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          BSSGP_Emulation.ttcnpp:508.18-50: warning: Function invocation 'f_BnsUdInd({ pDU_BSSGP_BVC_BLOCK := { bssgpPduType := '20'O, bVCI := tr_BSSGP_BVCI(bvci), cause := tr_BSSGP_CAUSE(cause) } }, 0)' may change the actual snapshot.
        BSSGP_Emulation.ttcnpp:514.5-67: In guard operation:
         BSSGP_Emulation.ttcnpp:514.5-67: In receive statement:
          BSSGP_Emulation.ttcnpp:514.18-53: warning: Function invocation 'f_BnsUdInd({ pDU_BSSGP_BVC_RESET := { bssgpPduType := '22'O, bVCI := tr_BSSGP_BVCI(bvci), cause := tr_BSSGP_CAUSE(cause), cell_Identifier := tr_BSSGP_IE_CellId(cell_id), feature_bitmap := *, extended_Feature_Bitmap := * } }, 0)' may change the actual snapshot.
        BSSGP_Emulation.ttcnpp:546.5-47: In guard operation:
         BSSGP_Emulation.ttcnpp:546.5-47: In receive statement:
          BSSGP_Emulation.ttcnpp:546.18-33: warning: Function invocation 'f_BnsUdInd(?, ?)' may change the actual snapshot.
PCU_Tests.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `PCU_Tests':
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:316.9-337.1: In function definition `f_multi_ms_establish_tbf':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:318.2-336.2: In for statement:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:323.3-335.3: In if statement:
    PCU_Tests.ttcn:331.4-25: In function instance:
     PCU_Tests.ttcn:331.4-25: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:339.9-378.1: In function definition `f_ms_establish_ul_tbf_2phase_access':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:376.2-94: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:376.2-94: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:410.1-487.1: In testcase definition `TC_pcuif_suspend_active_tbf':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:437.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:437.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:441.2-85: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:441.2-85: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:521.1-575.1: In testcase definition `TC_ta_ul_ack_nack_first_block':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:542.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:542.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:552.2-85: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:552.2-85: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:819.1-905.1: In testcase definition `TC_cs_lqual_ul_tbf':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:839.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:839.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:908.1-983.1: In testcase definition `TC_cs_initial_ul':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:933.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:933.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:972.2-35: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:972.2-35: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:986.1-1031.1: In testcase definition `TC_cs_max_ul':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1008.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1008.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1020.2-36: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1020.2-36: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:1192.1-1265.1: In testcase definition `TC_mcs_initial_ul':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1254.2-35: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1254.2-35: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:1268.1-1304.1: In testcase definition `TC_mcs_max_ul':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1293.2-36: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1293.2-36: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:1597.1-1697.1: In testcase definition `TC_n3103_max_t3169':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1624.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1624.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1626.2-54: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1626.2-54: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1635.2-1678.2: In alt construct:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1666.3-16: In guard expression:
    PCU_Tests.ttcn:1666.3-16: warning: State of timer(s) may change during the actual snapshot.
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:1881.1-1941.1: In testcase definition `TC_t3193':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1930.2-61: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1930.2-61: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:1946.1-2076.1: In testcase definition `TC_n3105_max_t3195':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:1995.2-2060.2: In alt construct:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:1996.3-20: In guard expression:
    PCU_Tests.ttcn:1996.7-20: warning: State of timer(s) may change during the actual snapshot.
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2040.3-16: In guard expression:
    PCU_Tests.ttcn:2040.3-16: warning: State of timer(s) may change during the actual snapshot.
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2180.1-2226.1: In testcase definition `TC_countdown_procedure':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2203.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2203.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2229.1-2330.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_all_sizes':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2257.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2257.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2374.1-2402.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_data_toolong_fills_padding':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2395.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2395.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2407.9-2457.1: In function definition `f_TC_mo_ping_pong_1phase_access':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2431.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2431.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2435.2-85: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2435.2-85: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2470.9-2534.1: In function definition `f_TC_mo_ping_pong_2phase_access':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2506.2-35: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2506.2-35: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2518.2-61: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2518.2-61: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2536.1-2557.1: In testcase definition `TC_mo_ping_pong_with_ul_racap':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2554.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2554.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2559.1-2580.1: In testcase definition `TC_mo_ping_pong_with_ul_racap_egprs_only':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2577.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2577.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2582.1-2606.1: In testcase definition `TC_force_two_phase_access':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2603.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2603.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2611.9-2663.1: In function definition `f_TC_mt_ping_pong':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2650.2-61: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2650.2-61: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2654.2-54: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2654.2-54: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2682.1-2764.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_intermediate_retrans':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2711.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2711.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2814.1-2898.1: In testcase definition `TC_dl_flow_more_blocks':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2884.2-41: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2884.2-41: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_rx_rlcmac_dl_block_exp_dummy' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2895.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2895.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:2903.1-3010.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_flow_multiple_llc_blocks':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:2930.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:2930.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:3427.1-3502.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_tbf_reestablish_with_pkt_resource_req':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3453.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3453.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3457.2-85: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3457.2-85: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3472.2-61: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3472.2-61: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3478.2-55: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3478.2-55: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3499.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3499.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:3508.1-3621.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_tbf_reestablish_with_pkt_resource_req_t3168':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3542.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3542.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3546.2-85: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3546.2-85: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:3626.1-3669.1: In function definition `f_TC_ul_tbf_reestablish_with_pkt_dl_ack_nack':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3667.2-61: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3667.2-61: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:3820.1-3863.1: In testcase definition `TC_paging_cs_from_bts':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3844.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3844.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:3867.9-3925.1: In function definition `f_tc_paging_cs_from_sgsn':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3891.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3891.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3904.2-59: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3904.2-59: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_rx_rlcmac_dl_block_skip_dummy' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:3941.9-3978.1: In function definition `f_tc_paging_ps_from_sgsn':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3961.2-3965.2: In if statement:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3964.3-56: In function instance:
    PCU_Tests.ttcn:3964.3-56: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_pcuif_rx_pch_pag_req1' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3965.4-3968.2: In else statement:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3967.3-57: In function instance:
