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Console Output

Started by timer
Building remotely on osmo-gsm-tester-rnd (osmo-gsm-tester) in workspace /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url git:// # timeout=10
Cleaning workspace
 > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10
Resetting working tree
 > git reset --hard # timeout=10
 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from git://
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress git:// +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/refs/heads/master^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision b398b52ad5d69aeef0aba014264800bd041508c7 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f b398b52ad5d69aeef0aba014264800bd041508c7
 > git rev-list b398b52ad5d69aeef0aba014264800bd041508c7 # timeout=10
Copied 2 artifacts from "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-nitb" build number 106
Copied 2 artifacts from "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-bts-trx" build number 149
Copied 2 artifacts from "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-bts-sysmo" build number 152
Copied 2 artifacts from "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-hlr" build number 6
Copied 2 artifacts from "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-msc" build number 21
[osmo-gsm-tester_run] $ /bin/sh /tmp/
+ export OSMO_GSM_TESTER_CONF=/home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/osmo-gsm-tester/example
+ PATH=/home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/osmo-gsm-tester/src:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games ./osmo-gsm-tester/contrib/
+ base=/home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run
+ trial_dir_prefix=trial-
+ rm -rf trial-939 trial-939-bin.tgz trial-939-run.tgz
+ trial_dir=trial-940
+ mkdir -p trial-940
+ mv trial-940
+ cat
+ rm
+ exit_code=1
+ which
+ python3 -u /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/osmo-gsm-tester/src/ trial-940
combinations: None
series: None
trial: 'trial-940'
tests: None
Running default suites:

12:05:43 tst                        trial-940: Detailed log at /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/log

trial-940 sms:sysmo
12:05:44 tst                        sms:sysmo: reserving resources in /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state ...
12:05:44 tst                        sms:sysmo: Reserving 1 x bts (candidates: 2)
12:05:44 tst                        sms:sysmo: Reserving 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:05:44 tst                        sms:sysmo: Reserving 2 x modem (candidates: 4)

trial-940 sms:sysmo
12:05:45 tst                        sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 1)
12:05:45 tst                        sms:sysmo: Using 1 x bts (candidates: 1)
12:05:45 tst                        sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:05:45 tst                        sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:05:46 tst          start nitb and bts...
12:05:46 run             osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2: Starting osmo-nitb
12:05:51 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/sms:sysmo/ host and port not 22
12:05:51 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3983): Launched
12:05:52 run   osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2(pid=3984): Launched
12:05:52 run                   osmo-bts-sysmo: Starting sysmoBTS to connect to osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2
12:05:55 run          rm-remote-dir(pid=3985): Launched
12:06:01 run          rm-remote-dir(pid=3985): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:06:01 run          mk-remote-dir(pid=4008): Launched
12:06:03 run          mk-remote-dir(pid=4008): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:06:03 run   scp-inst-to-sysmobts(pid=4017): Launched
12:06:53 run   scp-inst-to-sysmobts(pid=4017): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:06:53 run      mk-remote-run-dir(pid=4021): Launched
12:06:55 run      mk-remote-run-dir(pid=4021): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:06:56 run    scp-cfg-to-sysmobts(pid=4022): Launched
12:06:59 run    scp-cfg-to-sysmobts(pid=4022): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:06:59 run    reload-dsp-firmware(pid=4025): Launched
12:07:02 run    reload-dsp-firmware(pid=4025): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:07:02 run         osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=4055): Launched
12:07:02 run             osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009031', msisdn='7528'}
12:07:02 run             osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009029', msisdn='7529'}
12:07:03 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online False
12:07:03 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered False
12:07:04 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered True
12:07:04 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online True
12:07:06 tst                        /sierra_1: Connect to ('901', '70')
12:07:06 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online False
12:07:07 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered False
12:07:07 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered True
12:07:08 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online True
12:07:10 tst                        /sierra_2: Connect to ('901', '70')
12:07:10 tst                        /sierra_1: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.66.00 r29972 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/10/08 08:36:28'
12:07:11 tst                        /sierra_2: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 r27038 carmd-fwbuild1 2015/03/04 21:30:23'
12:07:11 tst         waiting for modems to attach...
12:07:26 tst                        /sierra_1: Registering with operator /sierra_1/operator/90170 ('901', '70')
12:07:31 tst                        /sierra_2: Registering with operator /sierra_2/operator/90170 ('901', '70')
12:07:34 tst                        /sierra_1: sending sms to MSISDN 7529 {sms='message nr. 1, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7528, to 7529'}
12:07:41 tst                        /sierra_2: Incoming SMS: 'message nr. 1, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7528, to 7529'
12:07:41 tst                        /sierra_2: SMS received as expected: 'message nr. 1, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7528, to 7529'
12:07:41 tst            Test passed (116.8 sec)
12:07:41 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3983): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:07:42 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3983): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:07:42 run   osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2(pid=3984): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:07:45 run   osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2(pid=3984): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:07:45 run         osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=4055): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:07:45 run         osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=4055): Terminated {rc=130}
trial-940 sms:sysmo PASS

