock Enable internal reference (default) Enable external 10 MHz reference Enable GPSDO reference multi-arfcn (disable|enable)Multi-ARFCN transceiver mode (default=disable) Enable multi-ARFCN mode Disable multi-ARFCN mode disable Up to %i channels are supported for multi-TRX mode%soffset FLOATSet the baseband frequency offset (default=0, auto) Baseband Frequency Offset freq-offset FLOATApply an artificial offset to Rx/Tx carrier frequency Frequency offset in kHz (e.g. -145300) rssi-offset FLOAT [relative]Set the RSSI to dBm offset in dB (default=0) RSSI to dBm offset in dB Add to the default rssi-offset value instead of completely replacing it ul-fn-offset <-10-10>Adjusts the uplink frame FN by the specified amount Frame Number offset ul-freq-override FLOATOverrides Rx carrier frequency Frequency in Hz (e.g. 145300000) dl-freq-override FLOATOverrides Tx carrier frequency Frequency in Hz (e.g. 145300000) ul-gain-override FLOATOverrides Rx gain gain in dB dl-gain-override FLOATOverrides Tx gain gain in dB viterbi-eq (disable|enable)Use viterbi equalizer for gmsk (default=disable) Disable VA Enable VA enableswap-channels (disable|enable)Swap primary and secondary channels of the PHY (if any) Do not swap primary and secondary channels (default) Swap primary and secondary channels egprs (disable|enable)EGPRS (8-PSK demodulation) support (default=disable) Disable EGPRS (8-PSK demodulation) support Enable EGPRS (8-PSK demodulation) support ext-rach (disable|enable)11-bit Access Burst correlation support (default=disable) Disable 11-bit Access Burst (TS1 & TS2) correlation Enable 11-bit Access Burst (TS1 & TS2) correlation rt-prio <1-32>Set the SCHED_RR real-time priority Real time priority %% 'rt-prio %u' is deprecated, use 'policy rr %u' under 'sched' node instead%sstack-size <0-2147483647>Set the stack size per thread in BYTE, 0 = OS default Stack size per thread in BYTE AUTO-GENERATEDfiller tsc <0-7>Filler burst settings Set the TSC for GMSK/8-PSK Normal Burst random fillers. Used only with 'random-nb-gmsk' and 'random-nb-8psk' filler types. (default=0) TSC filler access-burst-delay <0-68>Filler burst settings Set the delay for Access Burst random fillers. Used only with 'random-ab' filler type. (default=0) RACH delay in symbols ctr-error-threshold (rx_overruns|tx_underruns|rx_drop_events|rx_drop_samples|tx_drop_events|tx_drop_samples|tx_stale_bursts|tx_unavailable_bursts|tx_trxd_fn_repeated|tx_trxd_fn_outoforder|tx_trxd_fn_skipped) <0-65535> (per-second|per-minute|per-hour|per-day)Threshold rate for error counter Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:rx_overruns Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_underruns Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:rx_drop_events Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:rx_drop_samples Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_drop_events Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_drop_samples Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_stale_bursts Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_unavailable_bursts Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_trxd_fn_repeated Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_trxd_fn_outoforder Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_trxd_fn_skipped Value to