    PCU_Tests.ttcn:3967.3-57: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_pcuif_rx_pch_pag_req1' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:3977.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:3977.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4007.1-4027.1: In testcase definition `TC_paging_pch_timeout':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4023.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4023.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4030.1-4091.1: In testcase definition `TC_bssgp_dl_unitdata_with_valid_imsi':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4056.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4056.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4059.2-85: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4059.2-85: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4088.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4088.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4094.1-4137.1: In testcase definition `TC_bssgp_dl_unitdata_with_invalid_imsi':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4118.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4118.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4121.2-85: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4121.2-85: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_tx_ul_data_block_multi' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4210.1-4262.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_tbf_finished_pkt_dl_ass_pch':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4236.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4236.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4276.1-4351.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_tbf_1phase_while_dl_ass_pch':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4303.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4303.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4343.2-60: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4343.2-60: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4355.1-4421.1: In testcase definition `TC_ul_tbf_2phase_while_dl_ass_pch':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4383.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4383.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4413.2-60: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4413.2-60: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4442.1-4483.1: In testcase definition `TC_egprs_pkt_chan_req_signalling':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4480.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4480.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4485.1-4532.1: In testcase definition `TC_egprs_pkt_chan_req_one_phase':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4529.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4529.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4534.1-4579.1: In testcase definition `TC_egprs_pkt_chan_req_two_phase':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4576.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4576.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4627.1-4657.1: In testcase definition `TC_egprs_pkt_chan_req_reject_content':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4654.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4654.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4661.1-4700.1: In testcase definition `TC_egprs_pkt_chan_req_reject_emergency':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4697.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4697.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4703.1-4757.1: In testcase definition `TC_egprs_pkt_chan_req_reject_exhaustion':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4754.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4754.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4925.1-4967.1: In testcase definition `TC_pcuif_fh_pkt_ass_ul':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4948.2-60: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4948.2-60: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:4970.1-5018.1: In testcase definition `TC_pcuif_fh_pkt_ass_dl':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:4994.2-18: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:4994.2-18: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_wait_usf' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:5007.2-60: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:5007.2-60: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:5082.1-5260.1: In testcase definition `TC_multiplex_dl_gprs_egprs':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:5137.2-66: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:5137.2-66: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:5150.2-66: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:5150.2-66: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:5263.9-5318.1: In function definition `f_TC_paging_cs_multi_ms':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:5317.2-51: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:5317.2-51: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_rx_rlcmac_dl_block_exp_dummy' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:5533.9-5543.1: In function definition `f_pcuif_tx_nacc_rac_ci_rsp':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:5536.2-5542.20: In send statement:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:5536.34-5542.19: In actual parameter list of template `@PCUIF_Types.ts_PCUIF_NEIGH_ADDR_CNF':
    PCU_Tests.ttcn:5538.7-38: In parameter #5 for `mnc':
     PCU_Tests.ttcn:5538.7-38: In the operand of operation `str2int()':
      PCU_Tests.ttcn:5538.15-37: warning: Leading zero digit was detected and ignored in the operand of operation `str2int()'
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:6754.1-6832.1: In testcase definition `TC_nacc_outbound_pkt_cell_chg_notif_twice4':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:6812.2-72: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:6812.2-72: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_rx_rlcmac_dl_block_exp_dummy' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:6835.1-6940.1: In testcase definition `TC_nacc_outbound_pkt_cell_chg_notif_twice5':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:6920.2-41: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:6920.2-41: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_rx_rlcmac_dl_block_exp_dummy' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:6943.1-7024.1: In testcase definition `TC_nacc_outbound_pkt_cell_chg_notif_unassigned_dl_tbf':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:6995.2-61: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:6995.2-61: warning: The value returned by function `@GPRS_Components.f_ms_rx_pkt_ass_pacch' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:7252.1-7304.1: In testcase definition `TC_stat_pdch_avail_occ':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:7285.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:7285.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:7292.2-108: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:7292.2-108: warning: The value returned by function `@PCU_Tests.f_ms_establish_ul_tbf_2phase_access' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:7301.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:7301.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:7309.1-7393.1: In function definition `f_tc_stat_pdch_avail_occ_ms_not_known':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:7356.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:7356.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:7389.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:7389.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
 PCU_Tests.ttcn:7402.1-7446.1: In testcase definition `TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated':
  PCU_Tests.ttcn:7443.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests.ttcn:7443.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@StatsD_Checker.f_statsd_expect' is not used
PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `PCU_Tests_SNS':
 PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:99.9-146.1: In function definition `f_sns_bringup_1c1u':
  PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:121.2-133.2: In if statement:
   PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:124.3-15: In function instance:
    PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:124.3-15: warning: The value returned by function `@RAW_NS.f_ns_exp' is not used
   PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:130.3-15: In function instance:
    PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:130.3-15: warning: The value returned by function `@RAW_NS.f_ns_exp' is not used
 PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:155.9-206.1: In function definition `f_sns_bringup_1c1u_separate':
  PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:182.2-193.2: In if statement:
   PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:185.3-25: In function instance:
    PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:185.3-25: warning: The value returned by function `@RAW_NS.f_ns_exp' is not used
   PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:191.3-25: In function instance:
    PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:191.3-25: warning: The value returned by function `@RAW_NS.f_ns_exp' is not used
 PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:269.1-297.1: In testcase definition `TC_sns_so_bvc_reset_unknown_bvci':
  PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:279.2-24: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:279.2-24: warning: The value returned by function `@RAW_NS.f_ns_exp' is not used
  PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:285.2-14: In function instance:
   PCU_Tests_SNS.ttcn:285.2-14: warning: The value returned by function `@RAW_NS.f_ns_exp' is not used
Notify: Generating code...
Notify: File `BSSGP_Emulation.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `BSSGP_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GPRS_Components.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GPRS_Context.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GPRS_TBF.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GSM_RR_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GSM_RestOctets.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GSM_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `General_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_Emulation.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPL4asp_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPL4asp_PortType.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPL4asp_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `L3_Common.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `L3_Templates.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `LLC_Templates.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `LLC_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Misc_Helpers.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_CC_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_CommonIE_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_GMM_SM_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_MM_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_RRM_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_SMS_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_SS_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `MobileL3_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `NS_Emulation.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `NS_Provider_IPL4.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `NS_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Native_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_CTRL_Adapter.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_CTRL_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_CTRL_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_Gb_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_VTY_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PCUIF_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PCUIF_Components.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PCUIF_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PCU_Tests.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PCU_Tests_NS.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PCU_Tests_SNS.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PCU_selftest.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RAW_NS.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RLCMAC_CSN1_Templates.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RLCMAC_CSN1_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RLCMAC_Templates.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RLCMAC_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `SGSN_Components.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `SNDCP_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Socket_API_Definitions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `StatsD_Checker.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `StatsD_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `StatsD_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `StatsD_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TCCConversion_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TCCInterface_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TELNETasp_PortType.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `UD_PortType.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `UD_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: 567 files were updated.
