Osmocom core library
General-purpose utility functions

various utility routines More...


file  defs.h
 General definitions that are meant to be included from header files.
file  panic.h
file  utils.h
file  macaddr.c
 MAC address utility routines.
file  panic.c
 Routines for panic handling.
file  plugin.c
 Routines for loading and managing shared library plug-ins.
file  strrb.c
 Ringbuffer implementation, tailored for logging.
file  utils.c

Data Structures

struct  value_string
 A mapping between human-readable string and numeric value. More...
struct  osmo_strbuf


#define OSMO_GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min)   0
 Check for gcc and version. More...
#define OSMO_DEPRECATED(text)
 Set the deprecated attribute with a message. More...
#define OSMO_DEPRECATED_OUTSIDE_LIBOSMOCORE   OSMO_DEPRECATED("For internal use inside libosmocore only.")
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x)   (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
 Determine number of elements in an array of static size. More...
#define OSMO_MAX(a, b)   ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
 Return the maximum of two specified values. More...
#define OSMO_MIN(a, b)   ((a) >= (b) ? (b) : (a))
 Return the minimum of two specified values. More...
#define OSMO_CMP(a, b)   ((a) < (b)? -1 : ((a) > (b)? 1 : 0))
 Return a typical cmp result for comparable entities a and b. More...
#define OSMO_STRINGIFY(x)   #x
 Stringify the name of a macro x, e.g. More...
 Stringify the value of a macro x, e.g. More...
#define OSMO_VALUE_STRING(x)   { x, #x }
 Make a value_string entry from an enum value name. More...
#define OSMO_BYTES_FOR_BITS(BITS)   (((BITS) + 7) / 8)
 Number of bytes necessary to store given BITS. More...
#define OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(array, src)   osmo_strlcpy(array, src, sizeof(array))
 Copy a C-string into a sized buffer using sizeof to detect buffer's size. More...
#define OSMO_LIKELY(exp)   exp
 Branch prediction optimizations. More...
#define OSMO_UNLIKELY(exp)   exp
#define osmo_static_assert(exp, name)   typedef int dummy##name [(exp) ? 1 : -1] __attribute__((__unused__));
#define OSMO_SNPRINTF_RET(ret, rem, offset, len)
#define OSMO_ASSERT(exp)
 Helper macro to terminate when an assertion fails. More...
#define osmo_talloc_asprintf(ctx, dest, fmt, args ...)
 Append to a string and re-/allocate if necessary. More...
#define OSMO_MOD_FLR(x, y)   (((x) > 0 && (y) < 0) || ((x) < 0 && (y) > 0) ? (x) % (y) + (y) : (x) % (y))
 Floored Modulo (See also: Daan Leijen, Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists). More...
#define OSMO_MOD_EUC(x, y)   ((x) % (y) < 0 ? (y) > 0 ? (x) % (y) + (y) : (x) % (y) - (y) : (x) % (y))
 Euclidean Modulo (See also: Daan Leijen, Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists). More...
#define OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(STRBUF, func, args...)
 Append a string to a buffer, as printed by an snprintf()-like function and with similar bounds checking. More...
#define OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(STRBUF, fmt, args...)    OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(STRBUF, snprintf, fmt, ##args)
 Shortcut for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND() invocation using snprintf(). More...
#define OSMO_STRBUF_REMAIN(STRBUF)    _osmo_strbuf_remain(&(STRBUF))
 Return remaining space for characters and terminating nul in the given struct osmo_strbuf. More...
#define OSMO_STRBUF_CHAR_COUNT(STRBUF)    _osmo_strbuf_char_count(&(STRBUF))
 Return number of actual characters contained in struct osmo_strbuf (without terminating nul). More...
#define OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND_NOLEN(STRBUF, func, args...)
 Like OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(), but for function signatures that return the char* buffer instead of a length. More...
#define OSMO_STRBUF_DROP_TAIL(STRBUF, N_CHARS)   osmo_strbuf_drop_tail(&(STRBUF), N_CHARS)
#define OSMO_STRBUF_ADDED_TAIL(STRBUF, N_CHARS)   osmo_strbuf_added_tail(&(STRBUF), N_CHARS)
 Translate a buffer function to a talloc context function. More...


typedef void(* osmo_panic_handler_t) (const char *fmt, va_list args)
 panic handler callback function type More...


