Osmocom SIGTRAN library
sccp_vty.c File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <osmocom/vty/vty.h>
#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
#include <osmocom/vty/logging.h>
#include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h>
#include <osmocom/vty/misc.h>
#include <osmocom/sigtran/osmo_ss7.h>
#include <osmocom/sigtran/protocol/mtp.h>
#include <osmocom/sccp/sccp_types.h>
#include "xua_internal.h"
#include "sccp_internal.h"


static void show_user (struct vty *vty, struct osmo_sccp_user *user)
 DEFUN (show_sccp_users, show_sccp_users_cmd, "show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp users", SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR SCCP_STR "Show List of SCCP Users registered\)
 DEFUN (show_sccp_user_ssn, show_sccp_user_ssn_cmd, "show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp ssn <0-65535>", SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR SCCP_STR "Find an SCCP User registered for the given SSN\ "Subsystem Number(SSN)\")
 DEFUN (show_sccp_connections, show_sccp_connections_cmd, "show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp connections", SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR SCCP_STR "Show List of active SCCP connections\)
 DEFUN_ATTR (sccp_timer, sccp_timer_cmd, NULL, NULL, CMD_ATTR_IMMEDIATE)
 DEFUN_ATTR (sccp_max_optional_data, sccp_max_optional_data_cmd, "sccp max-optional-data (<0-999999>|standard)", "Configure SCCP behavior\ "Adjust the upper bound for the optional data length(the payload) for CR, CC, CREF and RLSD messages." " For any Optional Data part larger than this value in octets, send CR, CC, CREF and RLSD" " messages without any payload, and send the data payload in a separate Data Form 1 message." " ITU-T Q.713 sections 4.2 thru 4.5 define a limit of 130 bytes for the 'Data' parameter. This limit can be" " adjusted here. May be useful for interop with nonstandard SCCP peers.\" "Set a non-standard maximum allowed number of bytes\" "Use the ITU-T Q.713 4.2 to 4.5 standard value of 130\", CMD_ATTR_IMMEDIATE)
static void gen_sccp_timer_cmd_strs (struct cmd_element *cmd)
static void write_sccp_timers (struct vty *vty, const char *indent, struct osmo_sccp_instance *inst, bool default_if_unset)
void osmo_sccp_vty_write_cs7_node (struct vty *vty, const char *indent, struct osmo_sccp_instance *inst)
 DEFUN (show_sccp_timers, show_sccp_timers_cmd, "show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp timers", SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR "Signaling Connection Control Part\ "Show List of SCCP timers\")
void osmo_sccp_vty_init (void)

Function Documentation

◆ DEFUN() [1/4]

DEFUN ( show_sccp_users  ,
show_sccp_users_cmd  ,
"show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp users"  ,
SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR SCCP_STR "Show List of SCCP Users registered\   

◆ DEFUN() [2/4]

DEFUN ( show_sccp_user_ssn  ,
show_sccp_user_ssn_cmd  ,
"show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp ssn <0-65535>"  ,
SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR SCCP_STR "Find an SCCP User registered for the given SSN\ "Subsystem Number(SSN)\"   

◆ DEFUN() [3/4]

DEFUN ( show_sccp_connections  ,
show_sccp_connections_cmd  ,
"show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp connections"  ,
SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR SCCP_STR "Show List of active SCCP connections\   

◆ DEFUN() [4/4]

DEFUN ( show_sccp_timers  ,
show_sccp_timers_cmd  ,
"show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp timers"  ,
SHOW_STR CS7_STR INST_STR INST_STR "Signaling Connection Control Part\ "Show List of SCCP timers\"   

◆ DEFUN_ATTR() [1/2]

DEFUN_ATTR ( sccp_timer  ,
sccp_timer_cmd  ,

◆ DEFUN_ATTR() [2/2]

DEFUN_ATTR ( sccp_max_optional_data  ,
sccp_max_optional_data_cmd  ,
"sccp max-optional-data (<0-999999>|standard)"  ,
"Configure SCCP behavior\ "Adjust the upper bound for the optional data length(the payload) for  CR,
CC  ,
CREF and RLSD messages." " For any Optional Data part larger than this value in  octets,
send  CR,
CC  ,
CREF and RLSD" " messages without any  payload,
and send the data payload in a separate Data Form 1 message." " ITU-T Q.713 sections 4.2 thru 4.5 define a limit of 130 bytes for the 'Data' parameter. This limit can be" " adjusted here. May be useful for interop with nonstandard SCCP peers.\n" "Set a non-standard maximum allowed number of bytes\n" "Use the ITU-T Q.713 4.2 to 4.5 standard value of 130\n"  ,

◆ gen_sccp_timer_cmd_strs()

static void gen_sccp_timer_cmd_strs ( struct cmd_element *  cmd)

◆ osmo_sccp_vty_init()

void osmo_sccp_vty_init ( void  )

◆ osmo_sccp_vty_write_cs7_node()

void osmo_sccp_vty_write_cs7_node ( struct vty *  vty,
const char *  indent,
struct osmo_sccp_instance inst 

◆ show_user()

static void show_user ( struct vty *  vty,
struct osmo_sccp_user user 

◆ write_sccp_timers()

static void write_sccp_timers ( struct vty *  vty,
const char *  indent,
struct osmo_sccp_instance inst,
bool  default_if_unset 