touch compile
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/pcu'
(cd pgw && ./ && ./
Linking TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn
Linking TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn
Linking TCCInterface_ip.h
Linking TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn
Linking Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_PT.hh
Linking IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_Types.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_protocol_L234.hh
Linking ICMP_Types.ttcn
Linking ICMPv6_Types.ttcn
Linking IP_Types.ttcn
Linking UDP_Types.ttcn
Linking NS_Types.ttcn
Linking BSSGP_Types.ttcn
Linking GTPC_Types.ttcn
Linking GTPU_Types.ttcn
Linking GTPv2_Types.ttcn
Linking UECUPS_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking UECUPS_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking UECUPS_Types.ttcn
Linking Misc_Helpers.ttcn
Linking General_Types.ttcn
Linking GSM_Types.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_Types.ttcn
Linking Native_Functions.ttcn
Linking IPCP_Types.ttcn
Linking PAP_Types.ttcn
Linking GTPv1C_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking GTPv1C_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking GTPv1U_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking GTPv1U_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn
Linking GTPv2_PrivateExtensions.ttcn
Linking GTPv2_Templates.ttcn
Linking GTPv2_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking GTPv2_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn
Linking DNS_Helpers.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_Types.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_rfc4004_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_rfc5447_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_ts29_212_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_ts29_212_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_ts29_229_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_ts29_272_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_ts29_273_Templates.ttcn
Linking DIAMETER_ts32_299_Templates.ttcn
Linking SCTP_Templates.ttcn
ttcn3_makefilegen: warning: TTCN-3 preprocessing (option `-p') is enabled, but no TTCN-3 files to be preprocessed were given for the Makefile.
Generating Makefile skeleton...
Makefile skeleton was generated.
make -C pgw compile
make[1]: Entering directory '/build/pgw'
/usr/bin/ttcn3_compiler -L -U 8 BSSGP_Types.ttcn DIAMETER_CodecPort.ttcn DIAMETER_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_Types.ttcn DIAMETER_rfc4004_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_rfc5447_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_212_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_229_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_272_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_273_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts32_299_Templates.ttcn DNS_Helpers.ttcn GSM_Types.ttcn GTPC_Types.ttcn GTPU_Types.ttcn GTPv1C_CodecPort.ttcn GTPv1C_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn GTPv1U_CodecPort.ttcn GTPv1U_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn GTPv2_CodecPort.ttcn GTPv2_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn GTPv2_PrivateExtensions.ttcn GTPv2_Templates.ttcn GTPv2_Types.ttcn General_Types.ttcn ICMP_Types.ttcn ICMPv6_Types.ttcn IPCP_Types.ttcn IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn IPL4asp_Types.ttcn IP_Types.ttcn Misc_Helpers.ttcn NS_Types.ttcn Native_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn PAP_Types.ttcn PGW_Tests.ttcn SCTP_Templates.ttcn Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn UDP_Types.ttcn UECUPS_CodecPort.ttcn UECUPS_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn UECUPS_Types.ttcn - BSSGP_Types.ttcn DIAMETER_CodecPort.ttcn DIAMETER_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_Types.ttcn DIAMETER_rfc4004_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_rfc5447_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_212_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_229_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_272_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts29_273_Templates.ttcn DIAMETER_ts32_299_Templates.ttcn DNS_Helpers.ttcn GSM_Types.ttcn GTPC_Types.ttcn GTPU_Types.ttcn GTPv1C_CodecPort.ttcn GTPv1C_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn GTPv1U_CodecPort.ttcn GTPv1U_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn GTPv2_CodecPort.ttcn GTPv2_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn GTPv2_PrivateExtensions.ttcn GTPv2_Templates.ttcn GTPv2_Types.ttcn General_Types.ttcn ICMP_Types.ttcn ICMPv6_Types.ttcn IPCP_Types.ttcn IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn IPL4asp_Types.ttcn IP_Types.ttcn Misc_Helpers.ttcn NS_Types.ttcn Native_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn PAP_Types.ttcn PGW_Tests.ttcn SCTP_Templates.ttcn Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn UDP_Types.ttcn UECUPS_CodecPort.ttcn UECUPS_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn UECUPS_Types.ttcn
warning: Charstring pattern: Environment variable TTCN3_DIR not present. Case-insensitive universal charstring patterns are disabled.

Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `BSSGP_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_rfc4004_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_rfc5447_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_ts29_212_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_ts29_229_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_ts29_272_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_ts29_273_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_ts32_299_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `DNS_Helpers.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GSM_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPC_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPU_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv1C_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv1C_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv1U_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv1U_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_PrivateExtensions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `General_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `ICMP_Types.ttcn'...
ICMP_Types.ttcn:43.3-16: warning: Keyword 'timestamp' is treated as an identifier. Activate compiler option '-I' to use real-time testing features.
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `ICMPv6_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPCP_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IP_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Misc_Helpers.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `NS_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Native_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `PAP_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `PGW_Tests.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `SCTP_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `UDP_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `UECUPS_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `UECUPS_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `UECUPS_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Checking modules...
DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_Templates':
 DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn:686.1-143: In template definition `tr_AVP_UserNameImsi':
  DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn:686.109-143: In actual parameter list of template `@DIAMETER_Templates.tr_AVP_UserName':
   DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn:686.110-142: In parameter #1 for `uid':
    DIAMETER_Templates.ttcn:686.110-142: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced function `char2oct_tmpl(hex2str_tmpl(imsi))', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
    Osmocom_Types.ttcn:169.1-180.1: note: Referenced function is here
DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `DIAMETER_Emulation':
 DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:312.9-334.1: In function definition `f_diameter_xceive':
  DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:320.2-332.2: In alt construct:
   DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:321.5-63: In guard operation:
    DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:321.5-63: In receive statement:
     DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:321.22-49: warning: Function invocation 'tr_DIAMETER_RecvFrom_R(rx_t)' may change the actual snapshot.
   DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:322.5-60: In guard operation:
    DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:322.5-60: In receive statement:
     DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:322.22-46: warning: Function invocation 'tr_DIAMETER_RecvFrom_R(?)' may change the actual snapshot.
 DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:336.1-460.1: In function definition `main':
  DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:371.2-459.2: In while statement:
   DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:381.3-457.3: In alt construct:
    DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:394.6-108: In guard operation:
     DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:394.6-108: In receive statement:
      DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:394.23-94: warning: Function invocation 'tr_DIAMETER_RecvFrom_R({ version := 1, message_length := ?, RPETxxxx := flags, command_code := cmd_code, application_id := app_id, hop_by_hop_id := hbh_id, end_to_end_id := ete_id, avps := avps })' may change the actual snapshot.
    DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:403.6-70: In guard operation:
     DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:403.6-70: In receive statement:
      DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:403.23-56: warning: Function invocation 'tr_DIAMETER_RecvFrom_R({ version := 1, message_length := ?, RPETxxxx := flags, command_code := cmd_code, application_id := app_id, hop_by_hop_id := hbh_id, end_to_end_id := ete_id, avps := avps })' may change the actual snapshot.
    DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:416.13-68: In guard operation:
     DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:416.13-68: In receive statement:
      DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:416.30-54: warning: Function invocation 'tr_DIAMETER_RecvFrom_R(?)' may change the actual snapshot.
    DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:420.17-72: In guard operation:
     DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:420.17-72: In receive statement:
      DIAMETER_Emulation.ttcn:420.34-58: warning: Function invocation 'tr_DIAMETER_RecvFrom_R(?)' may change the actual snapshot.
GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `GTPv1C_Templates':
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:75.2-78.2: In template definition `ts_Cause_gtpc':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:75.2-78.2: While checking template restriction `value':
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:77.17-48: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced function `enum2oct1_Cause_gtpc_tmpl(cause)', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:79.10-90.2: note: Referenced function is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:95.2-104.2: In function definition `f_tr_Cause_gtpc':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:101.5-103.3: In else statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:102.4-30: In return statement:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:102.24-30: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.tr_Cause_gtpc':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:102.25-29: In parameter #1 for `cause':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:102.25-29: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `cause', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:95.27-50: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:207.2-215.2: In function definition `f_tr_MS_Validated':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:212.5-214.3: In else statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:213.4-38: In return statement:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:213.26-38: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.tr_MS_Validated':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:213.27-37: In parameter #1 for `msValidated':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:213.27-37: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `msValidated', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:207.29-58: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:216.10-222.2: In function definition `f_ts_MS_Validated':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:221.3-37: In return statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:221.25-37: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_MS_Validated':
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:221.26-36: In parameter #1 for `msValidated':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:221.26-36: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `msValidated', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:216.37-68: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:243.10-249.2: In function definition `f_ts_TEIC':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:248.3-22: In return statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:248.17-22: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_TEIC':
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:248.18-21: In parameter #1 for `teic':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:248.18-21: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `teic', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:243.29-53: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:273.10-279.2: In function definition `f_ts_IMEISV':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:278.3-26: In return statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:278.19-26: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_IMEISV':
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:278.20-25: In parameter #1 for `imeisv':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:278.20-25: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `imeisv', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:273.31-57: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:298.2-310.2: In function definition `f_ts_MS_TimeZone':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:303.3-305.3: In if statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:304.4-66: In return statement:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:304.25-66: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_MS_TimeZone':
     In parameter #2 for `daylightSavingTime':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:304.48-65: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `daylightSavingTime', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:298.59-97: note: Referenced template parameter is here
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:306.3-308.3: In if statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:307.4-34: In return statement:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:307.25-34: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_MS_TimeZone':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:307.26-33: In parameter #1 for `timeZone':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:307.26-33: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `timeZone', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:298.28-56: note: Referenced template parameter is here
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:309.3-53: In return statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:309.24-53: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_MS_TimeZone':
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:309.25-32: In parameter #1 for `timeZone':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:309.25-32: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `timeZone', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:298.28-56: note: Referenced template parameter is here
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:309.35-52: In parameter #2 for `daylightSavingTime':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:309.35-52: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `daylightSavingTime', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:298.59-97: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:328.10-334.2: In function definition `f_ts_ChargingCharacteristics':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:333.3-49: In return statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:333.36-49: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_ChargingCharacteristics':
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:333.37-48: In parameter #1 for `chargingChar':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:333.37-48: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `chargingChar', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:328.48-80: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:703.2-711.2: In function definition `f_tr_Imsi':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:708.5-710.3: In else statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:709.4-25: In return statement:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:709.18-25: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.tr_Imsi':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:709.19-24: In parameter #1 for `digits':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:709.19-24: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `digits', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:703.21-50: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:728.2-734.2: In function definition `f_ts_RATType':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:731.5-733.3: In else statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:732.4-30: In return statement:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:732.21-30: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_RATType':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:732.22-29: In parameter #1 for `rat_type':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:732.22-29: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `rat_type', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:728.24-60: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:740.2-748.2: In function definition `f_tr_RATType':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:745.5-747.3: In else statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:746.4-30: In return statement:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:746.21-30: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.tr_RATType':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:746.22-29: In parameter #1 for `rat_type':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:746.22-29: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `rat_type', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:740.24-50: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1027.2-1035.2: In template definition `ts_PCO_IPv4_DNS_IPCP':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1028.16-1034.3: In template for record field `protocols':
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1032.4-1033.62: In component 2:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1033.9-60: In template for record field `protoIDContents':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1033.23-60: In actual parameter list of external function `@IPCP_Types.enc_IpcpPacket':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1033.24-59: In parameter #1 for `inp':
       GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1033.24-59: In the operand of operation `valueof()':
        GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1145.2-1147.74: In template definition `ts_IPCP_ReqDNS':
         GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1146.10-1147.74: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_IPCP':
          GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1147.4-73: In parameter #3 for `opts':
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1126.11-14: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `addr', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1123.51-78: note: Referenced template parameter is here
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1131.11-14: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `addr', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1128.53-80: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1037.2-1045.2: In template definition `ts_PCO_IPv4_PRI_DNS_IPCP':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1038.16-1044.3: In template for record field `protocols':
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1042.4-1043.57: In component 2:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1043.9-55: In template for record field `protoIDContents':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1043.23-55: In actual parameter list of external function `@IPCP_Types.enc_IpcpPacket':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1043.24-54: In parameter #1 for `inp':
       GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1043.24-54: In the operand of operation `valueof()':
        GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1149.2-1151.39: In template definition `ts_IPCP_ReqDNS_Primary':
         GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1150.10-1151.39: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_IPCP':
          GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1151.4-38: In parameter #3 for `opts':
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1126.11-14: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `addr', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1123.51-78: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1046.2-1054.2: In template definition `ts_PCO_IPv4_SEC_DNS_IPCP':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1047.16-1053.3: In template for record field `protocols':
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1051.4-1052.59: In component 2:
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1052.9-57: In template for record field `protoIDContents':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1052.23-57: In actual parameter list of external function `@IPCP_Types.enc_IpcpPacket':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1052.24-56: In parameter #1 for `inp':
       GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1052.24-56: In the operand of operation `valueof()':
        GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1152.2-1154.41: In template definition `ts_IPCP_ReqDNS_Secondary':
         GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1153.10-1154.41: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_IPCP':
          GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1154.4-40: In parameter #3 for `opts':
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1131.11-14: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `addr', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
           GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1128.53-80: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1100.2-1114.2: In function definition `f_PCO_extract_proto':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1113.3-12: warning: Control never reaches this statement
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1321.2-1358.2: In template definition `ts_SGSNContextRespPDU':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1327.27-1357.3: In template for union field `sgsn_ContextResponse':
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1338.30-58: In template for record field `sgsn_addr_controlPlane':
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1338.40-58: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv1C_Templates.ts_GsnAddr':
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1338.41-57: In parameter #1 for `ip_addr':
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1338.41-57: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `sgsn_addr_control', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1324.8-60: note: Referenced template parameter is here
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1321.2-1358.2: While checking template restriction `value':
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:77.17-48: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced function `enum2oct1_Cause_gtpc_tmpl(cause)', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:79.10-90.2: note: Referenced function is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1381.2-1390.2: In template definition `ts_SGSNContextAckPDU':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1381.2-1390.2: While checking template restriction `value':
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:77.17-48: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced function `enum2oct1_Cause_gtpc_tmpl(cause)', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:79.10-90.2: note: Referenced function is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1392.2-1396.2: In template definition `ts_GTPC_SGSNContextAck':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1392.55-1393.82: In formal parameter list:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1393.14-81: In parameter `SGSNContextAckPDU':
    GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1393.62-81: In default value:
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:77.17-48: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced function `enum2oct1_Cause_gtpc_tmpl(cause)', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:79.10-90.2: note: Referenced function is here
 GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1436.2-1471.2: In function definition `tr_GTPC_Cell_Identifier_V':
  GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1470.3-12: In return statement:
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1470.10-12: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `ret', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
   GTPv1C_Templates.ttcn:1437.39-1447.3: note: Referenced template variable is here
GTPv2_Templates.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_Templates':
 GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:139.9-146.1: In function definition `fs_GTP2C_msisdn':
  GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:143.4-145.2: In else statement:
   GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:144.3-32: In return statement:
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:144.25-32: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv2_Templates.ts_GTP2C_msisdn':
     GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:144.26-31: In parameter #1 for `msisdn':
      GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:144.26-31: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `msisdn', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:139.34-65: note: Referenced template parameter is here
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:137.18-23: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `msisdn', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:132.43-77: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:217.9-224.1: In function definition `fs_GTP2C_Cause':
  GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:221.4-223.2: In else statement:
   GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:222.3-34: In return statement:
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:222.24-34: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv2_Templates.ts_GTP2C_Cause':
     GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:222.25-29: In parameter #1 for `cause':
      GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:222.25-29: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `cause', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:217.33-65: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:225.9-234.1: In function definition `fr_GTP2C_Cause':
  GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:231.4-233.2: In else statement:
   GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:232.3-30: In return statement:
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:232.24-30: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv2_Templates.tr_GTP2C_Cause':
     GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:232.25-29: In parameter #1 for `cause':
      GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:232.25-29: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `cause', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:225.33-58: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:380.1-382.52: In template definition `tr_GTP2C_PdnAddrAlloc_v4':
  GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:382.23-52: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv2_Templates.ts_GTP2C_PdnAddrAlloc':
   GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:382.32-51: In parameter #2 for `addr_pfx':
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:382.47-50: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `addr', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:381.26-53: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:688.9-694.1: In function definition `f_ts_GTP2C_ProcTransId_omit':
  GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:693.2-33: In return statement:
   GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:693.29-33: In actual parameter list of template `@GTPv2_Templates.ts_GTP2C_ProcTransId':
    GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:693.30-32: In parameter #1 for `pti':
     GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:693.30-32: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `pti', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     GTPv2_Templates.ttcn:688.46-72: note: Referenced template parameter is here
GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `GTPv2_Emulation':
 GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:449.9-467.1: In function definition `f_uecups_xceive':
  GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:457.2-465.2: In alt construct:
   GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:458.5-59: In guard operation:
    GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:458.5-59: In receive statement:
     GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:458.20-45: warning: Function invocation 'tr_UECUPS_RecvFrom_R(rx_t)' may change the actual snapshot.
 GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:469.9-508.1: In function definition `f_init':
  GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:488.2-499.2: In if statement:
   GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:498.3-74: In function instance:
    GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:498.3-74: warning: The value returned by function `@GTPv2_Emulation.f_uecups_xceive' is not used
  GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:507.2-26: In activate statement:
   GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:510.9-520.1: In altstep definition `as_uecups_ind':
    GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:514.4-74: In guard operation:
     GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:514.4-74: In receive statement:
      GTPv2_Emulation.ttcn:514.19-61: warning: Function invocation 'tr_UECUPS_RecvFrom_R({ program_term_ind := ? })' may change the actual snapshot.
Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_Gb_Types':
 Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn:1050.10-1058.2: In function definition `f_tr_BSSGP_IMSI':
  Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn:1055.5-1057.3: In else statement:
   Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn:1056.4-29: In return statement:
    Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn:1056.24-29: In actual parameter list of template `@Osmocom_Gb_Types.tr_BSSGP_IMSI':
     Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn:1056.25-28: In parameter #1 for `imsi':
      Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn:1056.25-28: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `imsi', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn:1050.35-57: note: Referenced template parameter is here
PGW_Tests.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `PGW_Tests':
 PGW_Tests.ttcn:620.9-631.1: In altstep definition `as_DIA_Gy_CCR':
  PGW_Tests.ttcn:622.5-70: In guard operation:
   PGW_Tests.ttcn:622.5-70: In receive statement:
    PGW_Tests.ttcn:622.16-52: warning: Function invocation 'f_tr_DIA_Gy_CCR(req_type)' may change the actual snapshot.
 PGW_Tests.ttcn:932.9-940.1: In function definition `f_start_prog_wait':
  PGW_Tests.ttcn:939.2-34: In function instance:
   PGW_Tests.ttcn:939.13-34: In actual parameter list of function `@PGW_Tests.f_wait_term':
    PGW_Tests.ttcn:939.19-27: In parameter #2 for `exit_code':
     PGW_Tests.ttcn:939.19-27: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `exit_code', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     PGW_Tests.ttcn:933.8-38: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 PGW_Tests.ttcn:1049.9-1071.1: In function definition `f_TC_gy_charging_cc_time':
  PGW_Tests.ttcn:1062.2-14: In deactivate statement:
   PGW_Tests.ttcn:1062.2-14: warning: Calling `deactivate()' in a function or altstep. This might delete the `in' parameters of a currently running altstep.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `DIAMETER_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
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Notify: File `DIAMETER_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `DIAMETER_Emulation.hh' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `DIAMETER_rfc4004_Templates.hh' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GTPv1C_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GTPv1C_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `GTPv1U_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `GTPv2_PrivateExtensions.hh' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `General_Types.hh' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `ICMP_Types.hh' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPL4asp_Functions.hh' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Misc_Helpers.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `NS_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Native_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_Gb_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `PAP_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PGW_Tests.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `SCTP_Templates.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `Socket_API_Definitions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TCCConversion_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `TCCEncoding_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TCCInterface_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `UDP_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `UECUPS_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `UECUPS_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
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Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `UECUPS_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: 468 files were updated.