void osmo_panic (const char *fmt,...)
 Terminate the current program with a panic. More...
void osmo_set_panic_handler (osmo_panic_handler_t h)
 Set the panic handler. More...
const char * get_value_string (const struct value_string *vs, uint32_t val)
 get human-readable string for given value More...
const char * get_value_string_or_null (const struct value_string *vs, uint32_t val)
 get human-readable string or NULL for given value More...
int get_string_value (const struct value_string *vs, const char *str)
 get numeric value for given human-readable string More...
char osmo_bcd2char (uint8_t bcd)
 Convert BCD-encoded digit into printable character. More...
uint8_t osmo_char2bcd (char c)
 Convert number in ASCII to BCD value. More...
int osmo_bcd2str (char *dst, size_t dst_size, const uint8_t *bcd, int start_nibble, int end_nibble, bool allow_hex)
 Convert BCD to string. More...
int osmo_str2bcd (uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_size, const char *digits, int start_nibble, int end_nibble, bool allow_hex)
 Convert string to BCD. More...
int osmo_hexparse (const char *str, uint8_t *b, unsigned int max_len)
 Parse a string containing hexadecimal digits. More...
char * osmo_ubit_dump_buf (char *buf, size_t buf_len, const uint8_t *bits, unsigned int len)
 Convert a sequence of unpacked bits to ASCII string, in user-supplied buffer. More...
char * osmo_ubit_dump (const uint8_t *bits, unsigned int len)
 Convert a sequence of unpacked bits to ASCII string, in static buffer. More...
char * osmo_hexdump (const unsigned char *buf, int len)
 Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string. More...
char * osmo_hexdump_c (const void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, int len)
 Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string. More...
char * osmo_hexdump_nospc (const unsigned char *buf, int len)
 Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string. More...
char * osmo_hexdump_nospc_c (const void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, int len)
 Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string. More...
const char * osmo_hexdump_buf (char *out_buf, size_t out_buf_size, const unsigned char *buf, int len, const char *delim, bool delim_after_last)
 Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string. More...
char * osmo_osmo_hexdump_nospc (const unsigned char *buf, int len) __attribute__((__deprecated__))
void osmo_str2lower (char *out, const char *in) OSMO_DEPRECATED("Use osmo_str_tolower() or osmo_str_tolower_buf() instead
void osmo_str2upper (char *out, const char *in) OSMO_DEPRECATED("Use osmo_str_toupper() or osmo_str_toupper_buf() instead
size_t osmo_str_tolower_buf (char *dest, size_t dest_len, const char *src)
 Convert a string to lowercase, while checking buffer size boundaries. More...
const char * osmo_str_tolower (const char *src)
 Convert a string to lowercase, using a static buffer. More...
char * osmo_str_tolower_c (const void *ctx, const char *src)
 Convert a string to lowercase, dynamically allocating the output from given talloc context See also osmo_str_tolower_buf(). More...
size_t osmo_str_toupper_buf (char *dest, size_t dest_len, const char *src)
 Convert a string to uppercase, while checking buffer size boundaries. More...
const char * osmo_str_toupper (const char *src)
 Convert a string to uppercase, using a static buffer. More...
char * osmo_str_toupper_c (const void *ctx, const char *src)
 Convert a string to uppercase, dynamically allocating the output from given talloc context See also osmo_str_tolower_buf(). More...
static void osmo_talloc_replace_string (void *ctx, char **dst, const char *newstr)
 duplicate a string using talloc and release its prior content (if any) More...
void osmo_talloc_replace_string_fmt (void *ctx, char **dst, const char *fmt,...)
 Replace a string using talloc and release its prior content (if any). More...
int osmo_constant_time_cmp (const uint8_t *exp, const uint8_t *rel, const int count)
 Wishful thinking to generate a constant time compare. More...
uint64_t osmo_decode_big_endian (const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len)
 Generic retrieval of 1..8 bytes as big-endian uint64_t. More...
uint8_t * osmo_encode_big_endian (uint64_t value, size_t data_len)
 Generic big-endian encoding of big endian number up to 64bit. More...
size_t osmo_strlcpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz)
 Copy a C-string into a sized buffer. More...
const char * osmo_strnchr (const char *str, size_t str_size, char c)
 Find first occurence of a char in a size limited string. More...
bool osmo_is_hexstr (const char *str, int min_digits, int max_digits, bool require_even)
 Validate that a given string is a hex string within given size limits. More...
bool osmo_identifier_valid (const char *str)
 Determine if a given identifier is valid, i.e. More...
bool osmo_separated_identifiers_valid (const char *str, const char *sep_chars)
 Determine if a given identifier is valid, i.e. More...
void osmo_identifier_sanitize_buf (char *str, const char *sep_chars, char replace_with)
 Replace characters in the given string buffer so that it is guaranteed to pass osmo_separated_identifiers_valid(). More...
size_t osmo_escape_cstr_buf (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len)
 Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped. More...
char * osmo_escape_cstr_c (void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len)
 Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped, in dynamically-allocated buffer. More...
size_t osmo_quote_cstr_buf (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len)
 Like osmo_escape_str_buf2(), but returns double-quotes around a string, or "NULL" for a NULL string. More...
char * osmo_quote_cstr_c (void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len)
 Return the string quoted and with all non-printable characters escaped, in dynamically-allocated buffer. More...
const char * osmo_escape_str (const char *str, int in_len)
 Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped. More...
int osmo_escape_str_buf3 (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len)
 Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped. More...
char * osmo_escape_str_buf2 (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len)
 Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped. More...
const char * osmo_escape_str_buf (const char *str, int in_len, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
 Like osmo_escape_str_buf2, but with unusual ordering of arguments, and may sometimes return string constants instead of writing to buf for error cases or empty input. More...
char * osmo_escape_str_c (const void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len)
 Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped, in dynamically-allocated buffer. More...
const char * osmo_quote_str (const char *str, int in_len)
 Like osmo_quote_str_buf() but returns the result in a static buffer. More...
int osmo_quote_str_buf3 (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len)
 Like osmo_escape_str_buf3(), but returns double-quotes around a string, or "NULL" for a NULL string. More...
char * osmo_quote_str_buf2 (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len)
 Like osmo_escape_str_buf2(), but returns double-quotes around a string, or "NULL" for a NULL string. More...
const char * osmo_quote_str_buf (const char *str, int in_len, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
 Like osmo_quote_str_buf2, but with unusual ordering of arguments, and may sometimes return string constants instead of writing to buf for error cases or empty input. More...
char * osmo_quote_str_c (const void *ctx, const char *str, int in_len)
 Like osmo_quote_str_buf() but returns the result in a dynamically-allocated buffer. More...
int osmo_print_n (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, size_t n)
 Copy N characters to a buffer with a function signature useful for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(). More...
uint32_t osmo_isqrt32 (uint32_t x)
 perform an integer square root operation on unsigned 32bit integer. More...
char osmo_luhn (const char *in, int in_len)
 Calculate the Luhn checksum (as used for IMEIs). More...
static size_t _osmo_strbuf_remain (const struct osmo_strbuf *sb)
 Get remaining space for characters and terminating nul in the given struct osmo_strbuf. More...
static size_t _osmo_strbuf_char_count (const struct osmo_strbuf *sb)
 Get number of actual characters (without terminating nul) in the given struct osmo_strbuf. More...
void osmo_strbuf_drop_tail (struct osmo_strbuf *sb, size_t n_chars)
 Remove up to N chars from the end of an osmo_strbuf. More...
void osmo_strbuf_added_tail (struct osmo_strbuf *sb, size_t n_chars)
 Let osmo_strbuf know that n_chars characters (excluding nul) were written to the end of the buffer. More...
bool osmo_str_startswith (const char *str, const char *startswith_str)
 Compare start of a string. More...
int osmo_float_str_to_int (int64_t *val, const char *str, unsigned int precision)
 Convert a string of a floating point number to a signed int, with a decimal factor (fixed-point precision). More...
int osmo_int_to_float_str_buf (char *buf, size_t buflen, int64_t val, unsigned int precision)
 Convert an integer to a floating point string using a decimal quotient (fixed-point precision). More...
char * osmo_int_to_float_str_c (void *ctx, int64_t val, unsigned int precision)
 Convert an integer with a factor of a million to a floating point string. More...
int osmo_str_to_int64 (int64_t *result, const char *str, int base, int64_t min_val, int64_t max_val)
 Convert a string of a number to int64_t, including all common strtoll() validity checks. More...
int osmo_str_to_int (int *result, const char *str, int base, int min_val, int max_val)
 Convert a string of a number to int, including all common strtoll() validity checks. More...
int osmo_macaddr_parse (uint8_t *out, const char *in)
 Parse a MAC address from human-readable notation This function parses an ethernet MAC address in the commonly-used hex/colon notation (00:00:00:00:00:00) and generates the binary representation from it. More...
int osmo_get_macaddr (uint8_t *mac_out, const char *dev_name)
 Obtain the MAC address of a given network device. More...
static void osmo_panic_default (const char *fmt, va_list args)
int osmo_plugin_load_all (const char *directory)
struct osmo_strrbosmo_strrb_create (void *talloc_ctx, size_t rb_size)
 Create an empty, initialized osmo_strrb. More...
bool osmo_strrb_is_empty (const struct osmo_strrb *rb)
 Check if an osmo_strrb is empty. More...
const char * osmo_strrb_get_nth (const struct osmo_strrb *rb, unsigned int string_index)
 Return a pointer to the Nth string in the osmo_strrb. More...
bool _osmo_strrb_is_bufindex_valid (const struct osmo_strrb *rb, unsigned int bufi)
size_t osmo_strrb_elements (const struct osmo_strrb *rb)
 Count the number of log messages in an osmo_strrb. More...
int osmo_strrb_add (struct osmo_strrb *rb, const char *data)
 Add a string to the osmo_strrb. More...
char alias ("osmo_hexdump_nospc")))
static int _osmo_escape_str_buf (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len, bool legacy_format)
 Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped. More...
static size_t _osmo_quote_str_buf (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *str, int in_len, bool legacy_format)
 Return a quoted and escaped representation of the string. More...


void to properly check target memory bounds
static osmo_panic_handler_t osmo_panic_handler = (void*)0
static __thread char namebuf [255]
static __thread char capsbuf [128]
static __thread char hexd_buff [4096]
static const char hex_chars [] = "0123456789abcdef"
static const char osmo_identifier_illegal_chars [] = "., {}[]()<>|~\\^`'\"?=;/+*&%$#!"

Detailed Description

various utility routines

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ARRAY_SIZE (   x)    (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))

Determine number of elements in an array of static size.


#define OSMO_ASSERT (   exp)
do { \
if (OSMO_UNLIKELY(!(exp))) { \
osmo_panic("Assert failed %s %s:%d\n", #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} \
} while (0); /* some code invokes OSMO_ASSERT() without the semicolon */
#define OSMO_UNLIKELY(exp)
Definition: utils.h:47

Helper macro to terminate when an assertion fails.

[in]expPredicate to verify This function will generate a backtrace and terminate the program if the predicate evaluates to false (0).


#define OSMO_BYTES_FOR_BITS (   BITS)    (((BITS) + 7) / 8)

Number of bytes necessary to store given BITS.


#define OSMO_CMP (   a,
)    ((a) < (b)? -1 : ((a) > (b)? 1 : 0))

Return a typical cmp result for comparable entities a and b.


#define OSMO_DEPRECATED (   text)

Set the deprecated attribute with a message.




#define OSMO_DEPRECATED_OUTSIDE_LIBOSMOCORE   OSMO_DEPRECATED("For internal use inside libosmocore only.")


#define OSMO_GNUC_PREREQ (   maj,
)    0

Check for gcc and version.

