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  1. jenkins-build-common: adds support to the new variables for patchelf. (details)
Commit 0ba762f434747f0bb8c72477beb0473cb5cf437e by alejandro.leal
jenkins-build-common: adds support to the new variables for patchelf.

2 variables are added in order to increase the flexibility of the add_rpath function.
patchelf_rpath_extra_args: adds more arguments to the rpath patch. For example "--force-rpath"
patchelf_rpath_dir: path to the libraries. This path is appended to the default '$ORIGIN/../lib/'

This commit add the script, that builds the given repository filling the information for the 2 newly added variables.

Change-Id: I9f510112c63e7598add8c00f8573e34cac1b6064
The file was addedcontrib/
The file was modifiedcontrib/