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  1. libosmosim: class_tables: Fix GlobalPlatform CLA=8x INS=CA/CB GET DATA (details)
Commit fb52e1dcbb7c78857ef8e5a74f39a384e8ea9b76 by laforge
libosmosim: class_tables: Fix GlobalPlatform CLA=8x INS=CA/CB GET DATA

in their infinite wisdom, GlobalPlatform made GET DATA a command that can be either APDU
case 2 or case 4.  As the specify Le must be 0x00, we can conclude that P3 == 0x00 must be
Le, while P3 != 0x00 must be Lc and hence case 4 */

Change-Id: Ic8a17921f5a42d227791f1de39f90b4967c2e1b6
Related: SYS#6865
The file was modified tests/sim/sim_test.ok
The file was modified src/sim/class_tables.c
The file was modified tests/sim/sim_test.c