Albeit glibc provides a features.h file that contains a similar definition (__GNUC_PREREQ), this definition has been copied from there to have it available with other libraries, too.
!= 0 iff gcc is used and it's version is at least maj.min.


#define OSMO_LIKELY (   exp)    exp

Branch prediction optimizations.


#define OSMO_MAX (   a,
)    ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))

Return the maximum of two specified values.


#define OSMO_MIN (   a,
)    ((a) >= (b) ? (b) : (a))

Return the minimum of two specified values.


#define OSMO_MOD_EUC (   x,
)    ((x) % (y) < 0 ? (y) > 0 ? (x) % (y) + (y) : (x) % (y) - (y) : (x) % (y))

Euclidean Modulo (See also: Daan Leijen, Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists).

remainder of x divided by y.


#define OSMO_MOD_FLR (   x,
)    (((x) > 0 && (y) < 0) || ((x) < 0 && (y) > 0) ? (x) % (y) + (y) : (x) % (y))

Floored Modulo (See also: Daan Leijen, Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists).

remainder of x divided by y.


#define OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL (   CTX,

Translate a buffer function to a talloc context function.

This is the full function body of a char *foo_name_c(void *ctx, val...) function, implemented by an int foo_name_buf(buf, buflen, val...) function:

char *foo_name_c(void *ctx, example_t arg) { OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL(ctx, 64, "ERROR", foo_name_buf, arg) }

Return a talloc'd string containing the result of the given foo_name_buf() function, or ON_ERROR on error in the called foo_name_buf() function.

If ON_ERROR is NULL, the function returns NULL on error rc from FUNC_BUF. Take care: returning NULL in printf() like formats (LOGP()) makes the program crash. If ON_ERROR is non-NULL, it must be a string constant, which is not returned directly, but written to an allocated string buffer first.

[in]INITIAL_BUFSIZEWhich size to first talloc from ctx – a larger size makes a reallocation less likely, a smaller size allocates less unused bytes, zero allocates once but still runs the string composition twice.
[in]ON_ERRORString constant to copy on error rc returned by FUNC_BUF, or NULL to return NULL.
[in]FUNC_BUFName of a function with signature int foo_buf(char *buf, size_t buflen, ...). The function must return the strlen() that it would write to a sufficiently large buffer or negative on error, like snprintf().
[in]FUNC_BUF_ARGSAdditional arguments to pass to FUNC_BUF after the buf and buflen.


#define OSMO_SNPRINTF_RET (   ret,
do { \
len += ret; \
if (ret > rem) \
ret = rem; \
offset += ret; \
rem -= ret; \
} while (0)

◆ osmo_static_assert

#define osmo_static_assert (   exp,
)    typedef int dummy##name [(exp) ? 1 : -1] __attribute__((__unused__));


)    osmo_strbuf_added_tail(&(STRBUF), N_CHARS)


do { \
if (!(STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf; \
size_t _sb_remain = OSMO_STRBUF_REMAIN(STRBUF); \
int _sb_l = func((STRBUF).pos, _sb_remain, ##args); \
if (_sb_l < 0 || (size_t)_sb_l > _sb_remain) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf + (STRBUF).len; \
else if ((STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos += _sb_l; \
if (_sb_l > 0) \
(STRBUF).chars_needed += _sb_l; \
} while(0)
static size_t len(const char *str)
Return remaining space for characters and terminating nul in the given struct osmo_strbuf.
Definition: utils.h:297

Append a string to a buffer, as printed by an snprintf()-like function and with similar bounds checking.

Make sure to never write past the end of the buffer, and collect the total size that would be needed.

// an example function implementation to append: write N spaces.
int print_spaces(char *dst, size_t dst_len, int n)
        int i;
        if (n < 0)
                return -EINVAL;
        for (i = 0; i < n && i < dst_len; i++)
                dst[i] = ' ';
        if (dst_len)
                dst[OSMO_MIN(dst_len - 1, n)] = '\0';
        // return the n that we would have liked to write if space were available:
        return n;

// append above spaces as well as an snprintf()
void strbuf_example()
        char buf[23];
        struct osmo_strbuf sb = { .buf = buf, .len = sizeof(buf) };

        OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(sb, print_spaces, 5);
        OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(sb, snprintf, "The answer is %d but what is the question?", 42);
        OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(sb, print_spaces, 423423);

        printf("%s\n", buf);
        printf("would have needed %zu bytes\n", sb.chars_needed);
[in,out]STRBUFA struct osmo_strbuf instance.
[in]funcA function with a signature of int func(char *dst, size_t dst_len [, args]) with semantics like snprintf().
[in]argsArguments passed to func, if any.


do { \
if (!(STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf; \
size_t _sb_remain = OSMO_STRBUF_REMAIN(STRBUF); \
if (_sb_remain) { \
func((STRBUF).pos, _sb_remain, ##args); \
} \
size_t _sb_l = (STRBUF).pos ? strnlen((STRBUF).pos, _sb_remain) : 0; \
if (_sb_l > _sb_remain) \
(STRBUF).pos = (STRBUF).buf + (STRBUF).len; \
else if ((STRBUF).pos) \
(STRBUF).pos += _sb_l; \
(STRBUF).chars_needed += _sb_l; \
} while(0)

Like OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(), but for function signatures that return the char* buffer instead of a length.

When using this function, the final STRBUF.chars_needed may not reflect the actual number of characters needed, since that number cannot be obtained from this kind of function signature.

[in,out]STRBUFA struct osmo_strbuf instance.
[in]funcA function with a signature of char *func(char *dst, size_t dst_len [, args]) where the returned string is always written to dst.
[in]argsArguments passed to func, if any.


#define OSMO_STRBUF_CHAR_COUNT (   STRBUF)     _osmo_strbuf_char_count(&(STRBUF))

Return number of actual characters contained in struct osmo_strbuf (without terminating nul).


)    osmo_strbuf_drop_tail(&(STRBUF), N_CHARS)


)     OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(STRBUF, snprintf, fmt, ##args)

Shortcut for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND() invocation using snprintf().

int strbuf_example2(char *buf, size_t buflen) { int i; struct osmo_strbuf sb = { .buf = buf, .len = buflen };

OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(sb, "T minus"); for (i = 10; i; i–) OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(sb, " %d", i); OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF(sb, " ... Lift off!");

return sb.chars_needed; }

[in,out]STRBUFA struct osmo_strbuf instance.
[in]fmtFormat string passed to snprintf.
[in]argsAdditional arguments passed to snprintf, if any.


#define OSMO_STRBUF_REMAIN (   STRBUF)     _osmo_strbuf_remain(&(STRBUF))

Return remaining space for characters and terminating nul in the given struct osmo_strbuf.


#define OSMO_STRINGIFY (   x)    #x

Stringify the name of a macro x, e.g.

an FSM event name. Note: if nested within another preprocessor macro, this will stringify the value of x instead of its name.



Stringify the value of a macro x, e.g.

a port number.


#define OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY (   array,
)    osmo_strlcpy(array, src, sizeof(array))

Copy a C-string into a sized buffer using sizeof to detect buffer's size.

◆ osmo_talloc_asprintf

#define osmo_talloc_asprintf (   ctx,
  args ... 
do { \
if (!dest) \
dest = talloc_asprintf(ctx, fmt, ## args); \
else \
dest = talloc_asprintf_append((char*)dest, fmt, ## args); \
} while (0)

Append to a string and re-/allocate if necessary.

[in]ctxTalloc context to use for initial allocation.
[in,out]destchar* to re-/allocate and append to.
[in]fmtprintf-like string format.
[in]argsArguments for fmt.

dest may be passed in NULL, or a string previously allocated by talloc. If an existing string is passed in, it will remain associated with whichever ctx it was allocated before, regardless whether it matches ctx or not.


#define OSMO_UNLIKELY (   exp)    exp


#define OSMO_VALUE_STRING (   x)    { x, #x }

Make a value_string entry from an enum value name.

Typedef Documentation

◆ osmo_panic_handler_t

typedef void(* osmo_panic_handler_t) (const char *fmt, va_list args)

panic handler callback function type

Function Documentation

◆ _osmo_escape_str_buf()

static int _osmo_escape_str_buf ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len,
bool  legacy_format 

Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped.