trial-940 aoip_sms:sysmo
12:07:45 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: reserving resources in /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state ...
12:07:45 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Reserving 1 x bts (candidates: 2)
12:07:45 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Reserving 5 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:07:45 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Reserving 2 x modem (candidates: 4)

trial-940 aoip_sms:sysmo
12:07:46 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:07:46 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x bts (candidates: 1)
12:07:46 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:07:46 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:07:46 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:07:47 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:07:47 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:07:47 tst                   aoip_sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:07:47 run              osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Starting osmo-hlr
12:07:48 run          create_hlr_db(pid=4059): Launched
12:07:49 run          create_hlr_db(pid=4059): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:07:50 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:sysmo/ host
12:07:50 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host')(pid=4072): Launched
12:07:50 run    osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=4073): Launched
12:07:50 run              osmo-stp_10.42.42.6: Starting osmo-stp
12:07:56 run    osmo-stp_10.42.42.6(pid=4074): Launched
12:07:56 run              osmo-msc_10.42.42.4: Starting osmo-msc
12:07:57 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:sysmo/ host and port not 22
12:07:57 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4086): Launched
12:07:57 run    osmo-msc_10.42.42.4(pid=4087): Launched
12:07:57 run           osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3: Starting osmo-mgcpgw
12:07:58 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:sysmo/ host and port not 22
12:07:58 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4100): Launched
12:07:58 run osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3(pid=4101): Launched
12:07:58 run              osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5: Starting osmo-bsc
12:07:59 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:sysmo/ host and port not 22
12:07:59 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4113): Launched
12:07:59 run    osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5(pid=4114): Launched
12:07:59 run                   osmo-bts-sysmo: Starting sysmoBTS to connect to osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5
12:08:00 run          rm-remote-dir(pid=4115): Launched
12:08:05 run          rm-remote-dir(pid=4115): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:08:05 run          mk-remote-dir(pid=4145): Launched
12:08:07 run          mk-remote-dir(pid=4145): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:08:08 run   scp-inst-to-sysmobts(pid=4146): Launched
12:08:58 run   scp-inst-to-sysmobts(pid=4146): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:08:58 run      mk-remote-run-dir(pid=4151): Launched
12:09:00 run      mk-remote-run-dir(pid=4151): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:00 run    scp-cfg-to-sysmobts(pid=4152): Launched
12:09:03 run    scp-cfg-to-sysmobts(pid=4152): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:04 run    reload-dsp-firmware(pid=4183): Launched
12:09:07 run    reload-dsp-firmware(pid=4183): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:07 run         osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=4184): Launched
12:09:07 run              osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009031', msisdn='7530', subscriber_id=1}
12:09:07 run         add_subscriber(pid=4185): Launched
12:09:07 run         add_subscriber(pid=4185): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:07 run              osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009029', msisdn='7531', subscriber_id=2}
12:09:07 run         add_subscriber(pid=4187): Launched
12:09:08 run         add_subscriber(pid=4187): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:08 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online False
12:09:08 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered False
12:09:09 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered True
12:09:09 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online True
12:09:12 tst                        /sierra_1: Connect to ('901', '70')
12:09:12 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online False
12:09:13 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered False
12:09:13 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered True
12:09:13 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online True
12:09:15 tst                        /sierra_2: Connect to ('901', '70')
12:09:15 tst                        /sierra_1: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.66.00 r29972 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/10/08 08:36:28'
12:09:15 tst                        /sierra_2: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 r27038 carmd-fwbuild1 2015/03/04 21:30:23'
12:09:15 tst         waiting for modems to attach...
12:09:17 tst                        /sierra_2: ERR: Scan() failed, retrying if needed: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.ofono.Error.Failed: Operation failed (36)  [trial-940↪aoip_sms:sysmo↪/sierra_2]
12:09:17 tst                        /sierra_2: Already registered with network ('901', '70')
12:09:20 tst                        /sierra_1: Registering with operator /sierra_1/operator/90170 ('901', '70')
12:09:34 tst                        /sierra_1: sending sms to MSISDN 7531 {sms='message nr. 2, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7530, to 7531'}
12:09:46 tst                        /sierra_2: Incoming SMS: 'message nr. 2, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7530, to 7531'
12:09:46 tst                        /sierra_2: SMS received as expected: 'message nr. 2, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7530, to 7531'
12:09:46 tst            Test passed (120.5 sec)
12:09:46 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host')(pid=4072): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:46 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host')(pid=4072): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:46 run    osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=4073): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:46 run    osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=4073): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:46 run    osmo-stp_10.42.42.6(pid=4074): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:46 run    osmo-stp_10.42.42.6(pid=4074): Terminated {rc=-2}
12:09:46 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4086): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:47 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4086): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:47 run    osmo-msc_10.42.42.4(pid=4087): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:50 run    osmo-msc_10.42.42.4(pid=4087): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:50 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4100): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:50 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4100): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:50 run osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3(pid=4101): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:50 run osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3(pid=4101): Terminated {rc=-2}
12:09:50 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4113): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:51 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4113): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:51 run    osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5(pid=4114): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:54 run    osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5(pid=4114): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:09:54 run         osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=4184): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:09:54 run         osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=4184): Terminated {rc=130}
trial-940 aoip_sms:sysmo PASS

