#347 (Mar 27, 2025, 6:41:09 PM)
- sctp_{client,server}: disable Nagle by setting sctp_nodelay — Vadim Yanitskiy / detail
- s1gw_metrics: make exometer_report_statsd less verbose — Vadim Yanitskiy / detail
#323 (Mar 4, 2025, 3:46:06 PM)
- sctp_{server,proxy}: log SCTP TSN, SID, SSN, and data len — Vadim Yanitskiy / detail
- sctp_common: new module with common SCTP/S1AP API — Vadim Yanitskiy / detail
- s1gw_metrics: use lists:filter/2 to create counters/gauges — Vadim Yanitskiy / detail
#321 (Mar 3, 2025, 9:01:07 PM)
- sctp_server: invalidate handler's Pid on 'EXIT' — Vadim Yanitskiy / detail
#315 (Feb 26, 2025, 9:26:09 AM)
- s1ap_proxy: increment *_IN_PKT_* counters on exception — Vadim Yanitskiy / detail