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  1. gcc/Makefile: set shell: bash -o pipefail -e (details)
  2. gcc/Makefile: fail early if xxd is not installed (details)
Commit adf25497392f54d78c52a2187bfdc604f79ac77c by Oliver Smith
gcc/Makefile: set shell: bash -o pipefail -e

Don't ignore errors from commands piped into others, like in this line
in the Makefile that has been added in aaec8734 ("add fw update

  printf $$CRC_HEX | xxd -r -p | xxd -e | xxd -r | dd of=$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME)-dfu.bin bs=1 seek=$$CRC_CHECKSUM_OFFSET conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null; \

Change-Id: I9459f63828eab461607fa9f226716d32ae898549
The file was modifiedgcc/Makefile
Commit 164434a7560721df3546aca01e34b6b15d0414c9 by Oliver Smith
gcc/Makefile: fail early if xxd is not installed

Since aaec8734 ("add fw update crcstub") the xxd program is required for
running the Makefile.

Change-Id: I6a3e7021929ba58c14f1ffced5702d2dfa839ebe
The file was modifiedgcc/Makefile