trial-940 sms:trx
12:09:54 tst                          sms:trx: reserving resources in /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state ...
12:09:54 tst                          sms:trx: Reserving 1 x bts (candidates: 2)
12:09:54 tst                          sms:trx: Reserving 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:09:54 tst                          sms:trx: Reserving 2 x modem (candidates: 4)

trial-940 sms:trx
12:09:54 tst                          sms:trx: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 1)
12:09:55 tst                          sms:trx: Using 1 x bts (candidates: 1)
12:09:55 tst                          sms:trx: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:09:55 tst                          sms:trx: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:09:55 tst          start nitb and bts...
12:09:56 run             osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2: Starting osmo-nitb
12:09:57 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/sms:trx/ host and port not 22
12:09:57 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4202): Launched
12:09:57 run   osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2(pid=4203): Launched
12:09:57 run                     osmo-bts-trx: Starting to connect to osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2
12:10:01 run               osmo-trx(pid=4205): Launched
12:10:01 run                     osmo-bts-trx: Waiting for osmo-trx to start up...
12:10:09 run               osmo-trx(pid=4205): -- Transceiver active with 1 channel(s)
12:10:09 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4258): Launched
12:10:09 run             osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009031', msisdn='7532'}
12:10:09 run             osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009029', msisdn='7533'}
12:10:10 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online False
12:10:10 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered False
12:10:11 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered True
12:10:11 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online True
12:10:13 tst                        /sierra_1: Connect to ('901', '70')
12:10:14 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online False
12:10:15 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered False
12:10:16 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered True
12:10:16 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online True
12:10:18 tst                        /sierra_2: Connect to ('901', '70')
12:10:18 tst                        /sierra_1: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.66.00 r29972 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/10/08 08:36:28'
12:10:19 tst                        /sierra_2: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 r27038 carmd-fwbuild1 2015/03/04 21:30:23'
12:10:19 tst         waiting for modems to attach...
12:10:23 tst                        /sierra_1: Registering with operator /sierra_1/operator/90170 ('901', '70')
12:10:34 tst                        /sierra_2: Already registered with network ('901', '70')
12:10:39 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4258): ERR: Terminated: ERROR {rc=42}  [trial-940↪sms:trx↪osmo-bts-trx↪osmo-bts-trx(pid=4258)]
12:10:39 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4258): stderr:
 | 20170625121036648 DL1C <0006> scheduler.c:1355 Configuring multiframe with TCH/F+SACCH trx=0 ts=7
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:430 Sending FOM ACK.
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:1012 OC=CHANNEL(03) INST=(00,00,07) Rx CHG ADM STATE
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:1038 ADM state already was Unlocked
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:984 OC=CHANNEL(03) INST=(00,00,07) Rx OPSTART
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> l1_if.c:726 bts_model_opstart: CHANNEL received
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> oml.c:333 OC=CHANNEL INST=(00,00,07) AVAIL STATE Dependency -> OK
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> oml.c:340 OC=CHANNEL INST=(00,00,07) OPER STATE Disabled -> Enabled
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> oml.c:301 OC=CHANNEL INST=(00,00,07) Tx STATE CHG REP
| Shutdown timer expired 
12:10:39 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4258): stdout:
 | (launched: 2017-06-25_12:10:09)
| ((*))
|   |
|  / \ OsmoBTS 
12:10:39 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4258): stderr:
 | 20170625121036648 DL1C <0006> scheduler.c:1355 Configuring multiframe with TCH/F+SACCH trx=0 ts=7
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:430 Sending FOM ACK.
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:1012 OC=CHANNEL(03) INST=(00,00,07) Rx CHG ADM STATE
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:1038 ADM state already was Unlocked
| 20170625121036648 DOML <0001> oml.c:984 OC=CHANNEL(03) INST=(00,00,07) Rx OPSTART
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> l1_if.c:726 bts_model_opstart: CHANNEL received
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> oml.c:333 OC=CHANNEL INST=(00,00,07) AVAIL STATE Dependency -> OK
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> oml.c:340 OC=CHANNEL INST=(00,00,07) OPER STATE Disabled -> Enabled
| 20170625121036649 DOML <0001> oml.c:301 OC=CHANNEL INST=(00,00,07) Tx STATE CHG REP
| Shutdown timer expired 
12:10:39 tst         ERR: Error: Process ended prematurely  [trial-940↪sms:trx↪]
12:10:39 tst         Test FAILED (44.9 sec)
12:10:39 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4202): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:10:39 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4202): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:10:39 run   osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2(pid=4203): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:10:43 run   osmo-nitb_10.42.42.2(pid=4203): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:10:43 run               osmo-trx(pid=4205): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:10:43 run               osmo-trx(pid=4205): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
trial-940 sms:trx FAIL

trial-940 aoip_sms:trx
12:10:43 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: reserving resources in /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state ...
12:10:43 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Reserving 1 x bts (candidates: 2)
12:10:43 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Reserving 5 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:10:43 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Reserving 2 x modem (candidates: 4)

