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VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2030)@e0cbfc627977: "Got BSSMAP Clear Complete"
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2029)@e0cbfc627977: "Got BSSMAP Clear Complete"
VirtMSC-RAN(2021)@e0cbfc627977: Deleted conn table entry 1TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2030)14831277
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:1
VirtMSC-RAN(2021)@e0cbfc627977: Deleted conn table entry 0TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2029)4909924
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2030)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RR Release"
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2030)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL Deact SACCH"
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2029)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RR Release"
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:1
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: RLC received in state:disconnect_pending 
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: RLC received in state:disconnect_pending 
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2029)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL Deact SACCH"
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2030)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack"
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2029)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack"
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2030)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2029)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct bsc_subscr" x 0, expecting 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct gsm_subscriber_connection" x 0, expecting 0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2020)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-RAN(2021)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-STATS(2019)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2024)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-IPA(2022)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2028)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2027)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2025)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-1(2026)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Setting final verdict of the test case.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of MTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-STATS(2019): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-SCCP(2020): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-RAN(2021): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA(2022): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2023): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2024): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2025): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-1(2026): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2027): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2028): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2029): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_mgwpool_pin_bts(2030): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_mgwpool_pin_bts finished. Verdict: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_pin_bts pass'.
Sat Apr 27 07:03:04 UTC 2024
====== BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_pin_bts pass ======

Saving talloc report from to BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_pin_bts.talloc
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 0 (prev_count=-1, count=397328)
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 1 (prev_count=397328, count=583949)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_pin_bts pass' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used'.
------ BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used ------
Sat Apr 27 07:03:10 UTC 2024
NOTE: unable to use dumpcap due to missing capabilities or suid bit
Waiting for packet dumper to start... 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used started.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used": using IMSI '001015050415362'H
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used": using IMSI '001014008367127'H
VirtMSC-IPA(2034)@e0cbfc627977: Established a new IPA connection (conn_id=2)
VirtMSC-IPA(2034)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA(2034)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2035)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2035)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting BSSAP RAN_Emulation to SCCP_SP_PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting MGCP RAN Emulation to IPA MGCP PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting CTRL RAN Emulation to IPA CTRL PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting RAN_Emulation
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: v_sccp_pdu_maxlen:268
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 1 is not configured, skipping
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 2 is not configured, skipping
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: BSSMAP: Received RESET-ACK in response to RESET, we're ready to go!
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2039)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2039)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_GET (4), u := { get := { { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0) } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2039)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_RESP (5), u := { resp := { { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8), data := '313233342F302F3000'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1), data := '4F736D6F636F6D205454434E2D33204254532053696D756C61746F7200'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0), data := '00'O } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2039)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used() start"
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Ignoring MGCP { command := { line := { verb := "AUEP", trans_id := "270", ep := "null@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { }, sdp := omit } }
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Ignoring MGCP { command := { line := { verb := "AUEP", trans_id := "271", ep := "null@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { }, sdp := omit } }
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Ignoring MGCP { command := { line := { verb := "AUEP", trans_id := "272", ep := "null@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { }, sdp := omit } }
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: f_create_expect(l3 := '05240103505902080910100480631772'O, n_connectPointCode := omit
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910100480631772'O to be handled at TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: First idle individual index:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Stopping inactive timer T_ias[0].
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: ExpectedCreateCallback completeLayer3Information
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910100480631772'O handled at TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: Added conn table entry 0TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)4352565
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Re-starting timer T_ias[0], which is already active (running or expired).
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2040)@e0cbfc627977: Enabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMGW-MGCP-1(2038)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for { connid := omit, endpoint := omit, transid := omit } to be handled at TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:14
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000C010B030108010100007D0180'O
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: Rx L3 from net: { discriminator := '0110'B, tiOrSkip := { skipIndicator := '0000'B }, msgs := { rrm := { assignmentCommand := { messageType := '00101110'B, descrOf1stChAfterTime := { timeslotNumber := '001'B, channelTypeandTDMAOffset := '00001'B, octet3 := '43'O ("C"), octet4 := '67'O ("g") }, PowerCommand := { powerlevel := '00111'B, fPC_EP := '0'B, ePC_Mode := '0'B, spare_1 := '0'B }, frequencyList_at := omit, cellChannelDescr := omit, descrMultislotAllocation := omit, modeOf1stChannel := { elementIdentifier := '63'O ("c"), mode := '01'O }, channelSet2 := omit, channelSet3 := omit, channelSet4 := omit, channelSet5 := omit, channelSet6 := omit, channelSet7 := omit, channelSet8 := omit, descrOf2ndChAfterTime := omit, modeOf2ndChannel := omit, mobileAllocation_at := omit, startingTime := omit, frequencyList_bt := omit, descrOf1stCh_bt := omit, descrOf2ndCh_bt := omit, frequencyChannelSequence := omit, mobileAllocation_bt := omit, cipherModeSetting := omit, vGCS_TargetModeIndication := omit, multiRateConfiguration := omit, vGCS_Ciphering_Parameters := omit, extendedTSCSet_afterTime := omit, extendedTSCSet_beforeTime := omit } } } }
VirtMGW-MGCP-1(2038)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for { line := { verb := "CRCX", trans_id := "1", ep := "0@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { { code := "C", val := "da" }, { code := "L", val := "p:20, a:GSM, nt:IN" }, { code := "M", val := "recvonly" }, { code := "X-OSMO-IGN", val := "C" } }, sdp := omit } handled at TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2040)@e0cbfc627977: Disabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Ignoring MGCP { command := { line := { verb := "AUEP", trans_id := "273", ep := "null@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { }, sdp := omit } }
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Ignoring MGCP { command := { line := { verb := "AUEP", trans_id := "274", ep := "null@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { }, sdp := omit } }
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: g_media { mgcp_ep := "0@mgw", mgcp_conn := { { crcx_seen := 1, mdcx_seen := 1, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 1, conn_id := '510D693A'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 10004 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9004 }, local_osmux_cid := 0, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, { crcx_seen := 0, mdcx_seen := 0, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 0, conn_id := '39F5C6D2'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 11004 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }, bts := { ipa_crcx_seen := true, ipa_mdcx_seen := true, conn_id := 2, rtp_pt := 3, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9004 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9004 }, local_osmux_cid := omit, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, bts1 := { ipa_crcx_seen := false, ipa_mdcx_seen := false, conn_id := 2, rtp_pt := 0, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9004 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 2, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[0]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=1, mdcx_seen_exp=1
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[1]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=0, mdcx_seen_exp=0
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: "MSC instructs BSC to clear channel"
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2041)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:6
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000420040100'O
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: "Got BSSMAP Clear Complete"
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: Deleted conn table entry 0TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)4352565
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RR Release"
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL Deact SACCH"
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: RLC received in state:disconnect_pending 
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Ignoring MGCP { command := { line := { verb := "AUEP", trans_id := "275", ep := "null@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { }, sdp := omit } }
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Ignoring MGCP { command := { line := { verb := "AUEP", trans_id := "276", ep := "null@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { }, sdp := omit } }
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack"
TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct bsc_subscr" x 0, expecting 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct gsm_subscriber_connection" x 0, expecting 0
VirtMSC-RAN(2033)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-SCCP(2032)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2036)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-STATS(2031)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-IPA(2034)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2040)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2039)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-1(2038)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Setting final verdict of the test case.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of MTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-STATS(2031): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-SCCP(2032): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-RAN(2033): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA(2034): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2035): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2036): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2037): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-1(2038): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2039): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2040): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2041): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used(2042): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used finished. Verdict: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used pass'.