touch compile
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/pgw'
(cd remsim && ./ && ./
Linking TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn
Linking TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn
Linking TCCInterface_ip.h
Linking Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_PT.hh
Linking IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_Types.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_protocol_L234.hh
Linking TELNETasp_PT.hh
Linking TELNETasp_PortType.ttcn
Linking Abstract_Socket.hh
Linking HTTPmsg_MessageLen.ttcn
Linking HTTPmsg_PT.hh
Linking HTTPmsg_PortType.ttcn
Linking HTTPmsg_Types.ttcn
Linking JSON_Types.ttcn
Linking PIPEasp_PT.hh
Linking PIPEasp_Types.ttcn
Linking PIPEasp_PortType.ttcn
Linking Misc_Helpers.ttcn
Linking General_Types.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_VTY_Functions.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_Types.ttcn
Linking PIPEasp_Templates.ttcn
Linking IPA_Types.ttcn
Linking IPA_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking IPA_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking IPA_Emulation.ttcnpp
Linking IPA_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_CTRL_Types.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_CTRL_Functions.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_CTRL_Adapter.ttcn
Linking Native_Functions.ttcn
Linking HTTP_Adapter.ttcn
Linking VPCD_Types.ttcn
Linking VPCD_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking VPCD_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking VPCD_Adapter.ttcn
Generating Makefile skeleton...
Makefile skeleton was generated.
make -C remsim compile
make[1]: Entering directory '/build/remsim'
cpp -x c -nostdinc -DIPA_EMULATION_RSPRO -DIPA_EMULATION_CTRL IPA_Emulation.ttcnpp IPA_Emulation.ttcn
/usr/bin/ttcn3_compiler -L -U 8 General_Types.ttcn HTTP_Adapter.ttcn HTTPmsg_MessageLen.ttcn HTTPmsg_PortType.ttcn HTTPmsg_Types.ttcn IPA_CodecPort.ttcn IPA_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn IPA_Types.ttcn IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn IPL4asp_Types.ttcn JSON_Types.ttcn Misc_Helpers.ttcn Native_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_CTRL_Adapter.ttcn Osmocom_CTRL_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_CTRL_Types.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn Osmocom_VTY_Functions.ttcn PIPEasp_PortType.ttcn PIPEasp_Templates.ttcn PIPEasp_Types.ttcn REMSIM_Tests.ttcn RSPRO_Server.ttcn RSPRO_Types.ttcn RSRES.ttcn RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn TELNETasp_PortType.ttcn VPCD_Adapter.ttcn VPCD_CodecPort.ttcn VPCD_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn VPCD_Types.ttcn IPA_Emulation.ttcn RSPRO.asn - General_Types.ttcn HTTP_Adapter.ttcn HTTPmsg_MessageLen.ttcn HTTPmsg_PortType.ttcn HTTPmsg_Types.ttcn IPA_CodecPort.ttcn IPA_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn IPA_Types.ttcn IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn IPL4asp_Types.ttcn JSON_Types.ttcn Misc_Helpers.ttcn Native_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_CTRL_Adapter.ttcn Osmocom_CTRL_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_CTRL_Types.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn Osmocom_VTY_Functions.ttcn PIPEasp_PortType.ttcn PIPEasp_Templates.ttcn PIPEasp_Types.ttcn REMSIM_Tests.ttcn RSPRO_Server.ttcn RSPRO_Types.ttcn RSRES.ttcn RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn TELNETasp_PortType.ttcn VPCD_Adapter.ttcn VPCD_CodecPort.ttcn VPCD_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn VPCD_Types.ttcn IPA_Emulation.ttcn RSPRO.asn
warning: Charstring pattern: Environment variable TTCN3_DIR not present. Case-insensitive universal charstring patterns are disabled.

Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `General_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `HTTP_Adapter.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `HTTPmsg_MessageLen.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `HTTPmsg_PortType.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `HTTPmsg_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPA_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPA_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPA_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `JSON_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Misc_Helpers.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Native_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_CTRL_Adapter.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_CTRL_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_CTRL_Types.ttcn'...
Osmocom_CTRL_Types.ttcn:26.39-88: In character string pattern:
 Osmocom_CTRL_Types.ttcn:26.44-45: warning: Use of unrecognized escape sequence `\{' is deprecated
 Osmocom_CTRL_Types.ttcn:26.46-47: warning: Use of unrecognized escape sequence `\}' is deprecated
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_VTY_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `PIPEasp_PortType.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `PIPEasp_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `PIPEasp_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `REMSIM_Tests.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `RSPRO_Server.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `RSPRO_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `RSRES.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TELNETasp_PortType.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `VPCD_Adapter.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `VPCD_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `VPCD_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `VPCD_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPA_Emulation.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing ASN.1 module `RSPRO.asn'...
RSPRO.asn:38: warning: Missing IMPORTS clause is interpreted as `IMPORTS ;' (import nothing) instead of importing all symbols from all modules.
Notify: Checking modules...
RSPRO_Server.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `RSPRO_Server':
 RSPRO_Server.ttcn:21.1-30.1: warning: Definition with name `RSPRO_Server' hides a module identifier
HTTP_Adapter.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `HTTP_Adapter':
 HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:100.1-105.1: In function definition `f_ts_body_or_empty':
  HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:104.2-12: In return statement:
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:104.9-12: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `body', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:100.29-59: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:125.1-130.1: In function definition `f_ts_body_or_empty_bin':
  HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:129.2-12: In return statement:
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:129.9-12: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `body', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:125.33-64: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:177.1-224.1: In function definition `f_http_tx_request':
  HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:208.2-212.2: In if statement:
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:210.3-211.64: In send statement:
    HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:210.24-211.63: In actual parameter list of template `@HTTP_Adapter.ts_HTTP_Req':
     HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:210.38-41: In parameter #3 for `body':
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:210.38-41: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `body', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:178.7-38: note: Referenced template parameter is here
     In parameter #8 for `client_id':
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:211.50-62: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `use_client_id', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:186.23-43: note: Referenced template variable is here
  HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:212.4-217.2: In if statement:
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:214.3-216.61: In send statement:
    HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:214.28-216.60: In actual parameter list of template `@HTTP_Adapter.ts_HTTP_Req_Bin':
     HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:214.42-52: In parameter #3 for `body':
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:214.42-52: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `binary_body', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:179.7-46: note: Referenced template parameter is here
     In parameter #8 for `client_id':
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:216.47-59: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `use_client_id', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:186.23-43: note: Referenced template variable is here
  HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:217.4-221.2: In if statement:
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:219.3-220.64: In send statement:
    HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:219.24-220.63: In actual parameter list of template `@HTTP_Adapter.ts_HTTP_Req':
     In parameter #8 for `client_id':
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:220.50-62: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `use_client_id', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:186.23-43: note: Referenced template variable is here
 HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:226.1-255.1: In function definition `f_http_rx_response':
  HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:250.2-252.2: In if statement:
   HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:251.3-37: In send statement:
    HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:251.26-36: In actual parameter list of template `@HTTP_Adapter.ts_HTTP_Close':
     HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:251.27-35: In parameter #1 for `client_id':
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:251.27-35: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `client_id', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
      HTTP_Adapter.ttcn:228.8-41: note: Referenced template parameter is here
REMSIM_Tests.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `REMSIM_Tests':
 REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:43.1-46.1: In type definition `rspro_client_CT':
  REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:43.6-46.1: While checking uniqueness of component element definitions:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:45.20-36: warning: Definition with name `RSPRO' hides a module identifier
 REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:146.1-165.1: In function definition `f_rspro_connect_client':
  REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:148.2-164.2: In select case statement:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:149.2-152.3: In select case statement:
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:151.3-55: In function instance:
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:151.3-55: warning: The value returned by function `@REMSIM_Tests.f_rspro_exp' is not used
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:153.2-159.3: In select case statement:
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:155.3-157.42: In send statement:
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:155.40-157.41: In actual parameter list of template `@RSPRO_Types.ts_RSPRO_ConnectBankReq':
      REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:157.13-40: In parameter #4 for `bound':
       REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:157.22-40: In actual parameter list of template `@RSPRO_Types.ts_IpPort':
        REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:157.23-24: In parameter #1 for `ip':
         REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:157.23-24: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `ip', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
         REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:154.26-51: note: Referenced template variable is here
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:158.3-53: In function instance:
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:158.3-53: warning: The value returned by function `@REMSIM_Tests.f_rspro_exp' is not used
 REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:167.1-195.1: In function definition `f_rspro_connect_clients':
  REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:171.2-184.2: In for statement:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:172.3-183.3: In select case statement:
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:177.3-182.4: In select case statement:
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:179.4-181.43: In send statement:
      REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:179.41-181.42: In actual parameter list of template `@RSPRO_Types.ts_RSPRO_ConnectBankReq':
       REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:181.14-41: In parameter #4 for `bound':
        REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:181.23-41: In actual parameter list of template `@RSPRO_Types.ts_IpPort':
         REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:181.24-25: In parameter #1 for `ip':
          REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:181.24-25: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template variable `ip', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
          REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:178.27-52: note: Referenced template variable is here
  REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:185.2-194.2: In for statement:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:186.3-193.3: In select case statement:
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:187.3-189.4: In select case statement:
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:188.4-62: In function instance:
      REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:188.4-62: warning: The value returned by function `@REMSIM_Tests.f_rspro_exp' is not used
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:190.3-192.4: In select case statement:
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:191.4-60: In function instance:
      REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:191.4-60: warning: The value returned by function `@REMSIM_Tests.f_rspro_exp' is not used
 REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:207.1-214.1: In altstep definition `as_rspro_create_mapping':
  REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:212.3-47: In send statement:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:212.42-46: In actual parameter list of template `@RSPRO_Types.ts_RSPRO_CreateMappingRes':
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:212.43-45: In parameter #1 for `res':
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:212.43-45: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `res', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:208.5-33: note: Referenced template parameter is here
 REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:217.1-224.1: In altstep definition `as_rspro_remove_mapping':
  REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:222.3-47: In send statement:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:222.42-46: In actual parameter list of template `@RSPRO_Types.ts_RSPRO_RemoveMappingRes':
    REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:222.43-45: In parameter #1 for `res':
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:222.43-45: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `res', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:218.5-33: note: Referenced template parameter is here
RSPRO_Server.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `RSPRO_Server':
 RSPRO_Server.ttcn:137.1-143.1: In function definition `f_rspro_srv_create_slotmap':
  RSPRO_Server.ttcn:142.2-55: In function instance:
   RSPRO_Server.ttcn:142.2-55: warning: The value returned by function `@RSPRO_Server.f_rspro_srv_exp' is not used
 RSPRO_Server.ttcn:145.1-151.1: In function definition `f_rspro_srv_remove_slotmap':
  RSPRO_Server.ttcn:150.2-55: In function instance:
   RSPRO_Server.ttcn:150.2-55: warning: The value returned by function `@RSPRO_Server.f_rspro_srv_exp' is not used
 RSPRO_Server.ttcn:153.1-159.1: In function definition `f_rspro_config_client_bank':
  RSPRO_Server.ttcn:158.2-55: In function instance:
   RSPRO_Server.ttcn:158.2-55: warning: The value returned by function `@RSPRO_Server.f_rspro_srv_exp' is not used
 RSPRO_Server.ttcn:161.1-166.1: In function definition `f_rspro_srv_reset_state':
  RSPRO_Server.ttcn:165.2-49: In function instance:
   RSPRO_Server.ttcn:165.2-49: warning: The value returned by function `@RSPRO_Server.f_rspro_srv_exp' is not used
RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `RemsimBankd_Tests':
 RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:37.1-39.1: In type definition `bankd_test_CT':
  RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:37.6-39.1: While checking uniqueness of inherited component element definitions:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:45.20-36: warning: Inherited definition with name `RSPRO' hides a module identifier
 RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:71.1-86.1: In testcase definition `TC_connectBankReq_timeout':
  RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:75.2-50: In function instance:
   RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:75.2-50: warning: The value returned by function `@RSPRO_Server.f_rspro_srv_exp' is not used
 RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:167.1-173.1: In testcase definition `TC_clientConnect_missingSlot':
  RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:170.2-73: In function instance:
   RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:170.2-73: warning: The value returned by function `@REMSIM_Tests.f_rspro_exp' is not used
 RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:365.1-376.1: In function definition `f_rspro_xceive_mdm2card_vpcd':
  RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:369.2-31: In function instance:
   RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:369.2-31: warning: The value returned by function `@VPCD_Adapter.f_vpcd_exp' is not used
 RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:380.1-408.1: In testcase definition `TC_createMapping_exchangeTPDU':
  RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:400.2-63: In function instance:
   RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:400.2-63: warning: The value returned by function `@REMSIM_Tests.f_rspro_exp' is not used
  RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:404.2-406.2: In for statement:
   RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:405.3-68: In function instance:
    RemsimBankd_Tests.ttcn:405.3-68: warning: The value returned by function `@RemsimBankd_Tests.f_rspro_xceive_mdm2card_vpcd' is not used
RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `RemsimClient_Tests':
 RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:219.1-227.1: In function definition `f_set_atr':
  RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:223.2-226.2: In interleave statement:
   RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:225.5-62: In guard operation:
    RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:225.5-62: In receive statement:
     RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:225.42-60: warning: Function invocation 'f_osmo_hexdump(atr)' may change the actual snapshot.
 RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:230.1-237.1: In function definition `f_client2bank':
  RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:236.2-64: In function instance:
   RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:236.2-64: warning: The value returned by function `@RSPRO_Server.f_rspro_srv_exp' is not used
 RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:240.1-275.1: In function definition `f_bank2client':
  RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:251.2-67: In send statement:
   RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:251.44-66: In actual parameter list of template `@RSPRO_Types.ts_RSPRO_TpduCardToModem':
    RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:251.45-46: In parameter #1 for `from_bslot':
     RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:251.45-46: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `bs', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:240.24-53: note: Referenced template parameter is here
    RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:251.49-50: In parameter #2 for `to_clslot':
     RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:251.49-50: warning: Inadequate restriction on the referenced template parameter `cs', this may cause a dynamic test case error at runtime
     RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:240.56-87: note: Referenced template parameter is here
  RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:253.2-274.2: In alt construct:
   RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:254.5-64: In guard operation:
    RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:254.5-64: In receive statement:
     RemsimClient_Tests.ttcn:254.41-62: warning: Function invocation 'f_osmo_hexdump(r_apdu)' may change the actual snapshot.
RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn: In TTCN-3 module `RemsimServer_Tests':
 RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:70.1-79.1: In function definition `f_rsres_init':
  RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:78.2-21: In function instance:
   RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:78.2-21: warning: The value returned by function `@RemsimServer_Tests.f_rsres_post_reset' is not used
 RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:81.1-83.1: In type definition `test_CT':
  RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:81.6-83.1: While checking uniqueness of inherited component element definitions:
   REMSIM_Tests.ttcn:45.20-36: warning: Inherited definition with name `RSPRO' hides a module identifier
 RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:429.1-461.1: In testcase definition `TC_slotmap_del_unack':
  RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:451.2-59: In function instance:
   RemsimServer_Tests.ttcn:451.2-59: warning: The value returned by function `@REMSIM_Tests.f_rspro_exp' is not used
Notify: Generating code...
warning: Charstring pattern: Use of unrecognized escape sequence `\"' is deprecated.
warning: Charstring pattern: Use of unrecognized escape sequence `\"' is deprecated.
Notify: File `General_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `HTTP_Adapter.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `HTTPmsg_MessageLen.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `HTTPmsg_PortType.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `HTTPmsg_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_Emulation.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPA_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPL4asp_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPL4asp_PortType.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `IPL4asp_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `JSON_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Misc_Helpers.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Native_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_CTRL_Adapter.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_CTRL_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_CTRL_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Osmocom_VTY_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PIPEasp_PortType.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PIPEasp_Templates.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `PIPEasp_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `REMSIM_Tests.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RSPRO.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RSPRO_Server.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RSPRO_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RSRES.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RemsimBankd_Tests.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RemsimClient_Tests.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `RemsimServer_Tests.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `Socket_API_Definitions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TCCConversion_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TCCInterface_Functions.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `TELNETasp_PortType.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `VPCD_Adapter.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `VPCD_CodecPort.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `VPCD_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `VPCD_Types.hh' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: File `' was generated.
Notify: 351 files were updated.
touch compile
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/remsim'
(cd s1gw && ./ && ./
Linking TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn
Linking TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn
Linking TCCInterface_ip.h
Linking TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn
Linking Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_PT.hh
Linking IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_Types.ttcn
Linking IPL4asp_protocol_L234.hh
Linking S1AP_CommonDataTypes.asn
Linking S1AP_Constants.asn
Linking S1AP_Containers.asn
Linking S1AP_IEs.asn
Linking S1AP_PDU_Contents.asn
Linking S1AP_PDU_Descriptions.asn
Linking S1AP_Types.ttcn
Linking S1AP_Templates.ttcn
Linking Misc_Helpers.ttcn
Linking General_Types.ttcn
Linking Osmocom_Types.ttcn
Linking Native_Functions.ttcn
Linking IPCP_Types.ttcn
Linking S1AP_CodecPort.ttcn
Linking S1AP_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn
Linking SCTP_Templates.ttcn
ttcn3_makefilegen: warning: TTCN-3 preprocessing (option `-p') is enabled, but no TTCN-3 files to be preprocessed were given for the Makefile.
Generating Makefile skeleton...
Makefile skeleton was generated.
make -C s1gw compile
make[1]: Entering directory '/build/s1gw'
/usr/bin/ttcn3_compiler -L -U 8 General_Types.ttcn IPCP_Types.ttcn IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn IPL4asp_Types.ttcn Misc_Helpers.ttcn Native_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn S1AP_CodecPort.ttcn S1AP_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn S1AP_Server.ttcn S1AP_Templates.ttcn S1AP_Types.ttcn S1GW_Tests.ttcn SCTP_Templates.ttcn Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn S1AP_CommonDataTypes.asn S1AP_Constants.asn S1AP_Containers.asn S1AP_IEs.asn S1AP_PDU_Contents.asn S1AP_PDU_Descriptions.asn - General_Types.ttcn IPCP_Types.ttcn IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn IPL4asp_Types.ttcn Misc_Helpers.ttcn Native_Functions.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn S1AP_CodecPort.ttcn S1AP_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn S1AP_Server.ttcn S1AP_Templates.ttcn S1AP_Types.ttcn S1GW_Tests.ttcn SCTP_Templates.ttcn Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn S1AP_CommonDataTypes.asn S1AP_Constants.asn S1AP_Containers.asn S1AP_IEs.asn S1AP_PDU_Contents.asn S1AP_PDU_Descriptions.asn
warning: Charstring pattern: Environment variable TTCN3_DIR not present. Case-insensitive universal charstring patterns are disabled.

Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `General_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPCP_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_PortType.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `IPL4asp_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Misc_Helpers.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Native_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Osmocom_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `S1AP_CodecPort.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `S1AP_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `S1AP_Server.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `S1AP_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `S1AP_Types.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `S1GW_Tests.ttcn'...
S1GW_Tests.ttcn:293.3-25: error: at or before token `e_RABlevelQoSParameters': syntax error, unexpected Identifier, expecting ',' or '}'
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `SCTP_Templates.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `Socket_API_Definitions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCConversion_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing TTCN-3 module `TCCInterface_Functions.ttcn'...
Notify: Parsing ASN.1 module `S1AP_CommonDataTypes.asn'...
S1AP_CommonDataTypes.asn:17: warning: Missing IMPORTS clause is interpreted as `IMPORTS ;' (import nothing) instead of importing all symbols from all modules.
Notify: Parsing ASN.1 module `S1AP_Constants.asn'...
Notify: Parsing ASN.1 module `S1AP_Containers.asn'...
Notify: Parsing ASN.1 module `S1AP_IEs.asn'...
Notify: Parsing ASN.1 module `S1AP_PDU_Contents.asn'...
Notify: Parsing ASN.1 module `S1AP_PDU_Descriptions.asn'...
Notify: Error found in the input modules. Code will not be generated.
make[1]: *** [Makefile:206: compile] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/s1gw'
make: *** [Makefile:115: s1gw/compile] Error 2
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE