jobs/{master,gerrit}: set ulimit filesize to 1 GiB (details)
jobs: manually trigger "git gc" for linux.git (details)
scripts/docker-cleanup: add "docker system prune" (details)
by Oliver Smith
jobs/{master,gerrit}: set ulimit filesize to 1 GiB
Set a max file size limit of 1 GiB via ulimit. This prevents jobs from filling up the disk by generating one huge log file.
I have chosen 1 GiB as limit, because jobs that clone linux kernel repos may have packed git artifacts that are several 100 MiB in size.
It would be even better to set the overall max disk space that can be used from one "docker run" call, but this is currently not supported for ext4:
by Oliver Smith
jobs: manually trigger "git gc" for linux.git
We already use shallow clones for linux.git, and git runs a garbage collector automatically to ensure no longer needed artifacts are removed. But this did not work anymore on build4 for build-kernel-net-next, and it increased up to 8.4 GiB:
8,4 GiB /build-kernel-net-next
After running "git gc" again:
3,3 GiB /build-kernel-net-next
The reason was that "git gc" did not exit successfully once and wrote a log file, then refused to run again. Run "git gc --auto" explicitly in foreground to let abort in such a case, so it does not go unnoticed in the future.
by Oliver Smith
scripts/docker-cleanup: add "docker system prune"
On build4 this freed up another 8.223GB when I just ran it:
$ docker system prune WARNING! This will remove: - all stopped containers - all networks not used by at least one container - all dangling images - all dangling build cache