Sat Apr 27 07:03:25 UTC 2024
====== BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used pass ======

Saving talloc report from to BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used.talloc
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 0 (prev_count=-1, count=298556)
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 1 (prev_count=298556, count=485355)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used pass' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band'.
------ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band ------
Sat Apr 27 07:03:30 UTC 2024
NOTE: unable to use dumpcap due to missing capabilities or suid bit
Waiting for packet dumper to start... 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band started.
VirtMSC-IPA(2046)@e0cbfc627977: Established a new IPA connection (conn_id=2)
VirtMSC-IPA(2046)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA(2046)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2047)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2047)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting BSSAP RAN_Emulation to SCCP_SP_PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting MGCP RAN Emulation to IPA MGCP PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting CTRL RAN Emulation to IPA CTRL PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting RAN_Emulation
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: v_sccp_pdu_maxlen:268
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 1 is not configured, skipping
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 2 is not configured, skipping
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: BSSMAP: Received RESET-ACK in response to RESET, we're ready to go!
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2050)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2050)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_GET (4), u := { get := { { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0) } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2050)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_RESP (5), u := { resp := { { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8), data := '313233342F302F3000'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1), data := '4F736D6F636F6D205454434E2D33204254532053696D756C61746F7200'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0), data := '00'O } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2050)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band() start"
MTC@e0cbfc627977: retrieved rate counters: "bts": { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } } }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: initial bts rate counters: { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } } }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: retrieved rate counters: "bsc": { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 } } }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: initial bsc rate counters: { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 } } }
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band": using IMSI '001012632572763'H
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: f_create_expect(l3 := '05240103505902080910106223757236'O, n_connectPointCode := omit
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910106223757236'O to be handled at TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: First idle individual index:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Stopping inactive timer T_ias[0].
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: ExpectedCreateCallback completeLayer3Information
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910106223757236'O handled at TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: Added conn table entry 0TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)16708449
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Re-starting timer T_ias[0], which is already active (running or expired).
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2051)@e0cbfc627977: Enabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2049)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for { connid := omit, endpoint := omit, transid := omit } to be handled at TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:14
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000C010B030108010100007D0180'O
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2049)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for { line := { verb := "CRCX", trans_id := "277", ep := "0@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { { code := "C", val := "db" }, { code := "L", val := "p:20, a:GSM, nt:IN" }, { code := "M", val := "recvonly" }, { code := "X-OSMO-IGN", val := "C" } }, sdp := omit } handled at TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: Rx L3 from net: { discriminator := '0110'B, tiOrSkip := { skipIndicator := '0000'B }, msgs := { rrm := { assignmentCommand := { messageType := '00101110'B, descrOf1stChAfterTime := { timeslotNumber := '001'B, channelTypeandTDMAOffset := '00001'B, octet3 := '43'O ("C"), octet4 := '67'O ("g") }, PowerCommand := { powerlevel := '00111'B, fPC_EP := '0'B, ePC_Mode := '0'B, spare_1 := '0'B }, frequencyList_at := omit, cellChannelDescr := omit, descrMultislotAllocation := omit, modeOf1stChannel := { elementIdentifier := '63'O ("c"), mode := '01'O }, channelSet2 := omit, channelSet3 := omit, channelSet4 := omit, channelSet5 := omit, channelSet6 := omit, channelSet7 := omit, channelSet8 := omit, descrOf2ndChAfterTime := omit, modeOf2ndChannel := omit, mobileAllocation_at := omit, startingTime := omit, frequencyList_bt := omit, descrOf1stCh_bt := omit, descrOf2ndCh_bt := omit, frequencyChannelSequence := omit, mobileAllocation_bt := omit, cipherModeSetting := omit, vGCS_TargetModeIndication := omit, multiRateConfiguration := omit, vGCS_Ciphering_Parameters := omit, extendedTSCSet_afterTime := omit, extendedTSCSet_beforeTime := omit } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2051)@e0cbfc627977: Disabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: g_media { mgcp_ep := "0@mgw", mgcp_conn := { { crcx_seen := 1, mdcx_seen := 1, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 1, conn_id := '31212C21'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 10002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := 0, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, { crcx_seen := 0, mdcx_seen := 0, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 0, conn_id := '62723CA3'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 11002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }, bts := { ipa_crcx_seen := true, ipa_mdcx_seen := true, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 3, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := omit, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, bts1 := { ipa_crcx_seen := false, ipa_mdcx_seen := false, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 0, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[0]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=1, mdcx_seen_exp=1
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[1]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=0, mdcx_seen_exp=0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: Remote cell's RR Handover Command passed through as L3 Info: { discriminator := '0110'B, tiOrSkip := { skipIndicator := '0000'B }, msgs := { rrm := { handoverCommand := { messageType := '00101011'B, cellDescription := { bcc := '001'B, ncc := '010'B, BCCHArfcn_HighPart := '11'B, BCCHArfcn_LowPart := '04'O }, channelDescription2 := { timeslotNumber := '110'B, channelTypeandTDMAOffset := '00001'B, octet3 := '00'O, octet4 := '09'O ("\t") }, handoverReference := { handoverReferenceValue := '00'O }, powerCommandAndAccesstype := { powerlevel := '00000'B, fPC_EP := '0'B, ePC_Mode := '0'B, aTC := '0'B }, synchronizationIndication := omit, frequencyShortListAfterTime := omit, frequencyListAfterTime := omit, cellChannelDescription := omit, multislotAllocation := omit, modeOfChannelSet1 := omit, modeOfChannelSet2 := omit, modeOfChannelSet3 := omit, modeOfChannelSet4 := omit, modeOfChannelSet5 := omit, modeOfChannelSet6 := omit, modeOfChannelSet7 := omit, modeOfChannelSet8 := omit, descrOf2ndCh_at := omit, modeOf2ndChannel := omit, frequencyChannelSequence_at := omit, mobileAllocation_at := omit, startingTime := omit, timeDifference := omit, timingAdvance := omit, frequencyShortListBeforeTime := omit, frequencyListBeforeTime := omit, descrOf1stCh_bt := omit, descrOf2ndCh_bt := omit, frequencyChannelSequence_bt := omit, mobileAllocation_bt := omit, cipherModeSetting := omit, vGCS_TargetModeIndication := omit, multiRateConfiguration := omit, dynamicARFCN_Mapping := omit, vGCS_Ciphering_Parameters := omit, dedicatedServiceInformation := omit, pLMNIndex := omit, extendedTSCSet_afterTime := omit, extendedTSCSet_beforeTime := omit } } } }
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: Remote cell's RR Handover Command passed through as L3 Info, encoded: '062BD1040E00090000'O
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:14
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000C131709062BD1040E00090000'O
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: RSL Data Req went out to first BTS: { msg_disc := { msg_group := RSL_MDISC_RLL (1), transparent := true }, msg_type := RSL_MT_DATA_REQ (1), ies := { { iei := RSL_IE_CHAN_NR (1), body := { chan_nr := { u := { ch0 := RSL_CHAN_NR_Bm_ACCH (1) }, tn := 1 } } }, { iei := RSL_IE_LINK_IDENT (2), body := { link_id := { c := FACCH_SDCCH (0), na := false, prio := SAPI0_PRIO_NORMAL (0), sapi := 0 } } }, { iei := RSL_IE_L3_INFO (11), body := { l3_info := { len := 9, payload := '062BD1040E00090000'O } } } } }
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: Found L3 Info: { l3_info := { len := 9, payload := '062BD1040E00090000'O } }
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: Success: the BSC sent out the same RR Handover Command the other BSS forwarded.
