#7328 (Mar 5, 2025, 3:05:05 PM)
- trx_toolkit: fix typos in Transceiver API doc — laforge / detail
- trx_toolkit: correct Tx burst advance value — laforge / detail
#7310 (Feb 25, 2025, 3:15:05 PM)
- trx_toolkit/transceiver: Spellcheck — Kirill Smelkov / detail
#7309 (Feb 25, 2025, 10:10:08 AM)
- Revert "Revert "trx_toolkit/ implement the transmit burst — Kirill Smelkov / detail
- trxcon: Advance Uplink TDMA Fn by default again — Kirill Smelkov / detail
- trx_toolkit/transceiver: Do not forward nor log from under tx_queue_lock — Kirill Smelkov / detail
- trx_toolkit/transceiver: Do not scan tx_queue twice on tx path — Kirill Smelkov / detail
- trx_toolkit/transceiver: Use with tx_queue_lock instead of manual — Kirill Smelkov / detail
- trx_toolkit/*: Represent bursts as arrays instead of lists — Kirill Smelkov / detail
- trx_toolkit/*: Try to avoid copying burst data where possible — Kirill Smelkov / detail