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  1. debian-stretch-jenkins/Dockerfile: Install source-highlight (details)
Commit 932b00cfbcdd39e9997cd383e9572be937a9d85c by laforge
debian-stretch-jenkins/Dockerfile: Install source-highlight

It is needed by some user manuals using code snippet syntax
higlhlighting, such as osmo-gsm-tester one:

sleep(3) # sleep for 3 seconds

asciidoc: WARNING: test_api.adoc: line 19: filter non-zero exit code: source-highlight -f xhtml -s python: returned 127
asciidoc: WARNING: test_api.adoc: line 19: no output from filter: source-highlight -f xhtml -s python

Change-Id: I8427179f7cfc0c9150e5327803ca89adffedb8f1
The file was modified debian-stretch-jenkins/Dockerfile