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:6
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '00042004010B'O
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: Got first DLCX: { line := { verb := "DLCX", trans_id := "279", ep := "0@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { { code := "C", val := "db" }, { code := "I", val := "31212C21" } }, sdp := omit }
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: Deleted conn table entry 0TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)16708449
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: RLC received in state:disconnect_pending 
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct bsc_subscr" x 0, expecting 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct gsm_subscriber_connection" x 0, expecting 0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2044)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-RAN(2045)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-IPA(2046)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2048)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-STATS(2043)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2051)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2049)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2050)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Setting final verdict of the test case.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of MTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-STATS(2043): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-SCCP(2044): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-RAN(2045): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA(2046): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2047): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2048): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2049): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2050): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2051): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band(2052): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band finished. Verdict: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band pass'.
Sat Apr 27 07:03:43 UTC 2024
====== BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band pass ======

Saving talloc report from to BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band.talloc
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 0 (prev_count=-1, count=715157)
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 1 (prev_count=715157, count=901551)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band pass' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc'.
------ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc ------
Sat Apr 27 07:03:48 UTC 2024
NOTE: unable to use dumpcap due to missing capabilities or suid bit
Waiting for packet dumper to start... 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc started.
VirtMSC-IPA(2056)@e0cbfc627977: Established a new IPA connection (conn_id=2)
VirtMSC-IPA(2056)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA(2056)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2057)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2057)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting BSSAP RAN_Emulation to SCCP_SP_PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting MGCP RAN Emulation to IPA MGCP PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting CTRL RAN Emulation to IPA CTRL PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting RAN_Emulation
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: v_sccp_pdu_maxlen:268
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 1 is not configured, skipping
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 2 is not configured, skipping
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: BSSMAP: Received RESET-ACK in response to RESET, we're ready to go!
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2060)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2060)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_GET (4), u := { get := { { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0) } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2060)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_RESP (5), u := { resp := { { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8), data := '313233342F302F3000'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1), data := '4F736D6F636F6D205454434E2D33204254532053696D756C61746F7200'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0), data := '00'O } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2060)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc() start"
MTC@e0cbfc627977: retrieved rate counters: "bts": { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } } }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: initial bts rate counters: { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } }, { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "incoming_intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 } } }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: retrieved rate counters: "bsc": { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 } } }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: initial bsc rate counters: { { { name := "assignment:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "assignment:error", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "handover:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_cell_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "intra_bsc_ho:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_out:error", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:attempted", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:completed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:stopped", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:no_channel", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:timeout", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:failed", val := 0 }, { name := "interbsc_ho_in:error", val := 0 } } }
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc": using IMSI '001011780566344'H
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: f_create_expect(l3 := '05240103505902080910107108653644'O, n_connectPointCode := omit
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910107108653644'O to be handled at TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: First idle individual index:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Stopping inactive timer T_ias[0].
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: ExpectedCreateCallback completeLayer3Information
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910107108653644'O handled at TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: Added conn table entry 0TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)1523742
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Re-starting timer T_ias[0], which is already active (running or expired).
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2061)@e0cbfc627977: Enabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2059)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for { connid := omit, endpoint := omit, transid := omit } to be handled at TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:14
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000C010B030108010100007D0180'O
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: Rx L3 from net: { discriminator := '0110'B, tiOrSkip := { skipIndicator := '0000'B }, msgs := { rrm := { assignmentCommand := { messageType := '00101110'B, descrOf1stChAfterTime := { timeslotNumber := '001'B, channelTypeandTDMAOffset := '00001'B, octet3 := '43'O ("C"), octet4 := '67'O ("g") }, PowerCommand := { powerlevel := '00111'B, fPC_EP := '0'B, ePC_Mode := '0'B, spare_1 := '0'B }, frequencyList_at := omit, cellChannelDescr := omit, descrMultislotAllocation := omit, modeOf1stChannel := { elementIdentifier := '63'O ("c"), mode := '01'O }, channelSet2 := omit, channelSet3 := omit, channelSet4 := omit, channelSet5 := omit, channelSet6 := omit, channelSet7 := omit, channelSet8 := omit, descrOf2ndChAfterTime := omit, modeOf2ndChannel := omit, mobileAllocation_at := omit, startingTime := omit, frequencyList_bt := omit, descrOf1stCh_bt := omit, descrOf2ndCh_bt := omit, frequencyChannelSequence := omit, mobileAllocation_bt := omit, cipherModeSetting := omit, vGCS_TargetModeIndication := omit, multiRateConfiguration := omit, vGCS_Ciphering_Parameters := omit, extendedTSCSet_afterTime := omit, extendedTSCSet_beforeTime := omit } } } }
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2059)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for { line := { verb := "CRCX", trans_id := "280", ep := "0@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { { code := "C", val := "dc" }, { code := "L", val := "p:20, a:GSM, nt:IN" }, { code := "M", val := "recvonly" }, { code := "X-OSMO-IGN", val := "C" } }, sdp := omit } handled at TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2061)@e0cbfc627977: Disabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: g_media { mgcp_ep := "0@mgw", mgcp_conn := { { crcx_seen := 1, mdcx_seen := 1, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 1, conn_id := '385C154D'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 10002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := 0, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, { crcx_seen := 0, mdcx_seen := 0, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 0, conn_id := '700B7F96'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 11002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }, bts := { ipa_crcx_seen := true, ipa_mdcx_seen := true, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 3, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := omit, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, bts1 := { ipa_crcx_seen := false, ipa_mdcx_seen := false, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 0, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[0]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=1, mdcx_seen_exp=1
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[1]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=0, mdcx_seen_exp=0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: Remote cell's RR Handover Command passed through as L3 Info: { discriminator := '0110'B, tiOrSkip := { skipIndicator := '0000'B }, msgs := { rrm := { handoverCommand := { messageType := '00101011'B, cellDescription := { bcc := '001'B, ncc := '010'B, BCCHArfcn_HighPart := '11'B, BCCHArfcn_LowPart := '04'O }, channelDescription2 := { timeslotNumber := '110'B, channelTypeandTDMAOffset := '00001'B, octet3 := '00'O, octet4 := '09'O ("\t") }, handoverReference := { handoverReferenceValue := '00'O }, powerCommandAndAccesstype := { powerlevel := '00000'B, fPC_EP := '0'B, ePC_Mode := '0'B, aTC := '0'B }, synchronizationIndication := omit, frequencyShortListAfterTime := omit, frequencyListAfterTime := omit, cellChannelDescription := omit, multislotAllocation := omit, modeOfChannelSet1 := omit, modeOfChannelSet2 := omit, modeOfChannelSet3 := omit, modeOfChannelSet4 := omit, modeOfChannelSet5 := omit, modeOfChannelSet6 := omit, modeOfChannelSet7 := omit, modeOfChannelSet8 := omit, descrOf2ndCh_at := omit, modeOf2ndChannel := omit, frequencyChannelSequence_at := omit, mobileAllocation_at := omit, startingTime := omit, timeDifference := omit, timingAdvance := omit, frequencyShortListBeforeTime := omit, frequencyListBeforeTime := omit, descrOf1stCh_bt := omit, descrOf2ndCh_bt := omit, frequencyChannelSequence_bt := omit, mobileAllocation_bt := omit, cipherModeSetting := omit, vGCS_TargetModeIndication := omit, multiRateConfiguration := omit, dynamicARFCN_Mapping := omit, vGCS_Ciphering_Parameters := omit, dedicatedServiceInformation := omit, pLMNIndex := omit, extendedTSCSet_afterTime := omit, extendedTSCSet_beforeTime := omit } } } }
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: Remote cell's RR Handover Command passed through as L3 Info, encoded: '062BD1040E00090000'O