This internal function is the implementation for all osmo_escape_str* and osmo_quote_str* API versions. It provides both the legacy (non C compatible) escaping, as well as C compatible string constant syntax, and it provides a return value of characters-needed, to allow producing un-truncated strings in all cases.

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length (also past nul chars).
[in]legacy_formatIf false, return C compatible string constants ("\x0f"), if true the legacy escaping format ("\15"). The legacy format also escapes as "\a\b\f\v", while the non-legacy format also escapes those as "\xNN" sequences.
Number of characters that would be written if bufsize were large enough excluding '\0' (like snprintf()).

References BACKSLASH_CASE, osmo_strbuf::buf, osmo_strbuf::chars_needed, osmo_print_n(), OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND, and OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF.

Referenced by _osmo_quote_str_buf(), osmo_escape_cstr_buf(), osmo_escape_cstr_c(), osmo_escape_str_buf2(), osmo_escape_str_buf3(), and osmo_escape_str_c().

◆ _osmo_quote_str_buf()

static size_t _osmo_quote_str_buf ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len,
bool  legacy_format 

Return a quoted and escaped representation of the string.

This internal function is the implementation for all osmo_quote_str* API versions. It provides both the legacy (non C compatible) escaping, as well as C compatible string constant syntax, and it provides a return value of characters-needed, to allow producing un-truncated strings in all cases.

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length (also past nul chars).
[in]legacy_formatIf false, return C compatible string constants ("\x0f"), if true the legacy escaping format ("\15"). The legacy format also escapes as "\a\b\f\v", while the non-legacy format also escapes those as "\xNN" sequences.
Number of characters that would be written if bufsize were large enough excluding '\0' (like snprintf()).

References _osmo_escape_str_buf(), osmo_strbuf::buf, osmo_strbuf::chars_needed, OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND, and OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF.

Referenced by osmo_quote_cstr_buf(), osmo_quote_cstr_c(), osmo_quote_str(), osmo_quote_str_buf(), osmo_quote_str_buf2(), osmo_quote_str_buf3(), and osmo_quote_str_c().

◆ _osmo_strbuf_char_count()

static size_t _osmo_strbuf_char_count ( const struct osmo_strbuf sb)

Get number of actual characters (without terminating nul) in the given struct osmo_strbuf.

[in]sbthe string buffer to get the number of characters for.
number of actual characters (without terminating nul).

References osmo_strbuf::buf, osmo_strbuf::len, OSMO_MIN, OSMO_UNLIKELY, and osmo_strbuf::pos.

◆ _osmo_strbuf_remain()

static size_t _osmo_strbuf_remain ( const struct osmo_strbuf sb)

Get remaining space for characters and terminating nul in the given struct osmo_strbuf.

[in]sbthe string buffer to get the remaining space for.
remaining space in the given struct osmo_strbuf.

References osmo_strbuf::buf, osmo_strbuf::len, OSMO_UNLIKELY, and osmo_strbuf::pos.

◆ _osmo_strrb_is_bufindex_valid()

bool _osmo_strrb_is_bufindex_valid ( const struct osmo_strrb rb,
unsigned int  bufi 

◆ alias()

char alias ( "osmo_hexdump_nospc"  )

◆ get_string_value()

int get_string_value ( const struct value_string vs,
const char *  str 

get numeric value for given human-readable string

[in]vsArray of value_string tuples
[in]strhuman-readable string
numeric value (>0) or negative numer in case of error

References value_string::value.

Referenced by log_parse_level().

◆ get_value_string()

const char * get_value_string ( const struct value_string vs,
uint32_t  val 

get human-readable string for given value

[in]vsArray of value_string tuples
[in]valValue to be converted
pointer to human-readable string

If val is found in vs, the array's string entry is returned. Otherwise, an "unknown" string containing the actual value is composed in a static buffer that is reused across invocations.

References get_value_string_or_null(), and namebuf.

Referenced by level_color(), log_level_str(), osmo_fsm_event_name(), osmo_fsm_term_cause_name(), osmo_io_backend_name(), osmo_iofd_mode_name(), osmo_prim_operation_name(), and osmo_tdef_unit_name().

◆ get_value_string_or_null()

const char * get_value_string_or_null ( const struct value_string vs,
uint32_t  val 

get human-readable string or NULL for given value

[in]vsArray of value_string tuples
[in]valValue to be converted
pointer to human-readable string or NULL if val is not found

References value_string::str.

Referenced by get_value_string(), and level_color().

◆ osmo_bcd2char()

char osmo_bcd2char ( uint8_t  bcd)

Convert BCD-encoded digit into printable character.

[in]bcdA single BCD-encoded digit
single printable character

Referenced by osmo_bcd2str().

◆ osmo_bcd2str()

int osmo_bcd2str ( char *  dst,
size_t  dst_size,
const uint8_t *  bcd,
int  start_nibble,
int  end_nibble,
bool  allow_hex 

Convert BCD to string.

The given nibble offsets are interpreted in BCD order, i.e. nibble 0 is bcd[0] & 0xf, nibble 1 is bcd[0] >> 4, nibble 3 is bcd[1] & 0xf, etc..

[out]dstOutput string buffer, is always nul terminated when dst_size > 0.
[in]dst_sizesizeof() the output string buffer.
[in]bcdBinary coded data buffer.
[in]start_nibbleOffset to start from, in nibbles, typically 1 to skip the first nibble.
[in]end_nibbleOffset to stop before, in nibbles, e.g. sizeof(bcd)*2 - (bcd[0] & GSM_MI_ODD? 0:1).
[in]allow_hexIf false, return error if there are digits other than 0-9. If true, return those as [A-F].
The strlen that would be written if the output buffer is large enough, excluding nul byte (like snprintf()), or -EINVAL if allow_hex is false and a digit > 9 is encountered. On -EINVAL, the conversion is still completed as if allow_hex were passed as true. Return -ENOMEM if dst is NULL or dst_size is zero. If end_nibble <= start_nibble, write an empty string to dst and return 0.

References osmo_bcd2char(), and OSMO_MAX.

◆ osmo_char2bcd()

uint8_t osmo_char2bcd ( char  c)

Convert number in ASCII to BCD value.

[in]cASCII character
BCD encoded value of character

References c.

◆ osmo_constant_time_cmp()

int osmo_constant_time_cmp ( const uint8_t *  exp,
const uint8_t *  rel,
const int  count 

Wishful thinking to generate a constant time compare.

[in]expExpected data
[in]relComparison value
[in]countNumber of bytes to compare
1 in case exp equals rel; zero otherwise

Compare count bytes of exp to rel. Return 0 if they are identical, 1 otherwise. Do not return a mismatch on the first mismatching byte, but always compare all bytes, regardless. The idea is that the amount of matching bytes cannot be inferred from the time the comparison took.

References x.

◆ osmo_decode_big_endian()

uint64_t osmo_decode_big_endian ( const uint8_t *  data,
size_t  data_len 

Generic retrieval of 1..8 bytes as big-endian uint64_t.

[in]dataInput data as byte-array
[in]data_lenLength of data in octets
uint64_t of data interpreted as big-endian

This is like osmo_load64be_ext, except that if data_len is less than sizeof(uint64_t), the data is interpreted as the least significant bytes (osmo_load64be_ext loads them as the most significant bytes into the returned uint64_t). In this way, any integer size up to 64 bits can be decoded conveniently by using sizeof(), without the need to call specific numbered functions (osmo_load16, 32, ...).

References data.

◆ osmo_encode_big_endian()

uint8_t * osmo_encode_big_endian ( uint64_t  value,
size_t  data_len 

Generic big-endian encoding of big endian number up to 64bit.

[in]valueunsigned integer value to be stored
[in]data_lennumber of octets
static buffer containing big-endian stored value

This is like osmo_store64be_ext, except that this returns a static buffer of the result (for convenience, but not threadsafe). If data_len is less than sizeof(uint64_t), only the least significant bytes of value are encoded.

References ARRAY_SIZE, OSMO_ASSERT, and osmo_store64be_ext().

◆ osmo_escape_cstr_buf()

size_t osmo_escape_cstr_buf ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped.

In contrast to osmo_escape_str_buf2(), this returns the needed buffer size suitable for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(), and this escapes characters in a way compatible with C string constant syntax.

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length (also past nul chars).
Number of characters that would be written if bufsize were large enough excluding '\0' (like snprintf()).

References _osmo_escape_str_buf(), and osmo_strbuf::buf.

◆ osmo_escape_cstr_c()

char * osmo_escape_cstr_c ( void *  ctx,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped, in dynamically-allocated buffer.

In contrast to osmo_escape_str_c(), this escapes characters in a way compatible with C string constant syntax, and allocates sufficient memory in all cases.

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
dynamically-allocated buffer, containing an escaped representation.

References _osmo_escape_str_buf(), and OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL.

◆ osmo_escape_str()

const char * osmo_escape_str ( const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped.

Call osmo_escape_str_buf() with a static buffer.

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
buf containing an escaped representation, possibly truncated, or str itself.

References namebuf, and osmo_escape_str_buf().

◆ osmo_escape_str_buf()

const char * osmo_escape_str_buf ( const char *  str,
int  in_len,
char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize 

Like osmo_escape_str_buf2, but with unusual ordering of arguments, and may sometimes return string constants instead of writing to buf for error cases or empty input.

Most *_buf() functions have the buffer and size as first arguments, here the arguments are last. In particular, this function signature doesn't work with OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND_NOLEN().

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
[in,out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]bufsizesize of buf.
buf containing an escaped representation, possibly truncated, or "(null)" if str == NULL, or "(error)" in case of errors.

References osmo_escape_str_buf2().

Referenced by osmo_escape_str().

◆ osmo_escape_str_buf2()

char * osmo_escape_str_buf2 ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped.

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length (also past nul chars).
The output buffer (buf).

References _osmo_escape_str_buf(), and osmo_strbuf::buf.

Referenced by osmo_escape_str_buf().

◆ osmo_escape_str_buf3()

int osmo_escape_str_buf3 ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped.

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length (also past nul chars).
Number of characters that would be written if bufsize were large enough excluding '\0' (like snprintf()).

References _osmo_escape_str_buf(), and osmo_strbuf::buf.

◆ osmo_escape_str_c()

char * osmo_escape_str_c ( const void *  ctx,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Return the string with all non-printable characters escaped, in dynamically-allocated buffer.

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
dynamically-allocated output buffer, containing an escaped representation

References _osmo_escape_str_buf(), and OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL.

◆ osmo_float_str_to_int()

int osmo_float_str_to_int ( int64_t *  val,
const char *  str,
unsigned int  precision 

Convert a string of a floating point number to a signed int, with a decimal factor (fixed-point precision).

For example, with precision=3, convert "-1.23" to -1230. In other words, the float value is multiplied by 10 to-the-power-of precision to obtain the returned integer. The usable range of digits is -INT64_MAX .. INT64_MAX – note, not INT64_MIN! The value of INT64_MIN is excluded to reduce implementation complexity. See also utils_test.c. The advantage over using sscanf("%f") is guaranteed precision: float or double types may apply rounding in the conversion result. osmo_float_str_to_int() and osmo_int_to_float_str_buf() guarantee true results when converting back and forth between string and int.

[out]valReturned integer value.
[in]strString of a float, like '-12.345'.
[in]precisionFixed-point precision, or *
0 on success, negative on error.

References OSMO_ASSERT, osmo_strlcpy(), and point.

◆ osmo_get_macaddr()

int osmo_get_macaddr ( uint8_t *  mac_out,
const char *  dev_name 

Obtain the MAC address of a given network device.

[out]mac_outpointer to caller-allocated buffer of 6 bytes
[in]dev_namestring name of the network device
0 in case of success; negative otherwise

◆ osmo_hexdump()

char * osmo_hexdump ( const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string.

[in]bufpointer to sequence of bytes
[in]lenlength of buf in number of bytes
pointer to zero-terminated string

This function will print a sequence of bytes as hexadecimal numbers, adding one space character between each byte (e.g. "1a ef d9")

The maximum size of the output buffer is 4096 bytes, i.e. the maximum number of input bytes that can be printed in one call is 1365!

References hexd_buff, len(), and osmo_hexdump_buf().

Referenced by _msgb_eq(), msgb_hexdump_buf(), msgb_hexdump_l1(), msgb_hexdump_l2(), msgb_hexdump_l3(), and msgb_hexdump_l4().

◆ osmo_hexdump_buf()

const char * osmo_hexdump_buf ( char *  out_buf,
size_t  out_buf_size,
const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
const char *  delim,
bool  delim_after_last 

Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string.

[out]out_bufOutput buffer to write the resulting string to.
[in]bufInput buffer, pointer to sequence of bytes.
[in]lenLength of input buf in number of bytes.
[in]delimString to separate each byte; NULL or "" for no delim.
[in]delim_after_lastIf true, end the string in delim (true: "1a:ef:d9:", false: "1a:ef:d9"); if out_buf has insufficient space, the string will always end in a delim.
out_buf, containing a zero-terminated string, or "" (empty string) if out_buf == NULL or out_buf_size < 1.

This function will print a sequence of bytes as hexadecimal numbers, adding one delim between each byte (e.g. for delim passed as ":", return a string like "1a:ef:d9").

The delim_after_last argument exists to be able to exactly show the original osmo_hexdump() behavior, which always ends the string with a delimiter.

References hex_chars, and len().

Referenced by osmo_hexdump(), osmo_hexdump_c(), osmo_hexdump_nospc(), and osmo_hexdump_nospc_c().

◆ osmo_hexdump_c()

char * osmo_hexdump_c ( const void *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string.

[in]ctxtalloc context from where to allocate the output string
[in]bufpointer to sequence of bytes
[in]lenlength of buf in number of bytes
pointer to zero-terminated string

This function will print a sequence of bytes as hexadecimal numbers, adding one space character between each byte (e.g. "1a ef d9")

References hexd_buff, len(), and osmo_hexdump_buf().

◆ osmo_hexdump_nospc()

char * osmo_hexdump_nospc ( const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string.

[in]bufpointer to sequence of bytes
[in]lenlength of buf in number of bytes
pointer to zero-terminated string

This function will print a sequence of bytes as hexadecimal numbers, without any space character between each byte (e.g. "1aefd9")

The maximum size of the output buffer is 4096 bytes, i.e. the maximum number of input bytes that can be printed in one call is 2048!

References hexd_buff, len(), and osmo_hexdump_buf().

◆ osmo_hexdump_nospc_c()

char * osmo_hexdump_nospc_c ( const void *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Convert binary sequence to hexadecimal ASCII string.

[in]ctxtalloc context from where to allocate the output string
[in]bufpointer to sequence of bytes
[in]lenlength of buf in number of bytes
pointer to zero-terminated string

This function will print a sequence of bytes as hexadecimal numbers, without any space character between each byte (e.g. "1aefd9")

References hexd_buff, len(), and osmo_hexdump_buf().

◆ osmo_hexparse()

int osmo_hexparse ( const char *  str,
uint8_t *  b,
unsigned int  max_len 

Parse a string containing hexadecimal digits.

[in]strstring containing ASCII encoded hexadecimal digits
[out]boutput buffer
[in]max_lenmaximum space in output buffer
number of parsed octets, or -1 on error

References c.

Referenced by bitvec_unhex().

◆ osmo_identifier_sanitize_buf()

void osmo_identifier_sanitize_buf ( char *  str,
const char *  sep_chars,
char  replace_with 

Replace characters in the given string buffer so that it is guaranteed to pass osmo_separated_identifiers_valid().

To guarantee passing osmo_separated_identifiers_valid(), replace_with must not itself be an illegal character. If in doubt, use '-'.

[in,out]strIdentifier to sanitize, must be nul terminated and in a writable buffer.
[in]sep_charsAdditional characters that are to be replaced besides osmo_identifier_illegal_chars.
[in]replace_withReplace any illegal characters with this character.

