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  1. testenv: don't respawn on segfault (details)
  2. testenv: print backtrace on startup fail too (details)
  3. testenv: build virtphy from src with --binary-repo (details)
  4. bts: add initial testenv.cfg (details)
Commit c615e041532b855b4a15f10dfca2e5fd3cf5b31a by Pau Espin Pedrol
testenv: don't respawn on segfault

Do not respawn the process if it segfaulted or aborted abnormally in
another way (exit code >= 128).

Change-Id: I6f3f6218095643609a8b8869b57dde6b6bdb77a0
The file was modified_testenv/data/scripts/
Commit edb02d68d65ffe0de0a509dfb9e5aceb4202935e by Pau Espin Pedrol
testenv: print backtrace on startup fail too

When a program fails to start up, look for the coredump and print a
backtrace if it was found (instead of only doing it if a program
crashes later on).

Change-Id: I66a55dcfdab17d035ce6425220763a85b5b6dc90
The file was modified_testenv/testenv/
Commit 4c56973a0abb617ea759db35a1536abb59081ca0 by Oliver Smith
testenv: build virtphy from src with --binary-repo

Add logic to build virtphy from source when running with --binary-repo.
This extra code path is needed because we currently don't have virtphy
packaged (like trxcon and sccp_demo_user), and we need to build the
libosmocore binary package instead of building completely from source as
we would do it with osmo-dev.

Use ".split(" ", 1)[0]" on the program= value to only look at its first
word, so we can later on use it in testenv.cfg file as follows:

  program=virtphy -s /tmp/osmocom_l2

Change-Id: I37bac8509b2601286e4feab099782f82c8338dca
The file was modified_testenv/testenv/
Commit fa4995e8de0c32242f9ffeed3666b8f53cabebbe by Oliver Smith
bts: add initial testenv.cfg

As usually, imported from docker-playground and adjusted to run on the
loopback device.

Related: OS#6638
Change-Id: Id9ed3780d166c5f6736a006f466dc5f0dded6279
The file was addedbts/osmo-bts-oml.confmerge
The file was modifiedbts/
The file was addedbts/BTS_Tests_FH.cfg
The file was addedbts/osmo-bsc-fh.confmerge
The file was addedbts/testenv_hopping.cfg
The file was addedbts/testenv_oml.cfg
The file was addedbts/testenv_generic.cfg
The file was addedbts/BTS_Tests_OML.cfg