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:14
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000C131709062BD1040E00090000'O
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: RSL Data Req went out to first BTS: { msg_disc := { msg_group := RSL_MDISC_RLL (1), transparent := true }, msg_type := RSL_MT_DATA_REQ (1), ies := { { iei := RSL_IE_CHAN_NR (1), body := { chan_nr := { u := { ch0 := RSL_CHAN_NR_Bm_ACCH (1) }, tn := 1 } } }, { iei := RSL_IE_LINK_IDENT (2), body := { link_id := { c := FACCH_SDCCH (0), na := false, prio := SAPI0_PRIO_NORMAL (0), sapi := 0 } } }, { iei := RSL_IE_L3_INFO (11), body := { l3_info := { len := 9, payload := '062BD1040E00090000'O } } } } }
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: Found L3 Info: { l3_info := { len := 9, payload := '062BD1040E00090000'O } }
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: Success: the BSC sent out the same RR Handover Command the other BSS forwarded.
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:6
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '00042004010B'O
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: Got first DLCX: { line := { verb := "DLCX", trans_id := "282", ep := "0@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { { code := "C", val := "dc" }, { code := "I", val := "385C154D" } }, sdp := omit }
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: Deleted conn table entry 0TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)1523742
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: RLC received in state:disconnect_pending 
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct bsc_subscr" x 0, expecting 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct gsm_subscriber_connection" x 0, expecting 0
IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2058)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-RAN(2055)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-SCCP(2054)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-STATS(2053)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-IPA(2056)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2061)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2059)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2060)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Setting final verdict of the test case.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of MTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-STATS(2053): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-SCCP(2054): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-RAN(2055): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA(2056): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2057): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2058): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2059): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2060): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2061): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc(2062): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc finished. Verdict: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc pass'.
Sat Apr 27 07:04:01 UTC 2024
====== BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc pass ======

Saving talloc report from to BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc.talloc
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 0 (prev_count=-1, count=711679)
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 1 (prev_count=711679, count=898300)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc pass' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1'.
------ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1 ------
Sat Apr 27 07:04:06 UTC 2024
NOTE: unable to use dumpcap due to missing capabilities or suid bit
Waiting for packet dumper to start... 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1 started.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1": using IMSI '001010409515682'H
VirtMSC-IPA(2066)@e0cbfc627977: Established a new IPA connection (conn_id=2)
VirtMSC-IPA(2066)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA(2066)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2067)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2067)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting BSSAP RAN_Emulation to SCCP_SP_PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting MGCP RAN Emulation to IPA MGCP PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting CTRL RAN Emulation to IPA CTRL PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting RAN_Emulation
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: v_sccp_pdu_maxlen:268
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 1 is not configured, skipping
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 2 is not configured, skipping
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: BSSMAP: Received RESET-ACK in response to RESET, we're ready to go!
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2070)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2070)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_GET (4), u := { get := { { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0) } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2070)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_RESP (5), u := { resp := { { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8), data := '313233342F302F3000'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1), data := '4F736D6F636F6D205454434E2D33204254532053696D756C61746F7200'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0), data := '00'O } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2070)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1() start"
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: f_create_expect(l3 := '05240103505902080910104090156528'O, n_connectPointCode := omit
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910104090156528'O to be handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: First idle individual index:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Stopping inactive timer T_ias[0].
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: ExpectedCreateCallback completeLayer3Information
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910104090156528'O handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: Added conn table entry 0TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)546928
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Re-starting timer T_ias[0], which is already active (running or expired).
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2071)@e0cbfc627977: Enabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2069)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for { connid := omit, endpoint := omit, transid := omit } to be handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:14
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000C010B030108010100007D0180'O
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: Rx L3 from net: { discriminator := '0110'B, tiOrSkip := { skipIndicator := '0000'B }, msgs := { rrm := { assignmentCommand := { messageType := '00101110'B, descrOf1stChAfterTime := { timeslotNumber := '001'B, channelTypeandTDMAOffset := '00001'B, octet3 := '43'O ("C"), octet4 := '67'O ("g") }, PowerCommand := { powerlevel := '00111'B, fPC_EP := '0'B, ePC_Mode := '0'B, spare_1 := '0'B }, frequencyList_at := omit, cellChannelDescr := omit, descrMultislotAllocation := omit, modeOf1stChannel := { elementIdentifier := '63'O ("c"), mode := '01'O }, channelSet2 := omit, channelSet3 := omit, channelSet4 := omit, channelSet5 := omit, channelSet6 := omit, channelSet7 := omit, channelSet8 := omit, descrOf2ndChAfterTime := omit, modeOf2ndChannel := omit, mobileAllocation_at := omit, startingTime := omit, frequencyList_bt := omit, descrOf1stCh_bt := omit, descrOf2ndCh_bt := omit, frequencyChannelSequence := omit, mobileAllocation_bt := omit, cipherModeSetting := omit, vGCS_TargetModeIndication := omit, multiRateConfiguration := omit, vGCS_Ciphering_Parameters := omit, extendedTSCSet_afterTime := omit, extendedTSCSet_beforeTime := omit } } } }
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2069)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for { line := { verb := "CRCX", trans_id := "283", ep := "0@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { { code := "C", val := "dd" }, { code := "L", val := "p:20, a:GSM, nt:IN" }, { code := "M", val := "recvonly" }, { code := "X-OSMO-IGN", val := "C" } }, sdp := omit } handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2071)@e0cbfc627977: Disabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: g_media { mgcp_ep := "0@mgw", mgcp_conn := { { crcx_seen := 1, mdcx_seen := 1, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 1, conn_id := '0A09F9FE'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 10002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := 0, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, { crcx_seen := 0, mdcx_seen := 0, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 0, conn_id := '64C90F0F'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 11002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }, bts := { ipa_crcx_seen := true, ipa_mdcx_seen := true, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 3, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := omit, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, bts1 := { ipa_crcx_seen := false, ipa_mdcx_seen := false, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 0, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[0]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=1, mdcx_seen_exp=1
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[1]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=0, mdcx_seen_exp=0
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: "MSC instructs BSC to clear channel"
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:6
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000420040100'O
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: "Got BSSMAP Clear Complete"
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: Deleted conn table entry 0TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)546928
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RR Release"
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: RLC received in state:disconnect_pending 
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL Deact SACCH"
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack"
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct bsc_subscr" x 0, expecting 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct gsm_subscriber_connection" x 0, expecting 0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2064)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-STATS(2063)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-RAN(2065)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2068)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-IPA(2066)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2071)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2069)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2070)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Setting final verdict of the test case.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of MTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-STATS(2063): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-SCCP(2064): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-RAN(2065): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA(2066): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2067): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2068): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2069): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2070): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2071): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1(2072): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1 finished. Verdict: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1 pass'.
