- ttcn3-msc: Enable osmo-msc SS7 multi-homing and IPv6 features in tests (details)
- ttcn3-sgsn: Enable osmo-sgsn SS7 multi-homing and IPv6 features in tests (details)
The file was modified | ttcn3-msc-test/osmo-stp.cfg |
The file was modified | ttcn3-msc-test/osmo-msc.cfg |
The file was modified | ttcn3-msc-test/ |
The file was modified | ttcn3-sgsn-test/osmo-sgsn.cfg |
The file was modified | ttcn3-sgsn-test/ |
The file was modified | ttcn3-sgsn-test/osmo-stp.cfg |