trial-940 aoip_sms:trx
12:10:43 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:10:44 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x bts (candidates: 1)
12:10:44 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:10:44 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:10:44 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:10:44 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 5)
12:10:45 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:10:45 tst                     aoip_sms:trx: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2)
12:10:45 run              osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Starting osmo-hlr
12:10:46 run          create_hlr_db(pid=4270): Launched
12:10:47 run          create_hlr_db(pid=4270): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:10:47 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:trx/ host
12:10:47 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host')(pid=4284): Launched
12:10:47 run    osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=4285): Launched
12:10:47 run              osmo-stp_10.42.42.6: Starting osmo-stp
12:10:48 run    osmo-stp_10.42.42.6(pid=4286): Launched
12:10:48 run              osmo-msc_10.42.42.4: Starting osmo-msc
12:10:48 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:trx/ host and port not 22
12:10:49 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4298): Launched
12:10:49 run    osmo-msc_10.42.42.4(pid=4299): Launched
12:10:49 run           osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3: Starting osmo-mgcpgw
12:10:49 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:trx/ host and port not 22
12:10:49 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4311): Launched
12:10:50 run osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3(pid=4312): Launched
12:10:50 run              osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5: Starting osmo-bsc
12:10:50 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22'): Recording pcap /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/aoip_sms:trx/ host and port not 22
12:10:51 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4325): Launched
12:10:51 run    osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5(pid=4326): Launched
12:10:51 run                     osmo-bts-trx: Starting to connect to osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5
12:10:51 run               osmo-trx(pid=4327): Launched
12:10:51 run                     osmo-bts-trx: Waiting for osmo-trx to start up...
12:10:59 run               osmo-trx(pid=4327): -- Transceiver active with 1 channel(s)
12:10:59 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4349): Launched
12:11:00 run              osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009031', msisdn='7534', subscriber_id=1}
12:11:00 run         add_subscriber(pid=4350): Launched
12:11:00 run         add_subscriber(pid=4350): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:00 run              osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {imsi='901700000009029', msisdn='7535', subscriber_id=2}
12:11:00 run         add_subscriber(pid=4353): Launched
12:11:00 run         add_subscriber(pid=4353): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:00 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online False
12:11:00 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered False
12:11:01 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Powered True
12:11:01 bus                        /sierra_1: Setting Online True
12:11:03 tst                        /sierra_1: Connect to ('901', '70')
12:11:04 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online False
12:11:04 tst                        /sierra_1: ERR: Scan() failed, retrying if needed: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.ofono.Error.Failed: Operation failed (36)  [trial-940↪aoip_sms:trx↪/sierra_1]
12:11:04 tst                        /sierra_1: Already registered with network ('901', '70')
12:11:05 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered False
12:11:05 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Powered True
12:11:05 bus                        /sierra_2: Setting Online True
12:11:09 tst                        /sierra_2: Already registered with ('901', '70')
12:11:09 tst                        /sierra_1: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.66.00 r29972 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/10/08 08:36:28'
12:11:09 tst                        /sierra_2: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 r27038 carmd-fwbuild1 2015/03/04 21:30:23'
12:11:09 tst         waiting for modems to attach...
12:11:21 tst                        /sierra_1: sending sms to MSISDN 7535 {sms='message nr. 3, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7534, to 7535'}
12:11:39 tst                        /sierra_2: Incoming SMS: 'message nr. 3, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7534, to 7535'
12:11:39 tst                        /sierra_2: SMS received as expected: 'message nr. 3, from /sierra_1, to /sierra_2, from 7534, to 7535'
12:11:39 tst            Test passed (55.3 sec)
12:11:39 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host')(pid=4284): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:39 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host')(pid=4284): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:39 run    osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=4285): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:39 run    osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=4285): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:39 run    osmo-stp_10.42.42.6(pid=4286): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:39 run    osmo-stp_10.42.42.6(pid=4286): Terminated {rc=-2}
12:11:39 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4298): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:40 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4298): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:40 run    osmo-msc_10.42.42.4(pid=4299): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:43 run    osmo-msc_10.42.42.4(pid=4299): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:43 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4311): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:43 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4311): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:43 run osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3(pid=4312): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:43 run osmo-mgcpgw_10.42.42.3(pid=4312): Terminated {rc=-2}
12:11:43 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4325): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:44 run pcap-recorder_eth1(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=4325): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:44 run    osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5(pid=4326): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:47 run    osmo-bsc_10.42.42.5(pid=4326): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:47 run               osmo-trx(pid=4327): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:47 run               osmo-trx(pid=4327): Terminated: ok {rc=0}
12:11:47 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4349): Terminating (SIGINT)
12:11:50 run           osmo-bts-trx(pid=4349): Terminated {rc=42}
trial-940 aoip_sms:trx PASS
12:11:50 tst                        trial-940: Storing JUnit report in /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940/run.2017-06-25_12-05-43/trial-940.xml

trial-940 FAIL
12:11:50 tst                        trial-940: trial-940: FAIL, 1 suites failed, 3 suites passed
FAIL: sms:trx (fail: 1)
    FAIL: (44.9 sec) Error: Process ended prematurely
+ rm -rf trial-940/inst
+ cd trial-940
+ readlink last_run
+ tar czf /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940-run.tgz run.2017-06-25_12-05-43
+ tar czf /home/jenkins/workspace/osmo-gsm-tester_run/trial-940-bin.tgz checksums.md5
+ exit 1
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
Finished: FAILURE