Sat Apr 27 07:04:28 UTC 2024
====== BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1 pass ======

Saving talloc report from to BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1.talloc
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 0 (prev_count=-1, count=308235)
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 1 (prev_count=308235, count=495034)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1 pass' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2'.
------ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2 ------
Sat Apr 27 07:04:33 UTC 2024
NOTE: unable to use dumpcap due to missing capabilities or suid bit
Waiting for packet dumper to start... 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2 started.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2": using IMSI '001018183788310'H
VirtMSC-IPA(2076)@e0cbfc627977: Established a new IPA connection (conn_id=2)
VirtMSC-IPA(2076)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA(2076)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2077)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2077)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting BSSAP RAN_Emulation to SCCP_SP_PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting MGCP RAN Emulation to IPA MGCP PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Connecting CTRL RAN Emulation to IPA CTRL PORT
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting RAN_Emulation
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: v_sccp_pdu_maxlen:268
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 1 is not configured, skipping
MTC@e0cbfc627977: msc 2 is not configured, skipping
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: BSSMAP: Received RESET-ACK in response to RESET, we're ready to go!
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2080)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2080)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_GET (4), u := { get := { { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1) }, { len := 1, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0) } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2080)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Tx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_RESP (5), u := { resp := { { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID (8), data := '313233342F302F3000'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_MACADDR (7), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION1 (2), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_LOCATION2 (3), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_EQUIPVERS (4), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SWVERSION (5), data := '00'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_UNITNAME (1), data := '4F736D6F636F6D205454434E2D33204254532053696D756C61746F7200'O }, { len := 0, tag := IPAC_IDTAG_SERNR (0), data := '00'O } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2080)@e0cbfc627977: CCM Rx:{ msg_type := IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK (6), u := omit }
MTC@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2() start"
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: f_create_expect(l3 := '05240103505902080910101838873801'O, n_connectPointCode := omit
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910101838873801'O to be handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: First idle individual index:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Stopping inactive timer T_ias[0].
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: ExpectedCreateCallback completeLayer3Information
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for '05240103505902080910101838873801'O handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: Added conn table entry 0TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)12309002
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Warning: Re-starting timer T_ias[0], which is already active (running or expired).
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2081)@e0cbfc627977: Enabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2079)@e0cbfc627977: Created Expect[0] for { connid := omit, endpoint := omit, transid := omit } to be handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:14
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000C010B030108010100007D0180'O
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2079)@e0cbfc627977: Found Expect[0] for { line := { verb := "CRCX", trans_id := "286", ep := "0@mgw", ver := "1.0" }, params := { { code := "C", val := "de" }, { code := "L", val := "p:20, a:GSM, nt:IN" }, { code := "M", val := "recvonly" }, { code := "X-OSMO-IGN", val := "C" } }, sdp := omit } handled at TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: Rx L3 from net: { discriminator := '0110'B, tiOrSkip := { skipIndicator := '0000'B }, msgs := { rrm := { assignmentCommand := { messageType := '00101110'B, descrOf1stChAfterTime := { timeslotNumber := '001'B, channelTypeandTDMAOffset := '00001'B, octet3 := '43'O ("C"), octet4 := '67'O ("g") }, PowerCommand := { powerlevel := '00111'B, fPC_EP := '0'B, ePC_Mode := '0'B, spare_1 := '0'B }, frequencyList_at := omit, cellChannelDescr := omit, descrMultislotAllocation := omit, modeOf1stChannel := { elementIdentifier := '63'O ("c"), mode := '01'O }, channelSet2 := omit, channelSet3 := omit, channelSet4 := omit, channelSet5 := omit, channelSet6 := omit, channelSet7 := omit, channelSet8 := omit, descrOf2ndChAfterTime := omit, modeOf2ndChannel := omit, mobileAllocation_at := omit, startingTime := omit, frequencyList_bt := omit, descrOf1stCh_bt := omit, descrOf2ndCh_bt := omit, frequencyChannelSequence := omit, mobileAllocation_bt := omit, cipherModeSetting := omit, vGCS_TargetModeIndication := omit, multiRateConfiguration := omit, vGCS_Ciphering_Parameters := omit, extendedTSCSet_afterTime := omit, extendedTSCSet_beforeTime := omit } } } }
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2081)@e0cbfc627977: Disabled queueing of DChan messages
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: g_media { mgcp_ep := "0@mgw", mgcp_conn := { { crcx_seen := 1, mdcx_seen := 1, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 1, conn_id := '417E305A'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 10002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := 0, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, { crcx_seen := 0, mdcx_seen := 0, crcx_seen_exp := 1, mdcx_seen_exp := 0, conn_id := '3E614F72'H, mime_type := "GSM", sample_rate := 8000, ptime := 20, rtp_pt := 3, mgw := { host := "", port_nr := 11002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }, bts := { ipa_crcx_seen := true, ipa_mdcx_seen := true, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 3, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, local_osmux_cid := omit, remote_osmux_cid := omit }, bts1 := { ipa_crcx_seen := false, ipa_mdcx_seen := false, conn_id := 1, rtp_pt := 0, bts := { host := "", port_nr := 9002 }, peer := <unbound>, local_osmux_cid := 1, remote_osmux_cid := omit } }
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[0]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=1, mdcx_seen_exp=1
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: "TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2": Check MGCP test expectations for g_media.mgcp_conn[1]: crcx_seen=1, crcx_seen_exp=1, mdcx_seen=0, mdcx_seen_exp=0
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: "MSC instructs BSC to clear channel"
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: vl_len:6
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: vl_from0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: data sent by MTP3_SCCP_PORT: '000420040100'O
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 will be put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: DT1 data has been put to the reassembly buffer
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: DT1/segmentingReassembl/more==0 received=> send ASP_SCCP_N_DATA comes
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: "Got BSSMAP Clear Complete"
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: Deleted conn table entry 0TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)12309002
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on connection ID:0
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RR Release"
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Session index based on local reference:0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: RLC received in state:disconnect_pending 
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL Deact SACCH"
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: "Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack"
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): pass -> pass, component reason not changed
TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct bsc_subscr" x 0, expecting 0
MTC@e0cbfc627977: talloc reports "struct gsm_subscriber_connection" x 0, expecting 0
VirtMSC-SCCP(2074)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-IPA(2076)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-RAN(2075)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2078)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMSC-STATS(2073)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: setverdict(pass): none -> pass
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2081)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2079)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2080)@e0cbfc627977: Final verdict of PTC: none
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Setting final verdict of the test case.