set for threshold Threshold value sampled per-second Threshold value sampled per-minute Threshold value sampled per-hour Threshold value sampled per-day No valid ctr_name found for ctr-error-threshold %s%sNo valid time frame found for ctr-error-threshold %s %d %s%sno ctr-error-threshold (rx_overruns|tx_underruns|rx_drop_events|rx_drop_samples|tx_drop_events|tx_drop_samples|tx_stale_bursts|tx_unavailable_bursts|tx_trxd_fn_repeated|tx_trxd_fn_outoforder|tx_trxd_fn_skipped) <0-65535> (per-second|per-minute|per-hour|per-day)Negate a command or set its defaults Threshold rate for error counter Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:rx_overruns Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_underruns Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:rx_drop_events Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:rx_drop_samples Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_drop_events Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_drop_samples Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_stale_bursts Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_unavailable_bursts Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_trxd_fn_repeated Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_trxd_fn_outoforder Set threshold value for rate_ctr device:tx_trxd_fn_skipped Value to set for threshold Threshold value sampled per-second Threshold value sampled per-minute Threshold value sampled per-hour Threshold value sampled per-day no ctr-error-threshold: Entry to delete not found%schan <0-100>Select a channel to configure Channel index Chan list full.%sNon-existent or non-consecutive chan %d.%srx-path NAMESet the Rx Path Rx Path name %% Setting 'rx-path' for chan %u in multi-ARFCN mode does not make sense, because only chan 0 is used%stx-path NAMESet the Tx Path Tx Path name %% Setting 'tx-path' for chan %u in multi-ARFCN mode does not make sense, because only chan 0 is used%strx%s bind-ip %s%s remote-ip %s%s base-port %u%s dev-args %s%s tx-sps %u%s rx-sps %u%s clock-ref %s%s multi-arfcn %s%s offset %f%s freq-offset %f%s relative rssi-offset %f%s%s swap-channels %s%s egprs %s%s ext-rach %s%s rt-prio %u%s filler type %s%s filler tsc %u%s filler access-burst-delay %u%s stack-size %u%s ul-fn-offset %d%s dl-freq-override %f%s ul-freq-override %f%s dl-gain-override %f%s ul-gain-override %f%s viterbi-eq %s%s chan %u%s rx-path %s%s tx-path %s%sTRX Config:%s Local IP: %s%s Remote IP: %s%s TRX Base Port: %u%s Device args: %s%s Tx Samples-per-Symbol: %u%s Rx Samples-per-Symbol: %u%s Filler Burst Type: %s%s Filler Burst TSC: %u%s Filler Burst RACH Delay: %u%s Clock Reference: %s%sEnabledDisabled Multi-Carrier: %s%s Tuning offset: %f%s RSSI to dBm offset: %f%s Swap channels: %s%s EDGE support: %s%s Extended RACH support: %s%s Real Time Priority: %u (%s)%s Stack size per Thread in BYTE (0 = OS default): %u%s Channels: %u%s Channel %u:%s Rx Path: %s%s Tx Path: %s%sshow trxShow running system information Display information on the TRX Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Tsou Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Fairwaves, Inc. Copyright (C) 2015 Ettus Research LLC Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. OsmoTRX1.7.1struct trx_ctx127.0.0.1)|filler type (Filler burst settings What