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  1. saip-tool: Add new 'info' action to print general information (details)
  2. saip-tool: Add 'extract-apps' to dump all applications from eSIM profile (details)
Commit 3d70f659f3813f8fc882d4563eb5bcfc01187e10 by laforge
saip-tool: Add new 'info' action to print general information

It will print something like this:

SAIP Profile Version: 2.1
Profile Type: 'GSMA Generic eUICC Test Profile'
ICCID: 8949449999999990023f
Mandatory Services: usim, isim, csim, javacard, usim-test-algorithm

NAAs: mf[1], usim[1], csim[1], isim[1]
NAA mf
NAA usim (a0000000871002ff49ff0589)
        IMSI: 001010123456063
NAA csim
NAA isim (a0000000871004ff49ff0589)

Number of applications: 0

Change-Id: I107d457c3313a766229b569453c18a8d69134bec
The file was modified pySim/esim/saip/
The file was modified contrib/
Commit b6532b56d2e78be6ac98977b82d63c65879abe34 by laforge
saip-tool: Add 'extract-apps' to dump all applications from eSIM profile

This new action can be used to dump all java applications as either raw
IJC file or converted to CAP format (the usual format generated by
JavaCard toolchains).

Change-Id: I51cffa5ba3ddbea491341d678ec9249d7cf470a5
The file was modified pySim/esim/saip/
The file was modified contrib/
The file was addedpySim/