sccp: Allow marking UNIT-DATA.req Sequence Control param non-presence, (details)
AS loadsharing: Log routing lookup logic (details)
sccp_scrc: Improve logging of route lookup failure (details)
ASP loadsharing: Normal ASP distribution regardless of active state (details)
AS loadsharing: Normal route distribution regardless of active state (details)
route: osmo_ss7_route_name(): Use osmo_ss7_pointcode_print_buf() (details)
vty: Add cmd 'show cs7 instance <0-15> as name AS_NAME' (details)
by Pau Espin Pedrol
sccp: Allow marking UNIT-DATA.req Sequence Control param non-presence, set SLS
The public API for SCCP UNIT-DATA.req was missing a way to state whether the "Sequence Control" Parameter was present or not in the primitive.
This was originated most probably by the fact that the field is always present for SUA CLDT message generated and sent over the wire.
Still, the presence of such field during UNIT-DATA.req actually indicates the Protocol Class to be used/set on the message. Hence, it is important to provide it.
Once the Protocol Class to transmit the message is known, we can then generate a proper SLS.
by Pau Espin Pedrol
ASP loadsharing: Normal ASP distribution regardless of active state
Before this patch, the normal ASP for a given loadshare eSLS entry (seed) would only be filled in with active ASPs. That means that if eg. N ASPs are configured but only 1 is successfully activated upon startup and a lot of traffic happens, the full eSLS will be filled with that ASP, and as a result all traffic will be sent to that ASP, with the exception during the time that ASP is inactive.
Instead, we want to populate the eSLS table with Normal ASP field properly distributed over all ASPs. If a given ASP is not active at that time, then simply pick an Alternative ASP during that time.
by Pau Espin Pedrol
AS loadsharing: Normal route distribution regardless of active state
Before this patch, the normal route for a given loadshare eSLS entry (seed) would only be filled in with available routes. That means that if eg. N routes are configured but only 1 is really available upon startup and a lot of traffic happens, the full eSLS will be filled with that route, and as a result all traffic on that combined linkset will be sent through that route.
Instead, we want to populate the eSLS table with Normal Route field properly distributed over all routes. If a given route is not active at that time, then simply pick an Alternative Route during that time.