to do when there is nothing to send (filler type, default=zero) lms$%GCC: (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0zRx VAC Q <WAC R \GAC B |HAC C LAC G FAC A LAC G FAC A FAC A <PAC K \AC  |JAC E JAC E XAC S DAC  XAC S XAC S <XAC S \XAC S |AC  AC ~ AC ~ xAC s AC  FAC A <lAC g \FAC A |FAC A sAC n rAC m AC  `AC [ AC  <AC  \AC  |AC J   AC E  AC E AAC | $AC _ $AC  DAC  dTAC O  V&0`=`IhRh\HhGp`HHH<L HFHLHF@H`FH0P>HRb`HqJ|HJ H:XHDHX@H1.XFH_XtHX`H6H HBHx$H4=@@ HSFb Hv l Hy F` H F sx r H ) HH `c Hpf y H+@ Hu Z H!A D!$#h!5CP^@n@`{VW1Bf Xq ""Ttrx_vty.cosmo_talloc_replace_stringg_trx_ctxfiller_typesfiller_docstrx_nodechan_nodecfg_trx_cmdcfg_trxcfg_bind_ip_cmdcfg_bind_ipcfg_remote_ip_cmdcfg_remote_ipcfg_base_port_cmdcfg_base_portcfg_dev_args_cmdcfg_dev_argscfg_tx_sps_cmdcfg_tx_spscfg_rx_sps_cmdcfg_rx_spscfg_clock_ref_cmdcfg_clock_refcfg_multi_arfcn_cmdcfg_multi_arfcncfg_offset_cmdcfg_offsetcfg_freq_offset_cmdcfg_freq_offsetcfg_rssi_offset_cmdcfg_rssi_offsetcfg_ul_fn_offset_cmdcfg_ul_fn_offsetcfg_ul_freq_override_cmdcfg_ul_freq_overridecfg_dl_freq_override_cmdcfg_dl_freq_overridecfg_ul_gain_override_cmdcfg_ul_gain_overridecfg_dl_gain_override_cmdcfg_dl_gain_overridecfg_use_viterbi_cmdcfg_use_viterbicfg_swap_channels_cmdcfg_swap_channelscfg_egprs_cmdcfg_egprscfg_ext_rach_cmdcfg_ext_rachcfg_rt_prio_cmdcfg_rt_priocfg_stack_size_cmdcfg_stack_sizecfg_filler_type_cmdcfg_fillercfg_filler_tsc_cmdcfg_test_rtsccfg_filler_rach_delay_cmdcfg_test_rach_delayvty_ctr_name_2_idvty_intv_name_2_idcfg_ctr_error_threshold_cmdcfg_ctr_error_thresholdcfg_no_ctr_error_threshold_cmdcfg_no_ctr_error_thresholdcfg_chan_cmdcfg_chancfg_chan_rx_path_cmdcfg_chan_rx_pathcfg_chan_tx_path_cmdcfg_chan_tx_pathdummy_config_writeconfig_write_trxtrx_dump_vtyshow_trx_cmdshow_trxtrx_vty_is_config_nodetrx_vty_go_parenttrx_copyright_talloc_freetalloc_strdupclock_ref_namesfiller_namestrx_from_vtyosmo_panicatoi_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_get_string_valuestrcmpvty_outatoftrx_chan_ctr_namesstrstrrate_ctr_intvtrx_rate_ctr_threshold_addtrx_rate_ctr_threshold_delget_value_stringtrx_rate_ctr_threshold_write_configg_vty_infovty_trx_ctx_alloc_talloc_zerotrx_vty_initvty_cmd_string_from_valstrinstall_element_veinstall_elementinstall_nodelogging_vty_add_deprecated_subsys*5UHVe\fpZYY[YY[Y9YL[Y[Y*W]Y*2^cl_Y`Y"`YYl`Y[Y`MYk`Y`Y`UYjr^ ^Y^ "^aYv~^ ^Y^ &^\Yo[ _Y[, YA I ] Y [ Y [ *a? bV *a *c ^ *c' 0 E R _u [    _ dC L a n _ [    _ e- 6 D |T _ Y [    _*7_aj{_y\_'<I_Y\_b_>G]pj___ )>K_ir_*Wf_  '8E_t}_ _FObk_ _ "3-@_R[n w9_H_f-V:_W`uh_|__/8MZ_{_ _+4Rb__ !_,-7gt}/_:_ (I5_yX_f_v_-6KX_js___"+;*XCfTa_s|__*Wf;,_>GZRcZtc_x_ _(;RDZUb_t}RZ_RZ _'9RBZ\i_{_J_ ) > ZK _j s  j _   { _"!Y"+"j:"E"VW"b"V""V""""#l # ###-#4#<#lC# N#U# ]#md# q#n# #o# \#n# #n# #n# |#n# #n# <$n $ $n$ *$n1$ \>$nE$ R$nY$ f$nm$ z$n$ $n$ |$n$ $n$ $n$ $n$ \ $n$ %n %  %n!% < .%n5% | B%nI% |V%n]% j%nq% <~%n% %n% %n% \%n% |%o% %n% < %n& &@ &p6?(HHNXehxx b(8H `hp<( \(0p@fH`Pxu`=hpP (:08)@@H.P % `C h6p`   b (B0  (  = @ g H P       y   `  h  p  `  h (  0    f  3 + @@ H P   !     h!( D! @V`< `@`: .@`6B= @ `y   x   f @+`uZ!D!(h!H "h".symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rela.text.data.bss.rodata.rela.data.rel.ro.local.rela.data.rel.local.comment.note.GNU-stack.rela.eh_frame @&@m+&_&,`&1`&H >F` 9@pV HX Q@ f0xV oVV@Ȥ \ U f Ш