References osmo_identifier_illegal_chars.

Referenced by osmo_fsm_inst_update_id_f_sanitize().

◆ osmo_identifier_valid()

bool osmo_identifier_valid ( const char *  str)

Determine if a given identifier is valid, i.e.

doesn't contain illegal chars

[in]strString to validate
true in case str contains valid identifier, false otherwise

References osmo_separated_identifiers_valid().

Referenced by osmo_fsm_inst_update_id_f(), osmo_fsm_register(), and rate_ctrl_group_desc_validate().

◆ osmo_int_to_float_str_buf()

int osmo_int_to_float_str_buf ( char *  buf,
size_t  buflen,
int64_t  val,
unsigned int  precision 

Convert an integer to a floating point string using a decimal quotient (fixed-point precision).

For example, with precision = 3, convert -1230 to "-1.23". The usable range of digits is -INT64_MAX .. INT64_MAX – note, not INT64_MIN! The value of INT64_MIN is excluded to reduce implementation complexity. See also utils_test.c. The advantage over using printf("%.6g") is guaranteed precision: float or double types may apply rounding in the conversion result. osmo_float_str_to_int() and osmo_int_to_float_str_buf() guarantee true results when converting back and forth between string and int. The resulting string omits trailing zeros in the fractional part (like "%g" would) but never applies rounding.

[out]bufBuffer to write string to.
[in]valValue to convert to float.
number of chars that would be written, like snprintf().

References osmo_strbuf::buf, osmo_strbuf::chars_needed, and OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF.

Referenced by osmo_int_to_float_str_c().

◆ osmo_int_to_float_str_c()

char * osmo_int_to_float_str_c ( void *  ctx,
int64_t  val,
unsigned int  precision 

Convert an integer with a factor of a million to a floating point string.

For example, convert -1230000 to "-1.23".

[in]ctxTalloc ctx to allocate string buffer from.
[in]valValue to convert to float.
resulting string, dynamically allocated.

References osmo_int_to_float_str_buf(), and OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL.

◆ osmo_is_hexstr()

bool osmo_is_hexstr ( const char *  str,
int  min_digits,
int  max_digits,
bool  require_even 

Validate that a given string is a hex string within given size limits.

Note that each hex digit amounts to a nibble, so if checking for a hex string to result in N bytes, pass amount of digits as 2*N.

strA nul-terminated string to validate, or NULL.
min_digitsleast permitted amount of digits.
max_digitsmost permitted amount of digits.
require_evenif true, require an even amount of digits.
true when the hex_str contains only hexadecimal digits (no whitespace) and matches the requested length; also true when min_digits <= 0 and str is NULL.

References len().

◆ osmo_isqrt32()

uint32_t osmo_isqrt32 ( uint32_t  x)

perform an integer square root operation on unsigned 32bit integer.

This implementation is taken from "Hacker's Delight" Figure 11-1 "Integer square root, Newton's method", which can also be found at

References x.

◆ osmo_luhn()

char osmo_luhn ( const char *  in,
int  in_len 

Calculate the Luhn checksum (as used for IMEIs).

[in]inInput digits in ASCII string representation.
[in]in_lenCount of digits to use for the input (14 for IMEI).
checksum char (e.g. '3'); negative on error

◆ osmo_macaddr_parse()

int osmo_macaddr_parse ( uint8_t *  out,
const char *  in 

Parse a MAC address from human-readable notation This function parses an ethernet MAC address in the commonly-used hex/colon notation (00:00:00:00:00:00) and generates the binary representation from it.

[out]outpointer to caller-allocated buffer of 6 bytes
[in]inpointer to input data as string with hex/colon notation

◆ osmo_osmo_hexdump_nospc()

char * osmo_osmo_hexdump_nospc ( const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

◆ osmo_panic()

void osmo_panic ( const char *  fmt,

Terminate the current program with a panic.

You can call this function in case some severely unexpected situation is detected and the program is supposed to terminate in a way that reports the fact that it terminates.

The application can register a panic handler function using osmo_set_panic_handler. If it doesn't, a default panic handler function is called automatically.

The default function on most systems will generate a backtrace and then abort() the process.

References osmo_panic_default(), and osmo_panic_handler.

Referenced by bit_value_to_char(), and osmo_tdefs_reset().

◆ osmo_panic_default()

static void osmo_panic_default ( const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 

References osmo_generate_backtrace().

Referenced by osmo_panic().

◆ osmo_plugin_load_all()

int osmo_plugin_load_all ( const char *  directory)

◆ osmo_print_n()

int osmo_print_n ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
size_t  n 

Copy N characters to a buffer with a function signature useful for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND().

Similarly to snprintf(), the result is always nul terminated (except if buf is NULL or bufsize is 0).

[out]bufTarget buffer.
[in]strString to copy.
[in]nMaximum number of non-nul characters to copy.
Number of characters that would be written if bufsize were large enough excluding '\0' (like snprintf()).

References n.

Referenced by _osmo_escape_str_buf().

◆ osmo_quote_cstr_buf()

size_t osmo_quote_cstr_buf ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Like osmo_escape_str_buf2(), but returns double-quotes around a string, or "NULL" for a NULL string.

This allows passing any char* value and get its C representation as string. The function signature is suitable for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND_NOLEN(). In contrast to osmo_escape_str_buf2(), this returns the needed buffer size suitable for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND(), and this escapes characters in a way compatible with C string constant syntax.

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
Number of characters that would be written if bufsize were large enough excluding '\0' (like snprintf()).

References _osmo_quote_str_buf(), and osmo_strbuf::buf.

◆ osmo_quote_cstr_c()

char * osmo_quote_cstr_c ( void *  ctx,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Return the string quoted and with all non-printable characters escaped, in dynamically-allocated buffer.

In contrast to osmo_quote_str_c(), this escapes characters in a way compatible with C string constant syntax, and allocates sufficient memory in all cases.

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
dynamically-allocated buffer, containing a quoted and escaped representation.

References _osmo_quote_str_buf(), and OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL.

◆ osmo_quote_str()

const char * osmo_quote_str ( const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Like osmo_quote_str_buf() but returns the result in a static buffer.

The static buffer is shared with get_value_string() and osmo_escape_str().

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
static buffer containing a quoted and escaped representation, possibly truncated.

References _osmo_quote_str_buf(), and namebuf.

Referenced by osmo_fsm_inst_update_id_f().

◆ osmo_quote_str_buf()

const char * osmo_quote_str_buf ( const char *  str,
int  in_len,
char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize 

Like osmo_quote_str_buf2, but with unusual ordering of arguments, and may sometimes return string constants instead of writing to buf for error cases or empty input.

Most *_buf() functions have the buffer and size as first arguments, here the arguments are last. In particular, this function signature doesn't work with OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND_NOLEN().

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
buf containing a quoted and escaped representation, possibly truncated.

References _osmo_quote_str_buf(), and osmo_strbuf::buf.

◆ osmo_quote_str_buf2()

char * osmo_quote_str_buf2 ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Like osmo_escape_str_buf2(), but returns double-quotes around a string, or "NULL" for a NULL string.

This allows passing any char* value and get its C representation as string. The function signature is suitable for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND_NOLEN().

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
The output buffer (buf).

References _osmo_quote_str_buf(), and osmo_strbuf::buf.

◆ osmo_quote_str_buf3()

int osmo_quote_str_buf3 ( char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Like osmo_escape_str_buf3(), but returns double-quotes around a string, or "NULL" for a NULL string.

This allows passing any char* value and get its C representation as string. The function signature is suitable for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND_NOLEN().

[out]bufstring buffer to write escaped characters to.
[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
Number of characters that would be written if bufsize were large enough excluding '\0' (like snprintf()).

References _osmo_quote_str_buf(), and osmo_strbuf::buf.

◆ osmo_quote_str_c()

char * osmo_quote_str_c ( const void *  ctx,
const char *  str,
int  in_len 

Like osmo_quote_str_buf() but returns the result in a dynamically-allocated buffer.