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of MTC: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-STATS(2073): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-SCCP(2074): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-RAN(2075): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA(2076): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMSC-IPA-WAIT(2077): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-CTRL-CLI-IPA(2078): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC VirtMGW-MGCP-0(2079): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-IPA(2080): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC IPA-BTS0-TRX0-RSL-RSL(2081): none (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Local verdict of PTC TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2(2082): pass (pass -> pass)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Test case TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2 finished. Verdict: pass
MTC@e0cbfc627977: Starting external command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2 pass'.
Sat Apr 27 07:04:56 UTC 2024
====== BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2 pass ======

Saving talloc report from to BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2.talloc
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 0 (prev_count=-1, count=309625)
Waiting for packet dumper to finish... 1 (prev_count=309625, count=496659)
MTC@e0cbfc627977: External command `../ BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2 pass' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).
MC@e0cbfc627977: Test execution finished.
Execution of [EXECUTE] section finished.
MC@e0cbfc627977: Terminating MTC.
MC@e0cbfc627977: MTC terminated.
MC2> exit
MC@e0cbfc627977: Shutting down session.
MC@e0cbfc627977: Shutdown complete.

Comparing expected results '/osmo-ttcn3-hacks/bsc/expected-results.xml' against results in 'junit-xml-21.log'
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_msc_connection_status
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_msc0_connection_status
pass BSC_Tests.TC_stat_num_bts_connected_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_stat_num_bts_connected_2
pass BSC_Tests.TC_stat_num_bts_connected_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si_default
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_2_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_3_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_4_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_5_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_6_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_12_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_23_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_32_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_33_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_42_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_48_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_49_earfcns
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si_acc_rotate
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si_acc_ramp_rotate
pass BSC_Tests.TC_si2_ncc_permitted
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_noreply
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_counter
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_noest
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_noest_emerg
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rqd_emerg_deny
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_noreply
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_refused
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_nack
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_exhaustion
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_deact_silence
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_rll_rel_ind
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_conn_fail
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_clear
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_no_csfb
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_csfb
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_clear_csfb
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd_ms_dead
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_a_reset
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_sccp_tiar_timeout
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_rr_cause
pass BSC_Tests.TC_outbound_connect
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_cic_only
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_csd
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_ctm
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sign
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_0
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_4
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_4_fail
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_not_sup
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_0
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_0
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_4
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_by_mode_modify
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_efr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_amr_f
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_amr_h
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr_hr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr_fr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr_fr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr_hr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_req_hr_fr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_req_fr_hr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling_tch_forbidden
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_voice_tch_forbidden
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_osmux_on
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_osmux
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_osmux_cn
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_osmux_bts
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inact_lchan
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sacch
pass BSC_Tests.TC_tch_dlci_link_id_sapi
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_rel_ind_sapi_n_reject
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_err_ind_sapi_n_reject
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_timeout_sapi_n_reject
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rll_sapi_n_reject_dlci_cc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_nochan
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_any
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_sdcch
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_tch_f
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_tch_hf
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_ci
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lai
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_all
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_plmn_lac_rnc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_rnc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_rnc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs_empty
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi_unknown_cid
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_a_reset
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_load
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_counter
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_resp_unsol
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_500req
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_450req_no_paging_load_ind
pass BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci_resp_invalid_mi
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rsl_drop_counter
pass BSC_Tests.TC_rsl_unknown_unit_id
pass BSC_Tests.TC_oml_unknown_unit_id
pass BSC_Tests.TC_classmark
pass BSC_Tests.TC_common_id
pass BSC_Tests.TC_unsol_ass_fail
pass BSC_Tests.TC_unsol_ass_compl
pass BSC_Tests.TC_unsol_ho_fail
pass BSC_Tests.TC_err_82_short_msg
pass BSC_Tests.TC_err_84_unknown_msg
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_0
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_4
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_radio_link_failure
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_fail_no_msc_response
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_fail_rr_ho_failure
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_fail_no_result_after_ho_cmd
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_0
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_4
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3_no_chosen_enc_alg
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_mismatch
pass BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran
pass BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_a5_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_src_sai
pass BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out
pass BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_forbid_fast_return
pass BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out_forbid_fast_return
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears_after_ho_detect
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect2
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_mgw_mdcx_timeout
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_ipa_crcx_timeout
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_sccp_cr_without_bssap
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_2
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_3
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_4
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_5
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_6
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_7
pass BSC_Tests.TC_bssap_rlsd_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset
pass BSC_Tests.TC_bssmap_clear_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ms_rel_ind_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_deact
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_nack
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_deact
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_nack
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_deact
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_all_subslots_used
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_tch_call_act_deact
pass BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_nack
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chopped_ipa_ping
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chopped_ipa_payload
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_verify_ms_power_params_ie
pass BSC_Tests.TC_c0_power_red_mode
pass BSC_Tests.TC_early_conn_fail
pass BSC_Tests.TC_late_conn_fail
pass BSC_Tests.TC_stats_conn_fail
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow_imei
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_msc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_bts
pass BSC_Tests.TC_emerg_premption
pass BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_chan_activ
pass BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_imm_ass
pass BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_assignment_cmd
pass BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_handover_cmd
pass BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_si4_cbch
pass BSC_Tests.TC_no_msc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_refuse_chan_act_to_vamos
pass BSC_Tests.TC_refuse_mode_modif_to_vamos
pass BSC_Tests.TC_reassignment_fr
pass BSC_Tests.TC_cm_reestablishment
pass BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_post_chan_ack
pass BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack
pass BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack
pass BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack_dyn_ts
pass BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack_dyn_ts
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated_dyn
pass BSC_Tests.TC_cm_serv_rej
pass BSC_Tests.TC_lost_sdcch_during_assignment
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_alloc_algo_ascending
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_alloc_algo_descending
pass BSC_Tests.TC_chan_alloc_algo_ass_dynamic
pass BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_all_used
pass BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_blocked_not_used
pass BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_pin_bts
pass BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band
pass BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc
pass BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1
pass BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2
NEW: FAIL BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_location

  NEW: FAIL: 1
  pass: 218
  skip: 99

+ exit_code=0
+ /osmo-ttcn3-hacks/ BSC_Tests --rm
