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  1. jobs/registry-rebuild-upload-android: new job (details)
  2. jobs/master-builds: add android-apdu-proxy (details)
  3. jobs/master-builds: archive android-apdu-proxy apk (details)
Commit 9b4ec15a8c9699660ec4cddb86ff18a14ed22a36 by Oliver Smith
jobs/registry-rebuild-upload-android: new job

Add a job to build and upload the debian-bookworm-android image, to be
used for building the android-apdu-proxy app and possibly more in the

Related: OS#6367
Depends: docker-playground Ic7a454be23072c3f0ed609d370fc88f49205b04c
Change-Id: Ia71bf8df638b9c4359d8b1a723795029541e023a
The file was addedjobs/registry-rebuild-upload.yml
Commit 7bc78a2d70801d3f121a849c5959a114a6679d98 by Oliver Smith
jobs/master-builds: add android-apdu-proxy

Gradle downloads a lot of files during the build, mount the cache dirs
so this is only done once for master builds.

Related: OS#6367
Change-Id: Ie7c3948e8c4a1a75a1efaac3e7c238601c5cdccb
The file was modifiedjobs/master-builds.yml
Commit becb9cb6e8efdfcdc91ce7a5ccdae938ec457b3c by Oliver Smith
jobs/master-builds: archive android-apdu-proxy apk

Store the apk after successful run of the android-apdu-proxy job. It can
be found by clicking on a job at [1] and then clicking on "default"
(since the job is behind a matrix, as all master jobs).


Related: OS#6367
Change-Id: If3224da6c4e3fa90fa84abfec4e75efd634a8bfa
The file was modifiedjobs/master-builds.yml