[in]strA string that may contain any characters.
[in]in_lenPass -1 to print until nul char, or >= 0 to force a length.
dynamically-allocated buffer containing a quoted and escaped representation.

References _osmo_quote_str_buf(), and OSMO_NAME_C_IMPL.

◆ osmo_separated_identifiers_valid()

bool osmo_separated_identifiers_valid ( const char *  str,
const char *  sep_chars 

Determine if a given identifier is valid, i.e.

doesn't contain illegal chars

[in]strString to validate
[in]sep_charsPermitted separation characters between identifiers.
true in case str contains only valid identifiers and sep_chars, false otherwise

References len(), and osmo_identifier_illegal_chars.

Referenced by osmo_identifier_valid().

◆ osmo_set_panic_handler()

void osmo_set_panic_handler ( osmo_panic_handler_t  h)

Set the panic handler.

[in]hNew panic handler function

This changes the panic handling function from the currently active function to a new call-back function supplied by the caller.

References h, and osmo_panic_handler.

◆ osmo_str2bcd()

int osmo_str2bcd ( uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dst_size,
const char *  digits,
int  start_nibble,
int  end_nibble,
bool  allow_hex 

Convert string to BCD.

The given nibble offsets are interpreted in BCD order, i.e. nibble 0 is bcd[0] & 0x0f, nibble 1 is bcd[0] & 0xf0, nibble 3 is bcd[1] & 0x0f, etc..

[out]dstOutput BCD buffer.
[in]dst_sizesizeof() the output string buffer.
[in]digitsString containing decimal or hexadecimal digits in upper or lower case.
[in]start_nibbleOffset to start from, in nibbles, typically 1 to skip the first (MI type) nibble.
[in]end_nibbleNegative to write all digits found in str, followed by 0xf nibbles to fill any started octet. If >= 0, stop before this offset in nibbles, e.g. to get default behavior, pass start_nibble + strlen(str) + ((start_nibble + strlen(str)) & 1? 1 : 0) + 1.
[in]allow_hexIf false, return error if there are hexadecimal digits (A-F). If true, write those to BCD.
The buffer size in octets that is used to place all bcd digits (including the skipped nibbles from 'start_nibble' and rounded up to full octets); -EINVAL on invalid digits; -ENOMEM if dst is NULL, if dst_size is too small to contain all nibbles, or if start_nibble is negative.

References c, and digits.

◆ osmo_str2lower()

void osmo_str2lower ( char *  out,
const char *  in 

◆ osmo_str2upper()

void osmo_str2upper ( char *  out,
const char *  in 

◆ osmo_str_startswith()

bool osmo_str_startswith ( const char *  str,
const char *  startswith_str 

Compare start of a string.

This is an optimisation of 'strstr(str, startswith_str) == str' because it doesn't search through the entire string.

str(Longer) string to compare.
startswith_str(Shorter) string to compare with the start of str.
true iff the first characters of str fully match startswith_str or startswith_str is empty.

◆ osmo_str_to_int()

int osmo_str_to_int ( int *  result,
const char *  str,
int  base,
int  min_val,
int  max_val 

Convert a string of a number to int, including all common strtoll() validity checks.

Same as osmo_str_to_int64() but using the plain int data type.

[out]resultBuffer for the resulting integer number, or NULL if the caller is only interested in the validation result (returned rc).
[in]strThe string to convert.
[in]baseThe integer base, i.e. 10 for decimal numbers or 16 for hexadecimal, as in strtoll().
[in]min_valThe smallest valid number expected in the string.
[in]max_valThe largest valid number expected in the string.
0 on success, -EOVERFLOW if the number in the string exceeds int range, -ENOTSUPP if the base is not supported, -ERANGE if the converted number exceeds the range [min_val..max_val] but is still within int range, -E2BIG if surplus characters follow after the number, -EINVAL if the string does not contain a number. In case of -ERANGE and -E2BIG, the converted number is still accurately returned in result. In case of -EOVERFLOW, the returned value is clamped to INT_MIN..INT_MAX.

References osmo_str_to_int64().

◆ osmo_str_to_int64()

int osmo_str_to_int64 ( int64_t *  result,
const char *  str,
int  base,
int64_t  min_val,
int64_t  max_val 

Convert a string of a number to int64_t, including all common strtoll() validity checks.

It's not so trivial to call strtoll() and properly verify that the input string was indeed a valid number string.

[out]resultBuffer for the resulting integer number, or NULL if the caller is only interested in the validation result (returned rc).
[in]strThe string to convert.
[in]baseThe integer base, i.e. 10 for decimal numbers or 16 for hexadecimal, as in strtoll().
[in]min_valThe smallest valid number expected in the string.
[in]max_valThe largest valid number expected in the string.
0 on success, -EOVERFLOW if the number in the string exceeds int64_t, -ENOTSUPP if the base is not supported, -ERANGE if the converted number exceeds the range [min_val..max_val] but is still within int64_t range, -E2BIG if surplus characters follow after the number, -EINVAL if the string does not contain a number. In case of -ERANGE and -E2BIG, the converted number is still accurately returned in result. In case of -EOVERFLOW, the returned value is clamped to INT64_MIN..INT64_MAX.

References ENOTSUP.

Referenced by osmo_str_to_int().

◆ osmo_str_tolower()

const char * osmo_str_tolower ( const char *  src)

Convert a string to lowercase, using a static buffer.

The resulting string may be truncated if the internally used static buffer is shorter than src. The internal buffer is at least 128 bytes long, i.e. guaranteed to hold at least 127 characters and a terminating nul. The static buffer returned is shared with osmo_str_toupper(). See also osmo_str_tolower_buf().

[in]srcString to convert to lowercase.
Resulting lowercase string in a static buffer, always nul terminated.

References capsbuf, and osmo_str_tolower_buf().

◆ osmo_str_tolower_buf()

size_t osmo_str_tolower_buf ( char *  dest,
size_t  dest_len,
const char *  src 

Convert a string to lowercase, while checking buffer size boundaries.

The result written to dest is guaranteed to be nul terminated if dest_len > 0. If dest == src, the string is converted in-place, if necessary truncated at dest_len - 1 characters length as well as nul terminated. Note: similar osmo_str2lower(), but safe to use for src strings of arbitrary length.

[out]destTarget buffer to write lowercase string.
[in]dest_lenMaximum buffer size of dest (e.g. sizeof(dest)).
[in]srcString to convert to lowercase.
Length of src, like osmo_strlcpy(), but if dest == src at most dest_len - 1.

References osmo_strlcpy().

Referenced by osmo_str_tolower(), and osmo_str_tolower_c().

◆ osmo_str_tolower_c()

char * osmo_str_tolower_c ( const void *  ctx,
const char *  src 

Convert a string to lowercase, dynamically allocating the output from given talloc context See also osmo_str_tolower_buf().

[in]ctxtalloc context from where to allocate the output string
[in]srcString to convert to lowercase.
Resulting lowercase string in a dynamically allocated buffer, always nul terminated.

References osmo_strbuf::buf, and osmo_str_tolower_buf().

◆ osmo_str_toupper()

const char * osmo_str_toupper ( const char *  src)

Convert a string to uppercase, using a static buffer.

The resulting string may be truncated if the internally used static buffer is shorter than src. The internal buffer is at least 128 bytes long, i.e. guaranteed to hold at least 127 characters and a terminating nul. The static buffer returned is shared with osmo_str_tolower(). See also osmo_str_toupper_buf().

[in]srcString to convert to uppercase.
Resulting uppercase string in a static buffer, always nul terminated.

References capsbuf, and osmo_str_toupper_buf().

◆ osmo_str_toupper_buf()

size_t osmo_str_toupper_buf ( char *  dest,
size_t  dest_len,
const char *  src 

Convert a string to uppercase, while checking buffer size boundaries.

The result written to dest is guaranteed to be nul terminated if dest_len > 0. If dest == src, the string is converted in-place, if necessary truncated at dest_len - 1 characters length as well as nul terminated. Note: similar osmo_str2upper(), but safe to use for src strings of arbitrary length.