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_cic_only.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_amr_f.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_amr_h.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_efr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_by_mode_modify.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr_hr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr_fr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr_hr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr_fr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_hr_osmux_on.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_req_fr_hr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_codec_req_hr_fr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_csd.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_ctm.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow_imei.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_bts.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_msc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_0.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_4.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_4_fail.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_fr_a5_not_sup.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_osmux.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_osmux_bts.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_osmux_cn.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling_tch_forbidden.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_voice_tch_forbidden.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_sign.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_assignment_verify_ms_power_params_ie.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_bssap_rlsd_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_bssmap_clear_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_c0_power_red_mode.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_noreply.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_refused.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_noest.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_ack_noest_emerg.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_counter.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_nack.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_act_noreply.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_alloc_algo_ascending.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_alloc_algo_ass_dynamic.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_alloc_algo_descending.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_deact_silence.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_exhaustion.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_a_reset.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_conn_fail.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_clear.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_clear_csfb.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd_ms_dead.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_csfb.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_no_csfb.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_rll_rel_ind.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_rr_cause.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rel_sccp_tiar_timeout.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chan_rqd_emerg_deny.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chopped_ipa_payload.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_chopped_ipa_ping.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_0.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_0.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ciph_mode_a5_4.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_classmark.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_cm_reestablishment.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_cm_serv_rej.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_common_id.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_location.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_msc0_connection_status.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_msc_connection_status.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_deact.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_nack.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_deact.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_nack.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_deact.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_nack.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_all_subslots_used.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_tch_call_act_deact.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_early_conn_fail.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_emerg_premption.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_err_82_short_msg.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_err_84_unknown_msg.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_assignment_cmd.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_chan_activ.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_handover_cmd.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_imm_ass.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_fh_params_si4_cbch.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_ipa_crcx_timeout.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_mgw_mdcx_timeout.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears_after_ho_detect.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect2.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_0.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_a5_4.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_int_radio_link_failure.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_0.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3_no_chosen_enc_alg.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_4.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_mismatch.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_into_this_bsc_sccp_cr_without_bssap.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_2.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_4.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_5.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_6.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_neighbor_config_7.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_fail_no_msc_response.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_fail_no_result_after_ho_cmd.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_fail_rr_ho_failure.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_post_chan_ack.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack_dyn_ts.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack_dyn_ts.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_late_conn_fail.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_lost_sdcch_during_assignment.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_all_used.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_blocked_not_used.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_mgwpool_pin_bts.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ms_rel_ind_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_no_msc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_oml_unknown_unit_id.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_outbound_connect.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_450req_no_paging_load_ind.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_500req.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_counter.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_a_reset.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_load.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_all.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi_unknown_cid.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci_resp_invalid_mi.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_ci.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_rnc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs_empty.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lai.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_plmn_lac_rnc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_imsi_nochan_rnc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_resp_unsol.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_any.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_nochan.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_sdcch.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_tch_f.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_paging_tmsi_tch_hf.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated_dyn.merged
ttcn3_logmerge: warning: timestamp is in wrong order in file BSC_Tests-TC_reassignment_fr-e0cbfc627977-1865.log line 323
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_reassignment_fr.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_refuse_chan_act_to_vamos.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_refuse_mode_modif_to_vamos.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_err_ind_sapi_n_reject.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inact_lchan.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sacch.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_rel_ind_sapi_n_reject.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_sapi_n_reject_dlci_cc.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rll_timeout_sapi_n_reject.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rsl_drop_counter.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_rsl_unknown_unit_id.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2_ncc_permitted.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_12_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_23_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_2_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_32_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_33_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_3_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_42_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_48_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_49_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_4_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_5_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si2quater_6_earfcns.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si_acc_ramp_rotate.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si_acc_rotate.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_si_default.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_a5_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_forbid_fast_return.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out_forbid_fast_return.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_src_sai.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_stat_num_bts_connected_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_stat_num_bts_connected_2.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_stat_num_bts_connected_3.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_stats_conn_fail.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_tch_dlci_link_id_sapi.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_unsol_ass_compl.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_unsol_ass_fail.merged
Generated BSC_Tests.TC_unsol_ho_fail.merged
Removing Input log files !!!
+ exit 0
+ clean_up_common
+ set +e
+ set +x

### Clean up ###

+ trap - EXIT INT TERM 0
+ type clean_up
+ network_clean
+ docker network inspect ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-143
+ grep Name
+ cut -d : -f2
+ awk -F" NR>1{print $2}
+ local containers=jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts0
+ [ -n jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts0
jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts1 ]
+ docker_kill_wait jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts0 jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bsc jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts2 jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts1
+ docker kill jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts0 jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bsc jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts2 jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts1
+ docker wait jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts0 jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bsc jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts2 jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts1
Error response from daemon: No such container: jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts0
Error response from daemon: No such container: jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bsc
Error response from daemon: No such container: jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-bts1
+ true
+ network_remove
+ set +x
Removing network ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-143
+ docker network remove ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-143
+ rm -rf /home/osmocom-build/jenkins/workspace/ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite/logs/unix
+ fix_perms
+ set +x
Fixing permissions
+ id -u
+ id -g
+ docker run --rm -v /home/osmocom-build/jenkins/workspace/ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite/logs:/data -v /home/osmocom-build/jenkins/workspace/ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite/_cache:/cache --name jenkins-ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite-2199-cleaner debian:bookworm sh -e -x -c 
				chmod -R a+rX /data/ /cache/
				chown -R 1000:1000 /data /cache
+ chmod -R a+rX /data/ /cache/
+ chown -R 1000:1000 /data /cache
+ collect_logs
+ cat /home/osmocom-build/jenkins/workspace/ttcn3-bsc-test-sccplite/logs/bsc-tester/junit-xml-21.log
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<testsuite name='BSC_Tests' tests='219' failures='1' errors='0' skipped='0' inconc='0' time='4512.00'>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ctrl_msc_connection_status' time='5.860513'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ctrl_msc0_connection_status' time='5.928783'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_stat_num_bts_connected_1' time='7.252034'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_stat_num_bts_connected_2' time='9.379136'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_stat_num_bts_connected_3' time='11.631350'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ctrl' time='8.289386'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ctrl_location' time='9.035502'>
    <failure type='fail-verdict'>Timeout waiting for CTRL SET REPLY "rf_locked"
      BSC_Tests.ttcn:12582 BSC_Tests control part
      BSC_Tests.ttcn:3375 TC_ctrl_location testcase
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si_default' time='10.939384'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_2_earfcns' time='12.993175'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_3_earfcns' time='12.994992'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_4_earfcns' time='12.996391'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_5_earfcns' time='13.017250'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_6_earfcns' time='12.988920'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_12_earfcns' time='13.011761'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_23_earfcns' time='13.035848'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_32_earfcns' time='13.063261'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_33_earfcns' time='13.046533'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_42_earfcns' time='13.052385'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_48_earfcns' time='13.078814'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2quater_49_earfcns' time='11.080659'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si_acc_rotate' time='42.599881'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si_acc_ramp_rotate' time='18.910037'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_si2_ncc_permitted' time='5.924805'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_act_noreply' time='5.940149'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_act_counter' time='12.151405'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_act_ack_noest' time='8.950169'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_act_ack_noest_emerg' time='8.941701'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rqd_emerg_deny' time='5.929705'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_noreply' time='25.943486'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_refused' time='7.939763'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_act_nack' time='6.433672'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_exhaustion' time='5.966452'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_deact_silence' time='8.934257'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_rll_rel_ind' time='8.986467'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_conn_fail' time='9.141260'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_hard_clear' time='7.981476'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_no_csfb' time='7.979750'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_csfb' time='7.978397'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_hard_clear_csfb' time='7.989501'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd' time='7.973545'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd_ms_dead' time='7.983954'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_a_reset' time='7.981324'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_sccp_tiar_timeout' time='12.944990'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_rel_rr_cause' time='18.249444'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_outbound_connect' time='5.921112'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_cic_only' time='11.027937'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_csd' time='52.726460'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_ctm' time='10.963045'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_sign' time='9.283123'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_fr_a5_0' time='11.186491'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_fr_a5_1' time='11.167830'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_fr_a5_3' time='11.198341'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_fr_a5_4' time='11.201003'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_fr_a5_4_fail' time='9.111567'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_fr_a5_not_sup' time='9.121411'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ciph_mode_a5_0' time='9.125122'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ciph_mode_a5_1' time='9.148220'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_0' time='9.144700'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_1' time='9.148028'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ciph_mode_a5_3' time='9.127330'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ciph_mode_a5_4' time='9.142484'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_fr' time='11.229937'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_fr_by_mode_modify' time='9.179915'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_hr' time='11.231625'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_efr' time='11.176140'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_amr_f' time='11.200627'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_amr_h' time='11.229090'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr' time='11.184077'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr' time='9.131767'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr_hr' time='11.161982'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr_fr' time='11.165107'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr' time='11.182478'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr' time='9.108809'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr_fr' time='11.174686'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr_hr' time='11.194791'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_req_hr_fr' time='11.181977'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_req_fr_hr' time='11.163474'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling' time='9.109566'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling_tch_forbidden' time='6.932281'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_voice_tch_forbidden' time='9.120423'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_codec_hr_osmux_on' time='11.213724'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_osmux' time='11.182301'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_osmux_cn' time='11.193102'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_osmux_bts' time='11.148585'/>
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  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi1' time='7.913153'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi3' time='7.943529'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sacch' time='7.934393'/>
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  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rll_rel_ind_sapi_n_reject' time='8.979053'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rll_err_ind_sapi_n_reject' time='7.977092'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rll_timeout_sapi_n_reject' time='14.955126'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rll_sapi_n_reject_dlci_cc' time='7.956681'/>
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  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_tmsi_nochan' time='24.315412'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_tmsi_any' time='24.385495'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_tmsi_sdcch' time='24.414833'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_tmsi_tch_f' time='24.419423'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_tmsi_tch_hf' time='24.327908'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi' time='24.584473'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_ci' time='24.658316'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci' time='24.533194'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lai' time='24.490736'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac' time='24.432170'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_all' time='24.313260'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_plmn_lac_rnc' time='12.639878'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_rnc' time='12.630210'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_rnc' time='12.677576'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs' time='24.389768'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs_empty' time='12.703195'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi_unknown_cid' time='12.722941'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_a_reset' time='15.522744'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_load' time='22.576681'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_counter' time='24.421451'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_resp_unsol' time='11.305269'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_500req' time='19.221815'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_450req_no_paging_load_ind' time='60.833293'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci_resp_invalid_mi' time='23.160489'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rsl_drop_counter' time='6.296583'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_rsl_unknown_unit_id' time='0.029406'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_oml_unknown_unit_id' time='0.037382'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_classmark' time='6.524387'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_common_id' time='9.080035'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_unsol_ass_fail' time='14.057035'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_unsol_ass_compl' time='14.056023'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_unsol_ho_fail' time='14.062854'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_err_82_short_msg' time='14.079574'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_err_84_unknown_msg' time='9.041002'/>
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  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_int_a5_0' time='16.481738'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_int_a5_1' time='16.490265'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_int_a5_3' time='16.525924'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_int_a5_4' time='16.471902'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_int_radio_link_failure' time='15.147328'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_out_fail_no_msc_response' time='27.559273'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_out_fail_rr_ho_failure' time='15.156458'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_out_fail_no_result_after_ho_cmd' time='21.075060'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc' time='10.278822'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_0' time='10.402574'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1' time='10.400569'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_3' time='10.389260'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_4' time='10.389643'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3_no_chosen_enc_alg' time='10.425565'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3' time='10.407002'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_mismatch' time='8.328848'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran' time='10.521300'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_a5_3' time='10.525605'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_src_sai' time='10.509697'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out' time='10.961491'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_forbid_fast_return' time='10.379224'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out_forbid_fast_return' time='10.995507'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears' time='10.349944'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears_after_ho_detect' time='9.335429'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect' time='12.344810'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect2' time='12.326359'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_in_fail_mgw_mdcx_timeout' time='12.335276'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_in_fail_ipa_crcx_timeout' time='11.326828'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_into_this_bsc_sccp_cr_without_bssap' time='10.386825'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_neighbor_config_1' time='32.789931'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_neighbor_config_2' time='25.059945'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_neighbor_config_3' time='25.091783'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_neighbor_config_4' time='31.064344'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_neighbor_config_5' time='21.089389'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_neighbor_config_6' time='21.568000'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_neighbor_config_7' time='24.557941'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_bssap_rlsd_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset' time='18.417825'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_bssmap_clear_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset' time='34.833112'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ms_rel_ind_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset' time='35.082460'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_deact' time='11.329986'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_nack' time='9.952419'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_deact' time='7.933059'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_nack' time='7.927644'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_deact' time='17.089330'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_all_subslots_used' time='29.445292'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_tch_call_act_deact' time='17.111401'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_nack' time='14.079185'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chopped_ipa_ping' time='72.123989'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chopped_ipa_payload' time='84.098649'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_verify_ms_power_params_ie' time='7.487084'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_c0_power_red_mode' time='5.932509'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_early_conn_fail' time='5.929330'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_late_conn_fail' time='8.985773'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_stats_conn_fail' time='10.343069'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow' time='11.156753'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow_imei' time='11.155979'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_msc' time='10.110091'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_bts' time='10.126245'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_emerg_premption' time='10.015429'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_fh_params_chan_activ' time='5.957043'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_fh_params_imm_ass' time='5.961203'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_fh_params_assignment_cmd' time='9.210414'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_fh_params_handover_cmd' time='11.491788'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_fh_params_si4_cbch' time='6.028125'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_no_msc' time='7.069902'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_refuse_chan_act_to_vamos' time='11.934190'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_refuse_mode_modif_to_vamos' time='16.169087'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_reassignment_fr' time='18.949748'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_cm_reestablishment' time='24.431200'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_imm_ass_post_chan_ack' time='13.024685'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack' time='12.989514'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack' time='12.983470'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack_dyn_ts' time='13.034628'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack_dyn_ts' time='13.024498'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked' time='14.175152'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated' time='34.442629'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated_dyn' time='54.780668'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_cm_serv_rej' time='11.134737'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_lost_sdcch_during_assignment' time='7.610001'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_alloc_algo_ascending' time='21.360151'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_alloc_algo_descending' time='23.728208'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_chan_alloc_algo_ass_dynamic' time='21.834862'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_mgwpool_all_used' time='13.515864'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_mgwpool_blocked_not_used' time='13.343422'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_mgwpool_pin_bts' time='13.397137'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used' time='14.199966'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band' time='11.996477'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc' time='11.969184'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1' time='21.167822'/>
  <testcase classname='BSC_Tests' name='TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2' time='21.187845'/>
Recording test results
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
Build step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed build result to UNSTABLE
Archiving artifacts
Finished: UNSTABLE