[out]destTarget buffer to write uppercase string.
[in]dest_lenMaximum buffer size of dest (e.g. sizeof(dest)).
[in]srcString to convert to uppercase.
Length of src, like osmo_strlcpy(), but if dest == src at most dest_len - 1.

References osmo_strlcpy().

Referenced by osmo_str_toupper(), and osmo_str_toupper_c().

◆ osmo_str_toupper_c()

char * osmo_str_toupper_c ( const void *  ctx,
const char *  src 

Convert a string to uppercase, dynamically allocating the output from given talloc context See also osmo_str_tolower_buf().

[in]ctxtalloc context from where to allocate the output string
[in]srcString to convert to uppercase.
Resulting uppercase string in a dynamically allocated buffer, always nul terminated.

References osmo_strbuf::buf, and osmo_str_toupper_buf().

◆ osmo_strbuf_added_tail()

void osmo_strbuf_added_tail ( struct osmo_strbuf sb,
size_t  n_chars 

Let osmo_strbuf know that n_chars characters (excluding nul) were written to the end of the buffer.

If sb is nonempty, the n_chars are assumed to have been written to sb->pos. If sb is still empty and pos == NULL, the n_chars are assumed to have been written to the start of the buffer. Advance sb->pos and sb->chars_needed by at most n_chars, or up to sb->len - 1. Ensure nul termination.

References osmo_strbuf::buf, osmo_strbuf::chars_needed, osmo_strbuf::len, OSMO_MIN, OSMO_STRBUF_REMAIN, and osmo_strbuf::pos.

◆ osmo_strbuf_drop_tail()

void osmo_strbuf_drop_tail ( struct osmo_strbuf sb,
size_t  n_chars 

Remove up to N chars from the end of an osmo_strbuf.

|–char-count—| - - chars_needed - - | |<------—drop-------—|

References osmo_strbuf::buf, osmo_strbuf::chars_needed, OSMO_MIN, OSMO_STRBUF_CHAR_COUNT, and osmo_strbuf::pos.

◆ osmo_strlcpy()

size_t osmo_strlcpy ( char *  dst,
const char *  src,
size_t  siz 

Copy a C-string into a sized buffer.

[in]srcsource string
[out]dstdestination string
[in]sizsize of the dst buffer
length of src

Copy at most siz bytes from src to dst, ensuring that the result is NUL terminated. The NUL character is included in siz, i.e. passing the actual sizeof(*dst) is correct.

Note, a similar function that also limits the input buffer size is osmo_print_n().

References len(), and OSMO_MIN.

Referenced by osmo_float_str_to_int(), osmo_str_tolower_buf(), osmo_str_toupper_buf(), and tundev_open_fd().

◆ osmo_strnchr()

const char * osmo_strnchr ( const char *  str,
size_t  str_size,
char  c 

Find first occurence of a char in a size limited string.

Like strchr() but with a buffer size limit.

[in]strString buffer to examine.
[in]cCharacter to look for.
Pointer to the matched char, or NULL if not found.

References c.

◆ osmo_strrb_add()

int osmo_strrb_add ( struct osmo_strrb rb,
const char *  data 

Add a string to the osmo_strrb.

[in]rbThe osmo_strrb to add to.
[in]dataThe string to add.

Add a message to the osmo_strrb. Older messages will be overwritten as necessary.

0 normally, 1 as a warning (ie, if data was truncated).

References osmo_strrb::buffer, data, osmo_strrb::end, len(), RB_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, osmo_strrb::size, and osmo_strrb::start.

Referenced by _rb_output().

◆ osmo_strrb_create()

struct osmo_strrb * osmo_strrb_create ( void *  talloc_ctx,
size_t  rb_size 

Create an empty, initialized osmo_strrb.

[in]ctxThe talloc memory context which should own this.
[in]rb_sizeThe number of message slots the osmo_strrb can hold.
A struct osmo_strrb* on success, NULL in case of error.

This function creates and initializes a ringbuffer. Note that the ringbuffer stores at most rb_size - 1 messages.

References osmo_strrb::buffer, RB_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, and osmo_strrb::size.

Referenced by log_target_create_rb().

◆ osmo_strrb_elements()

size_t osmo_strrb_elements ( const struct osmo_strrb rb)

Count the number of log messages in an osmo_strrb.

[in]rbThe osmo_strrb to count the elements of.
The number of log messages in the osmo_strrb.

References osmo_strrb::end, osmo_strrb::size, and osmo_strrb::start.

Referenced by log_target_rb_used_size().

◆ osmo_strrb_get_nth()

const char * osmo_strrb_get_nth ( const struct osmo_strrb rb,
unsigned int  string_index 

Return a pointer to the Nth string in the osmo_strrb.

[in]rbThe osmo_strrb to search.
[in]string_indexThe index sought (N), zero-indexed.

Return a pointer to the Nth string in the osmo_strrb. Return NULL if there is no Nth string. Note that N is zero-indexed.

A pointer to the target string on success, NULL in case of error.

References _osmo_strrb_is_bufindex_valid(), osmo_strrb::buffer, osmo_strrb::end, osmo_strrb::size, and osmo_strrb::start.

Referenced by log_target_rb_get().

◆ osmo_strrb_is_empty()

bool osmo_strrb_is_empty ( const struct osmo_strrb rb)

Check if an osmo_strrb is empty.

[in]rbThe osmo_strrb to check.
True if the osmo_strrb is empty, false otherwise.

References osmo_strrb::end, and osmo_strrb::start.

Referenced by _osmo_strrb_is_bufindex_valid().

◆ osmo_talloc_replace_string()

static void osmo_talloc_replace_string ( void *  ctx,
char **  dst,
const char *  newstr 

duplicate a string using talloc and release its prior content (if any)

[in]ctxTalloc context to use for allocation
[out]dstpointer to string, will be updated with ptr to new string
[in]newstrString that will be copied to newly allocated string

Referenced by osmo_iofd_set_name(), osmo_netdev_register(), osmo_netdev_set_netns_name(), osmo_soft_uart_set_name(), osmo_stat_item_group_set_name(), osmo_tundev_set_dev_name(), osmo_tundev_set_netns_name(), rate_ctr_group_set_name(), and tundev_dev_name_chg_cb().

◆ osmo_talloc_replace_string_fmt()

void osmo_talloc_replace_string_fmt ( void *  ctx,
char **  dst,
const char *  fmt,

Replace a string using talloc and release its prior content (if any).

This is a format string capable equivalent of osmo_talloc_replace_string().

[in]ctxTalloc context to use for allocation.
[out]dstPointer to string, will be updated with ptr to new string.
[in]fmtFormat string that will be copied to newly allocated string.

References name.

◆ osmo_ubit_dump()

char * osmo_ubit_dump ( const uint8_t *  bits,
unsigned int  len 

Convert a sequence of unpacked bits to ASCII string, in static buffer.

[in]bitsA sequence of unpacked bits
[in]lenLength of bits
string representation in static buffer.

References hexd_buff, len(), and osmo_ubit_dump_buf().

◆ osmo_ubit_dump_buf()

char * osmo_ubit_dump_buf ( char *  buf,
size_t  buf_len,
const uint8_t *  bits,
unsigned int  len 

Convert a sequence of unpacked bits to ASCII string, in user-supplied buffer.

[out]bufcaller-provided output string buffer
[out]buf_lensize of buf in bytes
[in]bitsA sequence of unpacked bits
[in]lenLength of bits
The output buffer (buf).

References len().

Referenced by osmo_ubit_dump().

Variable Documentation

◆ bounds

void to properly check target memory bounds

◆ capsbuf

__thread char capsbuf[128]

◆ hex_chars

const char hex_chars[] = "0123456789abcdef"

Referenced by osmo_hexdump_buf().

◆ hexd_buff

__thread char hexd_buff[4096]

◆ namebuf

__thread char namebuf[255]

◆ osmo_identifier_illegal_chars

const char osmo_identifier_illegal_chars[] = "., {}[]()<>|~\\^`'\"?=;/+*&%$#!"

◆ osmo_panic_handler

osmo_panic_handler_t osmo_panic_handler = (void*)0